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“法出波斯”:“三勒浆”源流考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈明 《历史研究》2012,(1):4-23,190
"三勒浆"是唐代从波斯传入的一种果品饮料,本出自印度,由"三果"(诃梨勒、毗梨勒、庵摩勒)配制而成。三勒浆成为唐代上层社会的一种时尚饮品;宋代南方与之相关的诃子汤、余甘子汤则声名北被;元代许国祯更使三勒浆重现短暂的风光;明清以降,尽管三勒浆已几乎不再酿制,但相关知识在文献中代有传递,人们仍然试图保持对唐代风物的历史记忆。三果在古代印度的医疗与饮食中占据重要位置,且有相关的神话式描述相匹配。波斯、阿拉伯医学文献及《回回药方》多处记载了"三勒"的入药与入饮,说明其在波斯、阿拉伯地区是比较流行的,这与"三勒"在中土的流传颇有差异,原因在于波斯、中国与印度之间文化的不同。作为文化的中转站,波斯不仅为印度这一饮食习俗的向外传播提供了二度契机,而且使这一习俗在中土"披上"了波斯风物的美妙"外衣"。因此,中、印、波三地某些饮食习俗的传递与吸纳,体现的是三地文化和宗教之间的差异、选择与互动。  相似文献   
21世纪以来,我国的经济社会发展对文物保护工作提出了更多、更高的要求。文物保护行业协会和从业人员应在尊重传统的基础上,具备创新思维和宏观视野,注重团队协作,创造性地将传统工艺与现代科技有机结合,更好地履行文物保护修复的使命与责任。  相似文献   
Wu, H., Coty, D. & Ding, M., 10.4.2015. First artematopodid beetle in Mexican amber and its biogeographic implications (Coleoptera, Artematopodidae). Alcheringa 39, xxx-xxx. ISSN 0311-5518

Artematopodidae is a small polyphagan family forming one of the basal lineages of Elateroidea. Fossil artematopodids are rare and thus far confined to Eocene Baltic amber. Here, we report the first artematopodid, Electribius palaeomexicanus sp. nov., from Mexican amber. The fossil is placed in Electribius as supported by the following combination of characters: the presence of a setose cavity between the antennal insertion and eye, a shallow groove at the base of the pronotum connecting a pair of cavities, the elytral sutural stria deepened at the apex, and having an indistinct median part of suture between abdominal ventrites 3–5. Electribius palaeomexicanus is compared with all known Electribius species, and it is easily distinguished by its body colour, intercoxal process shape, and length of the longitudinal median ridge on ventrite 5. The new discovery suggests that the modern Central American endemic Electribius has survived in this region at least since the mid-Miocene. It provides new insights into the origin and evolution of Electribius through the Cenozoic.

Hao Wu [] and Ming Ding [], Zhejiang Museum of Natural History, No. 6 of West Lake Culture Plaza, Hangzhou, 310014, PR China; David Coty [], Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Institut de Systématique, Evolution, Biodiversité, ISYEB, UMR 7205 CNRS UPMC EPHE, CP50, 45 rue Buffon, F-75005 Paris, France.  相似文献   
Perth is the largest city in Western Australia and home to three-quarters of the state's residents. In recent decades, there have been a lot of earthquake activities just east of Perth in an area known as the South-West Seismic Zone. Previous numerical results of site response analyses based on limited available geology information for PMA indicated that Perth Basin might amplify the bedrock motion by more than 10 times at some frequencies and at some sites. Hence, more detailed studies on site characterization and amplification are necessary. The microtremor method using spatial autocorrelation (SPAC) processing is a useful tool for gaining thickness and shear wave velocity (SWV) of sediments and has been adopted in many previous studies. In this study, the response spectrum of rock site corresponding to the 475-year return period for PMA is defined according to the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) based on the latest ground motion attenuation model of Southwest Western Australia. Site characterization in PMA is performed using two microtremor measurements, namely SPAC technique and H/V method. The clonal selection algorithm (CSA) is introduced to perform direct inversion of SPAC curves to determine the soil profiles of representative PMA sites investigated in this study. Using the simulated bedrock motion as input, the responses of the soil sites are estimated using numerical method based on the shear-wave velocity vs. depth profiles determined from the SPAC technique. The response spectrum of the earthquake ground motion on surface of each site is derived from the numerical results of the site response analysis, and compared with the respective design spectrum defined in the Australian Earthquake Loading Code. The comparison shows that the code spectra are conservative in the short period range, but may slightly underestimate the response spectrum at some long period range.  相似文献   
一、中华帆的起源中国是世界古代发明创造舟船、开拓航海科技的领先国家之一。目前已知最早的舟船文物是公元前60~前30世纪时期的浙江萧山跨湖桥遗址、宁波河姆渡遗址、杭州水田畈良渚遗址出土的独木舟、木桨。在中国传统舟船上发明并使用帆篷的时间也是很早的,但确切年代至今无定论。本文名之为中华帆。相当一部分学者认为,中华帆大约始于春秋战国时期,也就是公元前8~前3世纪,也有人认为始于  相似文献   
试论唐代吐蕃与西北各族的文化交流   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在经略西北地区和统治被征服地区民族的过程中,吐蕃与西北各民族在政治、经济、文化等方面有过密切的交往。西北各族丰富的、独具特色的文化元素曾经影响到吐蕃文化,佛教传入吐蕃也有西北各族的贡献;同样,吐蕃文化也长久地影响到了西北各族,主要表现在文字、服饰、艺术等方面。吐蕃与西北各族的这种文化交流,促进了各自社会、经济、文化的发展,也为丰富多元一体的中华文化做出了贡献。  相似文献   
根据明太祖诏令文书,对明朝初年外交观念进行初步考察,明太祖外交观念的基础不是建立在广义的天下观上,而是建立在国家观上。尽管王朝初建时,也有天下主身份与形象展现,但是在现实中则更多地定位于大国之君。这说明在明朝统治者的认识中,天下国家已经重新定位:从一元天下到多元国家,从天下主到大国之君。所谓从"天下"缩变为"中国"的过程就这样开始了。从传统帝国天下观到国家观,观念重构的过程,也就是历史转折的过程,标志了传统帝国逐步向近代国家转型的趋向。  相似文献   
为了解辽宁法库叶茂台出土辽代丝绸的老化程度,应用十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法(简称SDS-PAGE)分析辽代丝绸蛋白质的相对分子量,并依据与现代蚕丝蛋白质组成分子量的对比结果来探讨辽代丝绸的老化特征。SDS-PAGE结果表明辽代丝绸蚕丝蛋白质残留着相对分子量为65kD和56kD两条肽链,而蚕丝蛋白质通常含有的25kD轻链蛋白却并不存在,其丝绸组成已经发生了明显变化,说明辽代丝绸糟朽严重,并经进一步分析认为65kD和56kD两条肽链是蚕丝蛋白质重链(390kD)断裂的产物,而25kD蛋白的消失则推测辽丝绸蛋白非结晶区域肽链或已分解,或已降解为更小分子量的的肽链。X射线衍射结果分析表明由于蚕丝蛋白非结晶区域肽段降解速度明显快于结晶区域,致使埋藏于地下多年的辽代蚕丝蛋白结晶度反而大于现代蚕丝。  相似文献   
冲绳的驻日美军基地是维持日美安保体制的核心内容,20世纪60年代,美国军方和国务院围绕是否将冲绳归还日本的问题发生分歧,最终主张归还的一方占据上风,其战略意图体现为,力求以归还冲绳为契机,进一步增强作为美国亚洲战略依托的日美安保体的有效性制,由此迫使日本在亚太地区承担更多的军事防卫责任。  相似文献   
X. WANG  S. WU  S. YUAN  D. WANG  Y. MA  G. YAO  Y. GONG  G. ZHANG 《Geofluids》2010,10(3):351-368
Interpretation of high‐resolution two‐dimensional (2D) and three‐dimensional (3D) seismic data collected in the Qiongdongnan Basin, South China Sea reveals the presence of polygonal faults, pockmarks, gas chimneys and slope failure in strata of Pliocene and younger age. The gas chimneys are characterized by low‐amplitude reflections, acoustic turbidity and low P‐wave velocity indicating fluid expulsion pathways. Coherence time slices show that the polygonal faults are restricted to sediments with moderate‐amplitude, continuous reflections. Gas hydrates are identified in seismic data by the presence of bottom simulating reflectors (BSRs), which have high amplitude, reverse polarity and are subparallel to seafloor. Mud diapirism and mounded structures have variable geometry and a great diversity regarding the origin of the fluid and the parent beds. The gas chimneys, mud diapirism, polygonal faults and a seismic facies‐change facilitate the upward migration of thermogenic fluids from underlying sediments. Fluids can be temporarily trapped below the gas hydrate stability zone, but fluid advection may cause gas hydrate dissociation and affect the thickness of gas hydrate zone. The fluid accumulation leads to the generation of excess pore fluids that release along faults, forming pockmarks and mud volcanoes on the seafloor. These features are indicators of fluid flow in a tectonically‐quiescent sequence, Qiongdongnan Basin. Geofluids (2010) 10 , 351–368  相似文献   
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