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在少数民族学生的汉语听力能力培养上,在人际交往中听与说紧密相连,只有听明白对方的意思,才能够正确的回答。在汉语教学中,听力训练是一门必不可少的课程。本人结合实践,从以下几种能力方面,对听力的训练进行重点的培养。  相似文献   
最好的旅行作家其实不是在简单地记叙旅游见闻。他们写的是自己对所到之处的感悟,或是以独特视角观察到的世间百态。  相似文献   
自上个世纪后半叶起,俄罗斯、中国、朝鲜以及日本的学者对渤海国(公元698~926年)的历史与文化的兴趣日趋浓厚.这完全是因为渤海国的疆域曾经囊括当代的俄罗斯滨海边区、中国和朝鲜的东北部的大部分领土,而日本则与渤海国曾经有过频繁的经贸往来和外交联系.  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯位于长城和黄河之间,15世纪中后期以降作为中原汉地和蒙古高原的交接地带,其地域社会的特色非常明显。康熙中叶之后,随着该地区农耕经济的产生,引起多方面的社会变动,体现在人文地理、经济生活、社会组织诸领域。  相似文献   
In 1932 Sherrington and Adrian were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "for their discoveries regarding the functions of neurons" and in 1944 Erlanger and Gasser were awarded the same prize "for their discoveries relating to the highly differentiated functions of single nerve fibres." Sherrington made important discoveries on the reflex functions of the spinal cord, formulated the concept of the "synapse," defined the principle of the "final common path," studied "reciprocal innervation" and showed that central inhibition was an active phenomenon. He distinguished three types of receptors: extero-, intero-, and proprioceptive, studied the proprioceptive reflexes in the decerebrate animal and mapped their pathways in the spinal cord. Adrian made fundamental discoveries on the function of single nerve fibers, developed new techniques for the amplification of the weak signals and discovered that increased stimulation resulted in increased frequency of the impulses, the amplitude being unaffected. Erlanger and Gasser introduced the cathode-ray oscillograph and demonstrated the existence of three main groups of nerve fibers, A, B, and C, the conduction velocities of which were in approximately linear relationship with the fiber diameter, the A-fibers being the fastest and thickest and the C-fibers the slowest and having the finest diameter. Together the contributions by the four Laureates paved the way to modern neurophysiology.  相似文献   
萨珊王朝公元3世纪兴起于伊朗南部,为帕提亚波斯萨珊家旗的阿尔达希于公元226年建立的政权:由于该政权仍以安息帝国的都城为首都,疆域大体与安息相同,其社会经济电是安息时代的进一步发展,因而史称“新波斯帝国”。  相似文献   
While many commentators have held that the concept "alienation" is of crucial importance when attempting to understand human existence, others have held that it is an inherently empty concept that we should abandon. In this article, I refute the latters' charge by showing that each conception of "alienation" is underpinned by a normative ontological conception of the preferable, or authentic, self and show that the concept "alienation" has ethical, existential and socio-political uses. From this I conclude that, when properly understood, the concept "alienation" can provide us with vital insights into human existence.  相似文献   
文章利用相关蒙、汉、满、日等文字的档案、文献资料,对清代呼伦贝尔地方旗兵制度的特点及产生原因、兵役制度的性质等问题做了探讨。认为,有清一代,呼伦贝尔地方的兵丁制度,以旗兵制度为主。作为根植于满洲八旗兵制的一种,呼伦贝尔地方的旗兵制度与黑龙江将军衙门辖治下的其他各城驻防八旗兵制既有相同之处,也有所区别,且亦不同于外藩蒙古的札萨克旗兵制。  相似文献   
谢里尔·丁格斯是圣路易斯的一名29岁的陆军士官,工作是训练士兵徒手格斗。她擅长巴西柔术,自述是陆军中少数几位获得第二级格斗资格的女性之一。“第二级”包含许多以一敌二的训练,旨在培养只身脱险的素质。  相似文献   
吐鲁番地区古为“车师前部”地,西汉时以“高昌壁”得名,其政治、经济、文化中心即在今高昌故城。而故城遗址则位于阿斯塔那东南、哈拉和卓西南面。阿斯塔那古墓葬中曾出土了一批剪纸,其中自北朝时期墓葬出土的上有高昌“章和十一年”等纪年字样的剪纸,不仅说明中国剪纸在公元6世纪中叶已相当成熟,而且也表明最晚在南北朝时期剪纸艺术已传入西域地区。  相似文献   
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