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This paper reports student perceptions of the benefits and challenges of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in a fieldwork context. Student perceptions from six field courses across two institutions have been gathered using questionnaires and focus groups. Whilst a number of studies have focused on BYOD in a classroom context, little research has been undertaken about BYOD in a fieldwork context. The key findings suggest that around one fifth of students were not willing to use their own device during fieldwork citing loss or damage as the main reason. This key challenge is different to that which are found in a classroom which generally focus on network security, connectivity etc. The findings also suggest that some students believe that BYOD can have a negative impact on group work. There is a misalignment here between student and practitioner thinking with previous literature which suggests that practitioners believe BYOD and smart devices can enhance group work. The one key challenge which is found regardless of learning environment is inequality between those who have a device and those who do not.  相似文献   
迄今为止,在1267元世祖忽必烈以佑国所举行的白伞盖佛母仪轨仍然被认为是汉地白伞盖佛母崇拜的起源。但是查阅《大藏经》和敦煌汉文写本可以看出,白伞盖佛母崇拜之主要经典在8世纪已经在中国广为人知。由于白伞盖佛母具有特大的保护力量,类似于忽必烈汗14世纪举办的仪式在8—10世纪的敦煌地区已曾在汉人中流传,但这种传统随后在汉地衰落下去了。由于《白伞盖陀罗尼经》组成了《大佛顶首楞严经》第七卷的核心部分主旨也发生了改变。到元代和清代,白伞盖佛母护国的传统在汉地再次得到恢复。  相似文献   
谷敏 《文献》2007,(3):45-49
周必大(1126-1204),字子充,又字弘道,自号平园老叟,又号省斋居士,吉州庐陵(今江西吉安)人.绍兴二十一年(1152)进士,绍兴二十七年中博学宏词科,任建康府府学教授兼左修职郎;绍兴三十年任秘书省正字.  相似文献   
谷玲 《攀登》2007,26(3):88-91
20世纪80、90年代以后,经济全球化成为支配世界发展的新趋势,经济发展的不平衡和利益不一致更加凸显,各国之间的经济摩擦日趋激烈。进入21世纪以来,全球贸易保护主义有所抬头,以反倾销、反补贴、反保障措施为主要手段的贸易摩擦已成为各国经济发展中“没有硝烟的战争”。面对伴随着中国和平崛起而出现的这一历史现象,必须抓紧制定出相应对策,建立相应的应对机制。  相似文献   
《宋史.高丽传》所依据的史料来源主要有宋代历朝《国史.高丽传》和新、旧《五代史.高丽传》以及《五代会要》、《宣和奉使高丽图经》等宋人文献,并沿袭了这些史料中的不少讹误。  相似文献   
通常而言,客观性是客体的属性和特征,与主观性相对立。以此为对照,历史知识的客观性问题就展现为历史实在论与历史相对主义之间的辩难,难分仲伯。换一种思路而言,当代新实用主义历史哲学家则认为客观性与主观性是可区分但不可分离的整体,在横向结构上,历史知识的客观性是"自我、他者与世界"共在的语义三角,在纵向历程上,历史知识的客观性也是一个不断辩证发展的过程。在社会认识论或史学社会学的视野下,在自我与他者所组成的学术共同体之中,历史知识的客观性就具有了规范性的涵义。历史知识作为一种公共性的知识,历史知识的客观性就是历史学家群体之间所签订的"真之契约",是历史学家群体不断协商和试错出来的学科共识,同时也需要史家的认知美德和学者角色提供担保。  相似文献   
After the time of the Great Duchy of Lithuania and that of their inclusion to Russian Empire, the three Baltic countries got their first independence after WWI, but WWII forced them to enter the Soviet Union for almost five decades before getting their second independence and resuming with market economy, to finally join the European Union. Such strong historical changes caused major impacts (either positive or negative) on the implementation of the health transition in the region, quite interesting to document, but they also produced dramatic changes in the quality and the accuracy of information required to compute mortality indicators. The aim of this article is to briefly summarize existing knowledge on mortality in the Baltic region for the past two centuries, but focusing more precisely on the consequences of getting in and then getting out of the Soviet system in terms of health and survival.  相似文献   
顾农 《文献》2000,(4):254-263
《鲁迅辑校古籍手稿》第二函第五册收入与绍兴有关的古籍辑校本五种:《范子计然》、《魏朗子》、《任奕子》、《志林》、《广林》.后四种的作者都是绍兴人,《范子计然》作者不详,但范子即范蠡与绍兴关系密切,所以鲁迅也特别关注,予以辑录.  相似文献   
郑州市区两座唐墓发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1999年,为配合基本建设工程,郑州市文物考古研究所分别对郑州市伏牛南路河南地质医院、嵩山南路河南省煤炭地质局内的2座唐墓(编号分别为HNDY9907M1、HNMT9902M1)进行了发掘。(图一)现将发掘情况简报于后。图一 郑州市河南省煤碳地质局和河南地质医院唐墓位置示意图(1∶100000)一、地质医院唐墓1墓葬形制地质医院唐墓为土洞墓,平面呈刀形,由墓道、墓室组成,方向175°。墓道为长方竖井形,底部由南向北呈坡度较小的斜坡状,长1.9米,南宽0.6米,北宽0.76米,深2.75米~2.…  相似文献   
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