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栾晔  张莹 《收藏家》2013,(8):3-12
沈阳故宫是我国目前保存最为完整的两大古代宫殿建筑群之一,素以具有多民族风情的宫苑建筑和独具特色的皇宫珍藏蜚声华夏。盛京皇宫自1625年兴建,存在至今已有389年的历史。回顾这段历史,兴亡变幻,人世沧桑,令人顿生无限感慨。皇朝远去,风光不再。但它留下的宏丽宫殿、万千文物,依然辉映着熠熠光华。沈阳故宫原本是一座宝库,经清朝二百多年的充实,积蓄了大量的稀世之珍。  相似文献   
栾晔 《收藏家》2010,(3):71-74
中国茶文化具有数千年悠久的历史,为无数古人所奉行和崇尚,而且中国茶风遗惠当代,泽披世界,成为中国传统文化的重要组成部分之一。 清代帝王承袭中原地区传统饮茶风俗,并融人满族、蒙古族等游猎民族的茶饮习惯,在其大力倡导下,宫中饮茶之风浓厚,推陈出新,形成了具有清代特色的清官饮茶文化。  相似文献   
Millet agriculture originated in Northern China in the early Neolithic period (ca. 8000 BP), however, the actual importance of millet in human diets is still not clear. To determine the relative contribution of millet in human diets in this period we undertook stable isotope analysis of humans from Xiaojingshan site and fauna from Yuezhuang site, both of which are attributed to the Houli Culture and date to about 8000 years ago. The carbon isotope values of human bone collagen showed that millet (as a C4 plant) only contributed approximately 25% of dietary protein, with the rest from C3 based plant and animal sources, if a simple mixing model is used. We did not observe any statistical dietary difference between males and females at the site, although it has been argued that the Houli Culture was a matriarchal society. Finally, we compared our data with other published isotopic data from the contemporary Jiahu site and Xinglongwa site and a number of sites from the subsequent Yangshao Culture and found that millet only became a significant source of dietary protein approximately 1000 years later, as human carbon isotope values from these later sites indicated that almost all of dietary protein came from C4 (i.e. millet) sources.  相似文献   
Rice and millet were staple crops at Liangchengzhen, a late Neolithic Longshan site in Shandong, China, but the degree of dietary variation is not known. This study uses stable isotope analysis of human and faunal skeletal remains to quantitatively address the importance of these crops as well as terrestrial domesticates and aquatic resources in the diet at Liangchengzhen. Although no collagen could be extracted from the poorly preserved human bones, the δ13C stable isotope results for 2 apatite sample and 16 tooth enamel samples averaged −9.8‰ suggesting that diet was based on foods averaging from −24‰ to −18‰, with millet and millet-fed animals comprising at most approximately 25–30% of the diet. Pig faunal δ13C isotope values suggested that during the earlier Longshan period pigs were fed mainly millet with more C3 foods such as rice included by the later Longshan period. Solid ceramic residues from two guan jar sherds produced δ13C values averaging −18‰ and δ15N values averaging +16‰, suggesting both vessels contained fish. The results of the study indicate that by the Longshan period, people in southeastern Shandong no longer relied as heavily on millet and that the agricultural crop of rice had increased in importance at Liangchengzhen. Unfortunately, without human collagen samples to provide nitrogen isotope results, we cannot estimate the relative contribution of aquatic and terrestrial protein to the diet of people at Liangchengzhen. In general, however, the pattern of a diverse agricultural system on the basis of the macrobotanical remains from Liangchengzhen is supported by the isotopic results.  相似文献   
2003年3~6月,山东长清月庄遗址发掘期间,采集了一批以后李文化为主的土壤样品进行浮选。我们曾简单报道过月庄遗址H124浮选出的后李文化时期炭化稻,这是目前中国北方见到最早的稻谷遗存之一。本文将详细报道全部浮选结果,以期认识月庄遗址先民与植物之间的关系,对于理解全新世早期人类与植物的互动关系、植物的利用以及黄河流域早期食物生产等方面有重要意义。  相似文献   
朝珠是由满族人独创的官制服饰品,为历代官制服饰所独有,体现了清朝官制服饰的独特之处和鲜明的少数民族特色.朝珠的起源为女真贵族承袭于汉族佛教用品,经清入关前使用和佩带,至入关后逐渐形成规制,最终于清中期成为皇帝、后妃和王公大臣、文武官员的服饰品.清代朝珠本身具备了汉族、满族两种文化特征,在中国古代文化史上占有较为重要的地位与研究价值.本文除对清代朝珠的起源、发展及定制做以研究外,还对沈阳故宫博物院现藏清宫朝珠予以重点介绍.  相似文献   
The manufacture of stone tools was one of the most important craft production activities in prehistoric human society. Previously, lack of sound evidence had made it too early to confirm whether or not stone tool production during the Longshan cultural period had already transformed from a primitive self-sufficient household mode of production to a specialized mode of production. Excavation of the site of the Longshan cultural site at Liangchengzhen in Rizhao, Shandong from 1998–2001 through meticulous field methods such as sieving and floatation yielded a large number of lithic reduction tools, ranging from grinding stones, stone hammers, and polishing stones to raw materials, semi-finished products, and lithic debitage of various sizes, resulting from the lithic reduction process. This excavation suggests that the Liangchenzhen site was a settlement site where the complete process of lithic reduction was practiced. Through comparison with contemporary large-scale excavated sites of the Longshan culture, it is suggested that the Area 1 at the Liangchengzhen site was a lithic reduction locality with a relatively high degree of specialization which was used for hundreds of years. It is possible that stone tool production had already advanced to a stage of relatively high specialization during the Longshan cultural period in the Haidai region.  相似文献   
栾晔 《收藏家》2011,(10):23-28
沈阳故宫博物院藏有数十件寿山石,其雕工传神、精细。这些珍贵的藏品有的是北京、上海调拨的,有的是从社会上征集和各界人士捐赠的。不仅有艺术价值,而且还有其特殊的历史价值,可以说是弥足珍贵。  相似文献   
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