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汉阳陵地下博物馆遗址表面白色物质分析研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
土遗址表面泛白与保存环境湿度有很大关系,在干燥的环境中保存的土遗址常发生表面泛白现象.汉阳陵外藏坑展示厅是我国首个全封闭式的地下展厅,展厅内13号遗址坑内湿度(RH)常年100%,在这样高湿的环境中遗址表面仍然泛白严重.为了说明汉阳陵土遗址表面泛白原因及白色物质来源,本工作利用XRF、FT-IR、XRD和离子色谱对13号坑遗址表面白色样品元素组成、离子和物象组成进行了分析.结果表明,白色物质主要成分为石膏(CaSO4·2H2O),根据白色物质离子色谱的分析结果推测泛白原因可能为土壤可溶盐的迁移富集的产物.  相似文献   
西部地区现代化建设导致回族习惯法变迁显著,与传统社会相比较,无论是宗教信仰还是家庭继承、社会生活方面,回族习惯法在整体上呈现效力降低的趋势。回族习惯法的变迁并不意味着回族传统文化的消失和民族意识的消亡,而是民族的自我更新和调适,西部地区的回族习惯法仍会长期存在。回族习惯法的扬弃与自我更新将使西部地区的回族习惯法与现代社会的道德观念、法律规范协调一致,从而促进西部地区的社会和谐与稳定。  相似文献   
2005年,胡锦涛总书记邀请中国国民党主席连战率团访问大陆,从而开创了两岸党际交流对话的新篇章,推动了两岸关系向前发展。2008年3月台湾政局发生重大积极变化,国民党取得台湾执政权。在坚持九二共识、反对台独的共同政治基础上,国共两党和两岸高层不断创新交流对话机制,先后创立国共论坛机制、国共两党领导人峰会机制以及国际会议场合会见机制,成为两岸关系和平发展的巨大动力。  相似文献   
马勇 《安徽史学》2011,(1):44-56
新文化运动被视为中国的文艺复兴,是整个民族精神的重新整理。在这个运动中,即或有不同意见,但在重新振兴民族精神、重建文化体系方面,实际上并没有真正意义上的反对派。换言之,在新文化运动中虽有左中右的区别,但大体上说他们都是新文化运动中一个分子,只是在某些问题上偏于激进或偏于保守,偏于守成或坚守中立。新文化运动中新旧冲突是存在的,但其性质可能并不像过去所估计的那样严重,新旧人物在某些观点上的对立、冲突和交锋,很可能只是朋友间的交锋与交集,其程度也不像后人所感觉所想象的那样严重。他们的交锋与交集,其实就是你中有我,我中有你,新中有旧,旧中有新,没有绝对新,也没有绝对旧。本文重新解读的林纾,就是这样一个人物。传统评价将他推到新文化运动的对立面,显然是一种政治考量,并不是历史本真。真实的林纾,不仅在新文化运动的谱系中占有一席之地,甚或可以说是新文化运动的前驱者之一,他并没有刻意站在新文化的对立面。  相似文献   
周艳 《神州》2011,(3X):127-127,129
教育是门艺术。俗话说“兴趣是最好的老师”,而如何使学生在学习过程中能愉快的学习是需要技巧的。通过对激励教学学法的研究,以及作者对此方法的尝试,认为在中学生物教学中施行“激励教学法”会使我们收到较好的教学效果。  相似文献   
This article investigates the influences of the effective ground motion duration (GMD) on damping reduction factor. The GMD are associated with 25 Chi-chi earthquake ground motion records and harmonic sine wave. The study shows that damping reduction factor decreases with the increasing of the damping ratio, and decreases with the increasing of the effective duration of the ground motion and the number of cycles of harmonic excitation. A nonlinear multiple regression analysis based on the statistical mean values of the present study is employed, and a modified damping reduction factor considering the effects of GMD is suggested.  相似文献   
The causality of natural ground motions is evaluated through statistical values for the phase difference. The causality is expressed in terms of the Hilbert transform relationship between the real and imaginary parts of the Fourier transform of the ground motion. We find that ground motions with a shorter duration have a higher degree of causality. Furthermore, we propose a ground-motion simulation algorithm that incorporates causality. The simulated ground motions, compatible with design response spectra, have almost the same spectrum conversion factors as those estimated from natural ground motions.  相似文献   
乡村振兴视角下传统村落活态性特征及作用机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于传统村落活态性内涵,从村落人口、物质遗产以及非物质遗产3个方面构建传统村落活态性评价指标体系。通过访谈问卷、实地踏勘、文献查阅等方法获取数据,根据发展路径的差异划分传统村落类型,对分属旅游发展型、传统技艺型、综合开发型和生活服务型的湖南省永州市4个传统村落活态性进行测度。结果表明:①失活现象在各类型传统村落中较为普遍;②不同类型传统村落人口活态情况差异明显,其中旅游发展型村落人口活态性最好,生活服务型村落人口活态性最差;③不同类型传统村落物质遗产失活程度相对较轻;④不同类型传统村落非物质遗产失活程度整体较高。  相似文献   
明末清初,贵阳马士英家族因马文卿、马明卿兄弟科第蝉联而光耀里闾,亦因南明东阁大学士马士英背负"专权误国"之名而蒙辱于后世。马士英堂兄马士升、其子马銮,在士英当国时拒入官场,保全了马氏家族的名节和裔脉。  相似文献   
X. Yang  Z. Ma  Q. Li  L. Perry  X. Huan  Z. Wan  M. Li  J. Zheng 《Archaeometry》2014,56(5):828-840
Stone knives were used widely in Neolithic East Asia, presumably in the harvesting of grain crops, but their function has not been clearly understood due to the lack of study of residues from these tools. To address this issue, starch grain analysis was employed to study the residues on the surface of ancient stone knives and large amounts of starches were recovered. The sources of these starches, however, were not well understood, because harvesting of crops involves the cutting of stems rather than direct contact with starchy seeds. To determine whether harvesting could deposit these types of residues, we designed a simulation experiment using stone flakes to harvest ears of wheat, rice and foxtail millet, then analysed the residues on both the flakes and in the plant tissues. A large number of starch grains were found in the stems, including both typical morphotypes from seeds and newly described types that occur only in stems, which can be used as indicators of harvesting. Our study demonstrates that starch grains from residues on the surfaces of archaeological stone knives can indicate not only that the tools were used to harvest ears, but also the type of crops harvested.  相似文献   
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