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Zhen, Y.Y., Wang, G.X. &; Percival, I.G., August 2016. Conodonts and tabulate corals from the Upper Ordovician Angullong Formation of central New South Wales, Australia. Alcheringa 41, xxx–xxx. ISSN 0311-5518.

The Angullong Formation is the youngest Ordovician unit exposed in the Cliefden Caves area of central New South Wales. Its maximum age is constrained by a Styracograptus uncinatus graptolite Biozone fauna at the very top of the underlying Malongulli Formation, but the few fossils previously reported from higher in the Angullong Formation are either long-ranging or poorly known. From allochthonous limestone clasts in the middle part of the formation, we document a conodont fauna comprising Aphelognathus grandis, A. solidum, Aphelognathus sp., Aphelognathus? sp., Belodina confluens, Drepanoistodus suberectus, Panderodus gracilis, Panderodus sp., Phragmodus undatus, Pseudobelodina inclinata and Pseudobelodina? sp. aff. P. obtusa, which supports correlation with the Aphelognathus grandis Biozone (late Katian) of the North American Midcontinent succession. The species concepts of Aphelognathus and Pseudobelodina are reviewed in detail. Associated corals are exclusively tabulates, dominated by agetolitids, including Agetolites angullongensis sp. nov., Heliolites orientalis, Hemiagetolites breviseptatus, Hemiagetolites sp. cf. H. spinimarginatus, Navoites sp. cf. N. circumflexa, Plasmoporella bacilliforma, P. marginata, Quepora sp. cf. Q. calamus and Sarcinula sp. Affinities of the coral fauna from the Angullong Formation are closer to faunas from northern NSW and northern Queensland than to the locally recognized Fauna III of late Eastonian age in central NSW. We propose a subdivision of Fauna III to account for this difference, with the late Katian Fauna IIIB characterized by the incoming of agetolitid corals. The currently known distribution of representatives of this group with adequate age constraints suggests that agetolitids possibly originated in North China, subsequently migrating to Tarim, South China and adjacent peri-Gondwanan terranes while also spreading eastward to northern Gondwana, where they progressively moved through eastern Australia to reach the central NSW region by the early Bolindian.

Yong Yi Zhen* () and Ian G. Percival (), Geological Survey of New South Wales, W.B. Clarke Geoscience Centre, 947953 Londonderry Road, Londonderry, NSW 2753, Australia; Guangxu Wang (), State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, 39 East Beijing Road Nanjing 210008 PR China.  相似文献   
接续是指对儒家道统在承继基础上予以新时期之创发,是接与续的统一.在承继先秦儒家道统论、宋明儒家道统论基础上,现代新儒家吸纳新鲜元素而充实之,以重构现代儒家道统论.异构是接续传统儒家道统,构建现代道统的一种方式.通过对佛学、西学的批判、比较,以求其异,以此来彰显和重构儒家道统."五四"时期,在国内思想界人文主义回归的背景下,熊十力、梁漱溟、张君劢、冯友兰通过反省传统儒学,以宋明儒家道统论为其理论渊源,通过中、印、西之比较而进行批判,分明壁垒,吸纳佛学的思辨体系或西学某些概念,以中西比较的方式凸显儒学特质之优长及其现代价值,现代新儒家试图以异构来接续儒家道统,复古有余而创发不足.  相似文献   
南京明代宝船厂遗址的发掘及船舶构件的出土,为研究郑和下西洋活动,尤其是郑和船队的相关信息提供了宝贵的资料。宝船厂遗址中出土的舵杆是船舵的重要组成部分,也是复原船舵的主要依据。通过对舵杆本体特征部位与古代不平衡舵的比较研究,对舵首、舵身、舵尾特征部位的结构、功能进行了深入、细致的分析研究,初步完成了船舵的结构、功能和操控系统的复原。  相似文献   
祭祀是先民生活的重要组成部分之一。尽管贵族祭祀活动的研究较多,但平民祭祀遗迹却由于发现较少而难以深入分析。广州榄园岭遗址春秋时期墓葬群中发现了越文化中常见的碎物祭祀坑。本研究对若干墓葬和相关祭祀坑中的填土开展了炭屑和植硅体分析。结果表明,先民在祭祀坑中有意燃烧过植物类祭品;用作祭品的植物种类较杂,包含扇型、棒型、方型或刺球型等植硅体。结合其他遗址中出现的类似现象,榄园岭先民的祭祀活动,应是在因地制宜、就地取材的基础上,吸收了苗蛮文化的因素,同时影响了其他地区。这一发现为探索先秦古人的祭祀行为提供了丰富信息;此外,炭屑和植硅体分析为确定祭祀遗迹提供了新的研究范式。  相似文献   
本文利用《申报》资料,勾勒晚清海盗的基本情况,以期丰富与深化中国近代社会史的研究。晚清时段各地均有海盗出没,他们横行海上,杀人越货,绑票勒赎,有时还上岸抢劫,对抗官兵,导致商旅裹足,外国插手,对社会经济造成严重危害。官府与民间分别采取各种对策以应对,收到了一定的效果,但根治海盗依旧任重道远。  相似文献   
汉代宫廷鼓吹乐是中央集权制的产物,频繁使用于各类宫廷重要礼仪活动中,并非单一的"音乐"事项,而是承载着十分重要的政治功能。西汉宫廷鼓吹的专享性使其成为彰显帝王专权的重要媒介与象征符号;鼓吹赏赐在镇抚边远辖区,重构区域关系,统治异域民族,奖励军功,树立功臣典范等方面发挥了重要作用;用于招待外邦君主的殿廷宴享鼓吹成为汉朝皇帝宣扬国威、抚慰外邦的政治举措;殿廷典仪鼓吹的"发号施令"使君臣关系以及皇帝在朝政中的极端重要性被再次强调;天子卤簿鼓吹的浩荡景观成为夸耀武力、威慑臣民、展现秩序、凸显权力中心的有效手段。  相似文献   
From AD 1274 Chinese emperor Kublai Khan dispatched fleets of ships in a series of attempts to expand the empire's hegemony and extend his rule into East Asia (Japan) and Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Champa and Java). Archaeological remains associated with the fleets and battles have been found at Takashima Island, Japan and on the B?ch Ð?ng River, Vietnam. This paper develops a thematic approach to these sites within a framework of naval battlefield archaeology. It compares the similarities and differences in environmental conditions and archaeological contexts of the two sites in Japan and Vietnam. It also outlines recent archaeological research conducted between 2008 and 2010 on the physical remains at the B?ch Ð?ng River battlefield site.  相似文献   
In this article, a collaborative structure analysis (CSA) system is developed for integrating different finite-element simulation programs. In this system, a simulated structure is divided into multiple substructures, and the interaction between the substructures is considered. Interfaces for the commercial finite-element program ABAQUS and for an open-source framework for structure analysis, OpenSees, are developed to achieve CSA integration. The CSA system is applied to analysis of a soil-structure interaction (SSI) problem, and the effects of SSI are investigated, and the efficiency and accuracy of the system are demonstrated.  相似文献   
故宫古建筑内温湿度问题初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
博物馆的环境应当相对稳定且有益于文物的保存。故宫博物院作为古建筑博物馆,其特殊性在于古建筑本身也是文物,虽然自身条件较差,但又不能随意改变其外观和结构,导致其保存环境往往不够理想。在研究中论述了故宫古建筑的环境特点,结合在古建筑内文物环境监测和控制方面的若干问题进行有益的探讨,对原状陈列的古建筑温湿度调控的应用效果进行了分析和评估,指出了存在的问题,并提出了对古建筑中环境控制的思考。采用密封性能优良的展柜配合适当的调湿材料可以很好地稳定相对湿度,减少温度变化对相对湿度造成的影响,这是当前国际上文物微环境控制的一个发展方向。  相似文献   
建设博物馆数字化的科普平台,加强了对馆藏文物的保护能力,促进了博物馆的历史文化教育和传播功能,具有重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。本工作将介绍其构建方法:采用全景拍摄、三维扫描等数字化信息采集技术,对博物馆建筑的内外景、重点馆藏文物进行信息采集,构建虚拟的历史遗迹遗存、网上博物馆,将实体博物馆以数字化方式完整呈现,通过互联网/移动互联网提供身临其境的虚拟参观服务;采用二维码、电子标签、混合定位等技术,为现场观众提供自助音视频文化科普导览服务;策划制作面向广大青少年的反映中国历史文化遗产的4D影视科普作品及建设面向普通观众开放的博物馆4D动感影厅工程播放系统,以此构建博物馆数字化科普平台。  相似文献   
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