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The Dialect and Place‐Names of Shetland. Two Popular Lectures. By Jakob Jakobsen, Doctor of Philosophy, University of Copenhagen. Lerwick: T. and J. Manson, 1897.

Three Years in Savage Africa. By Lionel Dècle. With an Introduction by H. M. Stanley, M.P. With 100 Illustrations and five Maps, from original Photographs, Sketches, and Surveys by the Author. London: Methuen and Co., 1898. Pp. 503. Two Appendices and Index. 21s.

Hindu Manners, Customs, and Ceremonies. By the Abbe J. A. Dubois. Translated from the Author's later French ms. and edited by Henry K. Beau‐champ. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1897.

L'Algérie. Par Maurice Wahl, Docteur ès lettres, Inspecteur‐Général honoraire de l'Instruction publique aux Colonies. 3ème édition, revue et augmentée. Paris: Félix Alcan, 1897. Pp. 442. Price 5 Frs.

L'Italie: Géographique, Ethnologique, Historique, Administrative, Economique, Beligieuse, Littéraire, Artistique, Scientifique, etc. Paris: Larousse, 1897. Pp. 608. Price 5 fr.

The Pioneers of the Klondyke: being an Account of two years’ Police Service on the Yukon. Narrated by M. H. E. Hayne, N.C.O. of the N‐W. Mounted Police, and recorded by H. West Taylor. London: Sampson Low, Marston, and Co., 1897. Pp. xii + 184. Price 3s. 6d.

The Gold Fields of the Klondike. Fortune‐Seekers’ Guide to the Yukon Begion of Alaska and British America. By John W. Leonard. London: T. Fisher Unwin, N.D. Pp. 216. Price 2s. 6d.

Imperial Defence. By Lieut.‐Col. Sir George S. Clarke, K.C.M.G., F.E.S. London: The Imperial Press, Limited, N.D. Pp. xv + 251. Price 5s. net.

With Nature and a Camera: being the Adventures and Observations of a Field Naturalist and an Animal Photographer. By Richard Kearton, F.Z.S., Author of British Birds’ Nests; Birds’ Nests, Eggs, and Egg‐collecting, etc. Illustrated by 180 Pictures from Photographs, by Cherry Kearton. 8vo. London, Paris, and Melbourne: Cassell and Co., Lim., 1897. Pp. xvi + 368.

La Face de la Tern (Das Antlitz der Erde). Par Ed. Suess. Traduit avec l'autorisation de l'auteur et annoté sous la direction de Emmanuel de Margerie avec une préface par Marcel Bertrand, de l'Académie des Sciences, Professeur à l'École nationale supérieure des Mines. Tome Ir, avec 2 cartes en couleur et 122 figures dont 76 exécutées spécialement pour l'édition française. Paris: Armand Colin et Cie., 1897. Pp. 835 + xv.

Anthropologische Studien über die Urbewohner Brasiliens, vornehmlich der Staaten Matto Grosso, Goyaz, und Amazonas (Purus‐Gebiet). Nach eigenen Aufnahmen und Beobachtungen in den Jahren 1887 bis 1889, von Dr. Paul Ehrenreich, Berlin. Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen und Tafeln. Braunschweig: Druck und Verlag von Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn, 1897. Pp. 165. Bibliography and 30 plates, 96 in text and 9 plates of vertex curves. Price 25 M.

Kleinasiens’ Naturschätze, Seine wichtigsten Tiere, Kulturpftanzen und Mineral‐schätze. Von Karl Kannenberg. Berlin: Bornträger, 1897. Pp. xii + 278. Price M. 14.

Thessalien und Epirus: Reisen und Forschungen im nördlichen Oriechenland. Von Dr. Alfred Philippson. Berlin: W. H. Kühle, 1897.

North America. Vol. I.—Canada and Newfoundland. By Samuel Edward Dawson, Litt.D. (Laval), F.R.S.C. Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel (new issue). London: Edward Stanford, 1897. Pp. xxiv + 719. Price 15s.

Geografia Commercial de la America del Sur. Por Carlos B. Cisneros y Romulo E. Garcia. Entregas 1 y 2. Lima: Imprenta de la Escuela de Ingerieros, 1897. Pp. 100.

Egypt. Handbook for Travellers. Edited by Karl Baedeker. 4th Eemodelled Edition. Leipsic: Karl Baedeker, 1898. Pp. cciv + 395. Price 15 M.

Spain and Portugal. Handbook for Travellers. By Karl Baedeker. Leipsic: Karl Baedeker, 1898. Pp. lxxxvi + 618. Price 16 M.

Ceylon. Von Emil Schmidt (Leipzig). Mit 39 Bildern und 1 Karte. Berlin: Schall und Grund, 1897. Pp. 323 + viii.

A. Hartleben's Kleines Statistisches Taschenbuch über alle Lander der Erde. Nach den neuesten Angaben bearbeitet von Professor Dr. Friedeich Umlauft. Wien, Pest, Leipzig: A. Hartleben's Verlag, 1898. Pp. 98.

Verhandlungen des Zwölften Deutschen Geographentages zu Jena, 1897. Heraus‐gegeben von dem ständigen Geschäftsführer des Centralausschusses des Deutschen Geographentages, Georg Kollm, Hauptmann, a.d. Berlin: Verlag von Dietrich Reimer (Ernst Vohsen), 1897. Pp. lviii + 252.  相似文献   
A Naturalist in Mid‐Africa. Being an account of a Journey to the Mountains of the Moon and Tanganyika. By G. F. Scott Elliot, M.A., F.L.S., F.E.G.S. Pp. xvi + 413, 49 figs., frontispiece, and 4 maps. 8vo. London: A. D. Innes and Co., 1896. Pp. xiii + 413. Price 16s.

A Breath from the Veldt. By John Guille Millais, F.Z.S. London: Henry Sotheran and Co., 1895. Pp. 236. Price £3, 3s. net.

Peru. Von E. W. Middendorf. III. Band : Das Hochland von Peru. Berlin : Robert Oppenheim (Gustav Schimdt), 1895.

Tafilet. The Narrative of a Journey of Exploration in the Atlas Mountains and the Oases of the North‐West Sahara. By Walter B. Harris, F.E.G.S., author of “A Journey through the Yemen,” “The Land of an African Sultan,” VOL. XII. Q

“Travels in Morocco,” etc. Illustrated by Maurice Romberg from Sketches and Photographs by the Author. Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1895. Pages xii + 386. Price 12s.

From Far Formosa: The Island, its People, and Missions. By G. L. Mackay, D.D. Edited by the Rev. J. A. Macdonald. Edinburgh : Oliphant, Anderson, and Ferrier, 1896. 346 pp. Price 7s. 6d.

The Geology and Scenery of Sutherland. By H. M. Cadell, B.Sc., etc. Second edition. Edinburgh : Douglas, 1896. Pp. 104. Price 4s.

The Place‐Names of Fife and Kinross. By W. J. N. Liddall, M.A., Advocate. Edinburgh : W. Green and Sons, 1896. 8vo., pp. xiv. + 58.

Die Liparischen Inseln. Fünftes HeftFilicuri. Prag : Heinr. Mercy, 1895.

Australien und Ozeanien. Eine allgemeine Landeskunde von Professor Dr. Wilhelm Sievers. Mit 137 Abbildungen im Text, 12 Kartenbeilagen, und 20 Tafeln in Holzschnitt und Farbendruck. Leipzig und Wien. Bibliographisches Institut, 1895. Pp. 521. Price 16 M.

Ritters Geographisch‐Statistisches Lexikon. Achte Auflage: Unter der Redaktion [von Johs. Penzler. Zweiter Band, L‐Z. Leipzig, 1895. 1202 pp.

The Natural History of Plants: their Forms, Growth, Reproduction and Distribution. From the German of Anton Kerner von Marilaun, Professor of Botany in the University of Vienna. Translated and edited by F. W. Oliver, M.A., D.Sc., Quain Professor of Botany in University College, London, with the assistance of Marian Busk, B.Sc., and Mart F. Ewart, B.Sc. With about 2000 original woodcut illustrations and sixteen plates in colours. Vol. i., Biology and Configuration of Plants, pp. xiv. + 777 ; vol. ii., The History of Plants, pp. xiv.+983. London and Glasgow: Blackie and Son, Limited, 1894 and 1895.

Handbook for Travellers in Algeria and Tunis. By Sir R. Lambert Platfair, K.C.M.G. Fifth edition, thoroughly revised. London : John Murray, 1895. Pp. 363. Price 10s. 6d.

Cassell's New Geographical Readers. Fifth Book—Europe. Sixth Book—The British Colonies and Dependencies. Seventh Book—The United States. London, etc. : Cassell and Co., 1895. Prices 1s. 6d., 1s. 6d., 1s. 9d., respectively.

The Statesman's Year‐Book. Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of the World for the Year 1896. Edited by J. Scott Keltie, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Geographical Society, with the assistance of I. P. A. Renwick, M.A., LL.B. London : Macmillan and Co., 1896. Pp. xxxii+1164.

The Australian Handbook, Shippers’ and Importers’ Directory and Business Guide for 1896. London, Melbourne, etc. : Gordon and Gotch. Pp. 632.

Beobachtungen der Russischen Polarstation an der Lenamündung. 1. Theil. Astronomische und Magnetische Beobachtungen. 1882–4. Bearbeitet von V. Fuss, F. Müller, and K. Jürgens. St. Petersburg : 1895.  相似文献   
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