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The function and chronology of soapstone vessels in the Eastern Woodlands has been a contentious issue that deserves discussion at a more regional and subregional scale. We provide an overview of the Apple Barn site (40BT90) soapstone vessel assemblage, one of the largest Late Archaic/ Early Woodland collections in the southern Appalachians. Results from residue analysis of pollen, starch, and phytoliths on four vessel fragments reveal the processing of various plants, correlating well with the macrobotanical results from the site. The AMS dates derived from seven sooted samples span ca. 1700 cal. B.C. to ca. 800 cal. B.C., suggesting mundane soapstone vessel use persists later in the southern Appalachians relative to other areas of the Southeast. When soapstone is no longer used at the Apple Barn site, post–750 cal. B.C., there is a significant shift in feature volume and organization, suggesting a change from seasonal group aggregations to semisedentary family tended garden plots. This shift denotes a significant change in foodways where the social and functional ties to soapstone were no longer relevant.  相似文献   
The Sepik coast of northern Papua New Guinea is one of the most linguistically diverse places on earth despite communities there currently being connected into wide-reaching social and economic networks that cross language boundaries. One possible explanation for observed human diversity is that social connections were substantially less intensive prior to colonial pacification. As a proxy for human interaction, we compositionally analyzed 287 ceramic sherds from archaeological contexts using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) to determine their place of production. Our results indicate that ceramics produced on Tumleo Island—currently the most important regional ceramic producer—were transported to other places on the Sepik coast after ∼1000 BP, suggesting that linguistic diversity on the coast has been maintained in an interactive environment for at least a millennium.  相似文献   
This article calls for a specific form of comparative inquiry within historical archaeology as drawn from diaspora studies. Such a project encourages archaeologists to compare research from emigrant areas alongside work at overseas sites. This diasporic approach provides new potentials for engaging with the modern world by intersecting with both traditional and new aspects of archaeological practice. In order to showcase these aspects of a diasporic approach, the author explores three case studies from Montana, Peru, and New Zealand – connecting each to its related home area. The case studies explore how data drawn from a group’s homeland can support established heritage practices, engage with modern social problems, and illuminate complexities arising within sites based on ethnolinguistic differences within populations.  相似文献   
考据学的兴衰与中日史学近代化的异同   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从儒家学术传统的变迁出发,考察考据在明清两代的兴起和发展,及其在德川日本的影响,从比较的角度,检讨中日两国近代史学的传统资源及其不同之影响。考据的方法作为一学术思潮在明清交替之后盛行,则与明代王学之泛滥和清代的统治有关。这一思潮到了19世纪,在中国已呈衰颓之势时传入日本,逐渐主导了日本儒学和整个学术风气。十九世纪中叶以后,日本史学开始迈入近代化,其特征是一方面吸收西方“文明史学”,另一方面又因考据学的兴趣而对德国的兰克史学情有独钟。考据学在清末的衰落和今文经派的兴盛,也直接影响了中国史学的近代化。由于考据学兴衰在中日两国的“时间差”,使得两国的近代学术呈现出重要之不同。[编者按]  相似文献   
史前时期的崇鸟习俗及其历史背景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以绘画和雕塑方式表现的鸟禽形象广泛地存在于史前时代世界众多先民中。自19世纪后期在世界众多地区发现并被确认以来,对于其含义的解读便从未间断。《史前时期的崇鸟习俗及其历史背景》一文对于这些发现和研究作了比较全面的总结。这是一篇完成于40多年以前的文章,译者选择该文,当然不是着眼于考古资料本身,甚至也不在于作者的观点多么新颖,更为重要的是从学术史的角度,了解近半个世纪前西方人类学家在解读此类题材时所涉及的诸多理论。作者认同早期艺术中的动物形象具有鲜明的原始宗教意义,并从丰产巫术、成丁礼、图腾崇拜、通天媒介和鸟的死亡象征意义等多个角度对特定图像进行了功能性阐释。作者对于这类图像所采取的多重可能性解释本身,已经反映出此类问题的复杂性。半个多世纪过去了,我们发现,除了在考古学本体论方面我们"发明"了认知考古学,并将"符号"的概念赋予这些早期艺术品之外,对于"洞穴艺术"或"符号"含义的阐释,我们似乎并没有走很远。作者是一位人类学家,文中不经意间流露出的国外人类学方面的知识与信息,如鸟禽除了为人类提供肉食与禽蛋之外,鸟骨可以做成骨笛(现在知道我国新石器时代早期也有发现),可以盛放颜料,蛋清还可以当作调制颜料的粘合剂。这些,对于考古学者来说都是别有新意的。  相似文献   
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