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The author's primary aim in what follows is to fully articulate Chantal Delsol's critique of late modern universalism as an attempt to depoliticize the individual for the sake of replacing politics with morality. The result of this depoliticization is a quasi-pantheistic cosmopolitanism that not only effectively denies the significance of individuality, despite rhetorically lionizing it, but also undercuts the freedom of individual conscience that makes moral choice possible. Genuine political prudence and moral judgment are subsequently replaced by the rigid exactitude of a technocratic analysis that reintroduces the "clandestine ideology" it was, despite protestations to the contrary, intended to eliminate. The unhappy paradox produced by the attempt to replace the necessary limitations of political judgment with the universality of a priori moral decree is that a new set of culturally and historically idiosyncratic political attachments are surreptitiously introduced beyond the pale of reasonable debate and disagreement. Delsol's measured response is not a precipitous rejection of universalism as such but a rehabilitation of it that recaptures the Christian moral realism at its core.  相似文献   
In this paper we use Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy, and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy to characterize the surface of the skin of a 2300 YO, naturally-preserved mummy, belonging to a two-year and eight month girl (“Pepita”), found inside a cave located in Altamira, Querétaro, México (21°40′–20°01′; 99°03′–100°36′). The cave was found in Sierra Gorda, an orographic region with a relief of sedimentary origin from the Gulf of Mexico, composed by high mountains with altitude values surpassing 3000 m above sea level, with ample and steep canyons, and a prominent role on the exploitation and distribution of cinnabar (HgS). The skin showed the presence of small-sized spherules, containing Al (≤43%) in the most exposed region (5–10 μm depth). Thin layers and structural microdomains covered small and large spheres. Structures conformed by stacked, nano-sized particles located far-from-the bunches contained C (≤45%), Zn and Si (≤10%), and minor amounts of Ca (≤2.6%). By contrast, regions between spheres contained high amounts of Ca (≤23%) and Al (≤15%), but lacked Zn and Si. Carbon spheres showed two distinctive composition, a signature that their formation might have occurred in a least two different stages via concentric growth mechanisms, with the incorporation of Zn and Al at a later stage. [Zn][Al]Carbon spheres showed morphology and growth patterns that compared to those resulting from the hydrothermal carbonization by Fe2+ ions under mild conditions, suggesting a common mechanism of formation. Textural changes of thin films found between [Zn][Al]Carbon spheres were attributed to differences in viscosity, which might have contributed to increases in functionality and specific surface area (by means of decreases in size) and, in turn, facilitating the sequestration of biomolecules. We propose that the presence of [Zn][Al]Carbon spheres provides protection against bacterial and UV attack. The physical properties of these spheres helped entrap biomolecules. Taken together, these factors contributed to the preservation of Pepita.  相似文献   
I intend to study three characteristics of deeply divided societies that hinder consociationalism: ethnurgy (politicisation of ethnic identities), mobilisation, memory and trauma. My argument is that consociational practices may be hampered by non‐structural elements, which is a break‐away from the classical study of consociationalism which focuses on institutional functions and external actors. By studying consociationalism from this new dimension, I intend to show that internal factors are critical in understanding the threats and pressure of any consociational arrangement, in an attempt to create better power sharing arrangements and/or improve the existing consociational provisions in deeply divided societies.  相似文献   
Eric Voegelin’s criticism of Hans Kelsen’s legal positivism places him closer to the natural law tradition than to other legal traditions. This proximity could be interpreted as a defense of the contemporary relevance, or as an attempt to revive the natural law tradition in the twentieth century. However, Voegelin always avoids using the traditional terminology of natural law in his mature works, and expresses a certain ambiguity regarding its contemporary revival. To understand this problem, this article investigates the evolution of Voegelin's understanding of natural law and his criticism of different natural law traditions from Cicero to John Locke, especially his positive evaluation of Aristotle’s and Thomas Aquinas’s interpretations. Furthermore, it seeks to illuminate his position on the contemporary relevance of this topic, as well as to assess some of the recent interpretations that consider Voegelin as a natural law thinker.  相似文献   
The architectural remains at Pasargadae were built of three different stones classified according to their colors (beige, dark-gray, and green-gray). The stones show different macroscopic features, such as texture and decay patterns. The aim of this study is to identify the composition of the stones and to evaluate the main decay factors through petrographic studies in order to make conservation decisions more compatible. Petrochemical analyses show that the stones are in fact limestones with different features; two of them have a compact texture (beige and dark-gray stones), while the third has a fairly porous structure (green-gray stone). In some beige stone samples, dolomite was identified. Despite the fact that the presence of salt is a possible decay factor, X-ray diffraction analysis did not report any salt. According to SEM observations, the main reasons for decay in dark-gray and green-gray stones are the dissolution of calcite crystals and the swelling of clay minerals. The main decay factor in the beige stone, by contrast, is dissolution induced by microorganism activity. However, a patina formed by lichens on the surface of the beige stone, although aesthetically detrimental, protects it against further decay.  相似文献   
This article discusses the applicability of postfeminist discourse to contemporary Spanish cultural production. Incited by the apparent confrontation with traditional feminist thinking, postfeminist theories are thought to be an obstacle to the rights of women in contemporary societies. Bearing in mind such complications of the term, our essay questions the recent criticism that postfeminism has received in the last few years and tries to elucidate how its implications affect the progressive development of the achievements of previous or simultaneous feminisms. Such discussion is presented in this essay through the study of the narrative texts of Lola Beccaria and La Fura dels Baus, who respectively present in her novel (Una mujer desnuda, 2004) and their film (Fausto 5.0, 2001) features of the feminine subjectivity in collision with the masculine gazes of the discourses that partake in the construction of the feminine characters.  相似文献   
Chantal Delsol's work is distinguished by its articulation of the interdependence of an effective defense of human rights with a truthful understanding of the dignified responsibility of the human person. Most of the experience of the modern world, however, has called into question the sustainability of the experience of the person, while also making it clear that human beings do not have the option of returning to some more holistic world. Delsol reflects on the emptiness of the experience of the modern individual, the inability of modern societies to accord proper dignity to caregiving, and the continuing need for a personal theology.  相似文献   
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