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2017年7月至9月,中蒙联合考古项目"古代北方游牧民族文化研究"在蒙古国后杭爱省境内的高勒毛都2号墓地开展田野工作,清理了M189的12座陪葬墓。这些陪葬墓顶部均有圆形积石,自南向北呈弧形分布于主墓葬东侧。大部分人骨都是上肢和头部遭到破坏,因此墓葬可能曾遭到报复性扰动。出土遗物有铜器、陶器、铁器及金银器等,其中3面铜镜为汉文化遗物,其余均为典型匈奴文化遗物。墓葬的布局特征表明这些死者可能是贵族的殉葬者。这是蒙古国境内第二批经过系统发掘的匈奴贵族陪葬墓,与同墓地M1的陪葬墓相比呈现出许多新的特征。  相似文献   
正在1917年俄罗斯发生二月革命和十月革命前,俄罗斯汉学界已经积累了相当多的中国研究的经验。罗索欣(И.К.Россохин),列昂季耶夫(А.Л.Леонтьев),俾丘林(原名为Н.Я.Бичурин,教名为Иакинф,即雅金甫神父),卡法罗夫(原名为П.И.Кафаров,教名为Палладий,即帕拉季修士大司祭),扎哈罗夫(И.И.Захаров),瓦西里耶夫(В.П.Васильев),格奥尔吉耶夫斯基(С.М.Георгиевский)和其他17—18世纪俄罗斯优秀汉学家的作品经常被用来介绍他们所处时代的中国,即清朝时期。这样,他们的著作为俄罗斯的清史研究奠定了科学的基础。  相似文献   
文章对蒙古社会结构中的豁脱或豁脱阿寅勒进行了探讨。作者认为,随着当地经济结构的演变,沿边的南部蒙古地区,其豁脱或豁脱阿寅勒组织形式和游牧方式发生变化,有的甚至不复存在,而在喀尔喀蒙古地区和呼伦贝尔地方等地,因地区游牧经济的持续发展,豁脱或豁脱阿寅勒的组织形式和游牧方式仍然继续延续。  相似文献   
I first encountered chiru during a wildlife survey in Qinghai in 1985.At that time,I was only aware that they lived on the high Tibetan Plateau,most of them between 4300-5000m in elevation and that they were confined to China,except for a few that strayed into India.  相似文献   
中俄战略协作伙伴关系的历史   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中俄睦邻友好有着悠久的历史,其间也经历了风风雨雨,而2001年两国签署的《中俄睦邻友好合作条约》为两国关系的进一步发展奠定了法律基础。中俄两国的战略协作关系体现在许多方面,如建立多层次的对话机制,继续扩大两国公众之间的相互理解,加强文化、经贸交流等。中俄战略协作伙伴关系的保持和深化给两国的社会科学工作者提出了一些非常重要的任务,如加强与传媒的合作,促使两国彼此形成一种客观、友善和相互尊重的态度和看法;在解决两国研究中存在的分歧时,要立足于两国的睦邻友好合作关系;在研究两国过去的一些局部冲突问题时,应坚持历史的立场,不能把今天的评判标准用于对过去历史事件的评价,更不能在评论事件时从今天的认识出发做道德判断等。  相似文献   
中国城市早期现代化过程中的娼妓问题   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Zhang B 《史学月刊》1999,(1):99-103
在中国近代开埠城市中,娼妓炽兴,卖淫嫖娼日趋社会化、商业化、复杂化。本文从认识中国城市早期现代化过程中弊病的角度,以城乡关系和城市政治、经济、文化及市民行为观念的转型变迁为背景,剖析了这一城市病的历史及社会根源,试图揭示中国城市早期现代化过程中的几个面向和特点。  相似文献   
In 1912, Friedrich Heinrich Lewy first described the inclusion bodies named after him and seen in paralysis agitans (p.a.). Tretiakoff had found (1919) that the nucleus niger is most likely to be affected but in a subsequent large-scale series of post-mortem examinations (1923). Lewy was able to confirm this for a minority of cases only, with the exception of those that displayed postencephalitic Parkinsonism (and an unknown number of atypical Parkinson syndrome cases not identified until the 1960s). In a speculative paper (1932), he saw similarities between inclusion bodies in p.a. and viral diseases like lyssa and postulated a viral genesis of p.a. In a historical review of basal ganglia diseases (1942), he did not mention the putative significance of the inclusion bodies for the post-mortem diagnosis. It seems that their importance was seen only after Lewy's death, long after Tretiakoff's initial naming of the 'corps de Lewy'. Lewy, however, had already described their diffuse and cortical distribution (1923). An identification of diffuse Lewy body disease or dementia followed much later. Lewy's career in many diverse branches of neurology and internal medicine was strongly affected by World War I and the difficult situation faced by Jews in Germany. Shortly after the Neurological Institute was founded in Berlin in 1932 (as a clinic and research institute), he was forced, in 1933, to emigrate. His exile in England and the United States mirrors the fate of many German Jews and academics in the first half of the 20th century.  相似文献   
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