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Understanding how to live successfully within our environment is among the most pressing challenges facing contemporary society. This paper probes the problem based on comparative analysis and discusses the relationship between the spatial–temporal distribution of the Neolithic cultural sites and the geographic context in the Hanjiang River Basin in the south of Shaanxi Province, China. Archaeological studies have identified 175 Neolithic cultural sites in the study area, with a sequence of Laoguantai (14C age 8–7 ka BP), Yangshao (14C age 7–5 ka BP) and the late period of the Neolithic Age (14C age 5–4 ka BP). The total number of archaeological sites, the distribution area and the density all showed an early ascending and later descending trend, but the proportion of the number of archaeological sites in the study area to the corresponding value of the entire Shaanxi Province declined sharply. Spatially, these sites were concentrated on the terraces of the Hanjiang River and its main tributaries with an altitude of 400–800 m. Multiple data were integrated to clarify the critical effects of tectonic and geomorphologic conditions on the distribution of the Neolithic sites. Further comparisons revealed the correlation of Holocene climate change and environmental evolution with the Neolithic cultural succession in the study area that ameliorated conditions to generally promote the development of the primitive culture while degeneration coincided with the culture's transition or interruption. The discussion on the origin of the primitive culture and the temporal–spatial distribution corresponding to the regional culture differentiation sheds light on the complex and dynamic human–nature interaction system during the Neolithic Age, thus emphasising the wider field-based investigation and high-resolution reconstruction works of the palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironment in the future.  相似文献   
孙宜志 《民俗研究》2000,(3):115-122
民俗词语是用来指称民俗仪式及其相关事象的词语。对民俗词语进行调查和研究,近期引起了学者的注意。笔者拟在前贤研究的基础上,以自己家乡安徽宿松方言中有关婚嫁和丧葬的民俗词语为例,谈谈个人对这方面的认识。  相似文献   
六朝石刻辟邪是六朝时期文化和艺术的载体。六朝石刻辟邪的艺术图像的构型要素以狮形头、张口露舌、体侧刻划羽翼等为主要特色。通过对这些艺术要素源头的追溯,笔者认为:六朝石刻辟邪是中西经济文化交流及中国传统丧葬礼俗的产物。  相似文献   
以循环经济促进和谐青海的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙州霞  李积兰 《攀登》2006,25(3):52-56
经济的发展与社会、自然的发展相协调是科学发展观的根本要求,也是构建和谐青海的重要内容。而发展循环经济可以通过对经济与社会、自然的整合发展来促进社会的全面进步,解决在发展和构建和谐青海过程中遇到的诸多问题。本文以循环经济理论和省情为依据,对青海省发展循环经济的总体思路和优先领域进行尝试性探讨。  相似文献   
出土资料所见的西周礼仪用玉   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙庆伟 《南方文物》2007,3(1):50-65
中国素称礼仪之邦,“礼”是华夏文明的基本特征,《左传·定公十年》孔颖达疏云:“中国有礼义之大,故称夏;有服章之美,谓之华。华、夏,一也。”  相似文献   
Samples of celadon were collected from the Altar Guan Kiln in Hangzhou, and from the Xiaomeizhen and Xikou Kilns, two subordinate kilns of the Longquan Kiln producing black‐body celadon called Literature Ge. Both the elemental contents in the sample bodies and the glaze were measured. The results reveal that the sample bodies contain fingerprint information for provenance, while this was lost in the glaze during the production process. The TiO2, MnO and Rb2O contained in the bodies are fingerprints to distinguish between celadons from the Xiaomeizhen and Xikou Kilns. In the Altar Guan Kiln, some low‐TiO2 samples were found and their body colour is much lighter than some others, but they do not differ with regard to iron content. This indicates that both titanium and iron are indispensable for the blackness of the bodies: they may react to form some black minerals during the firing process. Ultimately, samples from the Literature Ge and Altar Guan Kilns differ in their body constituents. Principal component analysis reveals that the samples can be divided into two groups, corresponding to the two different areas.  相似文献   
"百宋一廛"是黄丕烈的藏书楼,在苏州平江历史街区的平悬桥巷。自称悬桥小隐的黄丕烈,在清代乾嘉时期,将世间古籍善本从各藏书家手中购来,在自己居所的石库门里构筑了一个宋版书的王国。如今黄丕烈故居已按原貌进行了保护性修缮。黄丕烈(1763-1825年),字绍武,号荛圃,又号复翁、佞宋主人、宋廛一翁等。长洲(今苏州)人。乾隆五十三  相似文献   
近年来,国内民族理论学术界对马克思主义民族理论中国化早期进程问题进行了较为深入的研究,在马克思主义民族理论中国化相关概念、从宏观角度探索马克思主义民族理论中国化的早期进程、毛泽东思想民族理论、从民族自决到民族区域自治转变过程等领域的研究都提出了一些新的理论观点.本文对现有研究做一粗略梳理,并对马克思主义民族理论中国化早期进程研究进行了相关的思考.  相似文献   
地名是一种跨越时空的文化现象,它反映了地与物,地与人关系的意义。地处西南“竹文化圈”的贵阳各方面都受到竹文化的影响,在地名演变中蕴含了大量竹文化因素。  相似文献   
提高纵述技能,消除志书"流水账"痕迹,首先要做好编纂工作中纵述前的准备,包括对篇目布局是否合理进行研究,对资料的翔实性、准确性、关联性等进行研究,对各种纵述技法进行研究。在此基础上,要技法多变,灵活行文,立体记述,恪守规范,通过高质量的纵述,杜绝"流水账"的产生。  相似文献   
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