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日本是吉林省的主要经贸伙伴,自2000年起日本成为吉林省的第二大出口市场,发展同日本的经贸关系对吉林省具有十分重要的意义。本文通过对吉林省同日本经贸合作的现状及双方经贸合作的有利和不利因素的分析,提出了促进吉林省对日经贸进一步发展的对策建议。  相似文献   
X‐ray fluorescence (XRF), X‐ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy were employed to analyse the chemical compositions and phase structures of nine pieces of jade artefacts unearthed from Sujiacun, a Longshan Culture (2400–2000 bce ) site in coastal Shandong, eastern China. The results of the analyses indicated these samples were primarily made from multiple raw mineral materials, including antigorite, actinolite, clinochlore, turquoise and muscovite. No nephrite was recovered from the Sujiacun site. This is strikingly different from other top‐ranking settlements of Longshan Culture, such as Dantu, Liangchengzhen and Xizhufeng, in which nephrite was the main material of jade artefacts. This may reflect the distinctions in the supply system of jade raw materials among different rankings of Longshan period sites. In addition, laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS) was used to analyse the composition of the rare earth elements of serpentine jade. These preliminary results were compared with published data on the composition of serpentine jade and it was found that the Sujiacun serpentine jade artefacts were likely sourced from the Taishan jade deposit.  相似文献   
江苏省土地城镇化的空间分异及其主导因素探测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实现新型城镇化战略的重要前提是科学认识土地城镇化的特征及机制,其难点在于识别影响土地城镇化的主导因素以进行针对性调控。基于空间自相关分析、地理探测器等方法,识别江苏省土地城镇化水平的空间分异特征及其主导因素。结果显示:①江苏省的土地城镇化水平为38.90%,呈现出南高北低的梯度分异格局。②土地城镇化水平的热点区、次热点区集中分布在苏南以及苏中的南通市区、泰州市区及其周围县(市),次冷点区包围着冷点区主要分布苏北的县(市)及苏中的宝应县。③人口集聚类、经济发展类、社会投资类的因素对土地城镇化空间分异影响最为显著;基础设施类、开放水平类的部分因素的对土地城镇化空间分异有一定的解释能力。  相似文献   
本文从人类学、历史学的研究角度,就汉族封建社会中的少数民族社会形态进行论述。主要通过对四川凉山和贵州毕节两个彝族聚居区的历史社会形态进行比较,进一步论述我国历史发展具有不平衡性的特点。而这一特点又是由于多民族国家、多层次的生态环境、“土流并治”的政治实践所造成的。它贯穿中国社会形态始终,对中国政治、经济、文化的形成起到了重要作用。  相似文献   
Sun, H., Babcock, L.E., Peng, J. &; Kastigar, J.M., July 2016. Systematics and palaeobiology of some Cambrian hyoliths from Guizhou, China, and Nevada, USA. Alcheringa 41, xxx–xxx. ISSN 0311-5518.

Hyoliths constitute one of the most important groups of early biomineralized metazoans. Abundant hyolith specimens, comprising both hyolithides and orthothecides, from the Balang Formation (Cambrian Stage 4), Guizhou, China, and the Poleta Formation (Cambrian Stages 3–4), Pioche Formation (Stages 4–5) and Emigrant Formation (Stages 4–5) Nevada, USA, add to the early Palaeozoic record of hyoliths from South China and Laurentia, and provide new taxonomic, taphonomic and palaeoecologic information about this group. Hyoliths from the Balang Formation include the hyolithides ‘Ambrolinevitusmaximus Jiang, 1982, Galicornus seeneus? Val’kov, 1975 Val’kov, A.K., 1975. Biostratigrafiya i khiolity kembriya severovostoka Sibirskoe platformy [Cambrian biostratigraphy and hyoliths of the northeastern Siberian Platform]. Akademiya Nauka SSSR, Moscow, 139 pp. (in Russian) [Google Scholar], Haplophrentis reesei Babcock &; Robison, 1988 Babcock, L.E. &; Robison, R.A., 1988. Taxonomy and paleobiology of some Middle Cambrian Scenella (Cnidaria) and hyolithids (Mollusca) from western North America. University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions, Paper 121, 122. [Google Scholar], ‘Linevitusguizhouensis sp. nov., Meitanovitus guanyindongensis Qian, 1978 Qian, Y., 1978. The Early Cambrian hyolithids in central and southwest China and their stratigraphical significance. Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Academia Sinica Memoir 11, 138. (in Chinese with English abstract) [Google Scholar], undetermined forms, and undetermined orthothecides. Hyoliths from Nevada include the hyolithides Haplophrentis carinatus (Matthew, 1899 Matthew, G.F., 1899. Studies on Cambrian faunas, No. 3—Upper Cambrian fauna of Mount Stephen, British Columbia—the trilobites and worms. Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Series 2, 5, 3966. [Google Scholar]), Nevadotheca whitei (Resser, 1938 Resser, C.E., 1938. Fourth contribution to the study of Cambrian fossils. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 97(10), 143. [Google Scholar]), an undetermined form, and undetermined orthothecides. In the Balang Formation, eocrinoids have been found attached to hyolithide conchs, which supports the view that hyolithides were benthic animals.

Haijing Sun* [], Resources and Environmental Engineering College, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, PR China; Loren E. Babcock? corresponding author [], School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA; Jin Peng corresponding author [], Resources and Environmental Engineering College, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, PR China; Jessica M. Kastigar [], School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA. *Also affiliated with Key Laboratory of Economic Stratigraphy and Palaeogeography, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, PR China. ?Also affiliated with Department of Geology, Lund University, Sölvegatan 12, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden.  相似文献   
孙维昌 《收藏家》2015,(3):39-44
考古重建人类遥远的过去,文物传承城市悠久的文脉。申城6000多平方公里地域上的考古文物充分证明,上海不仅是现代化的国际大都市,而且具有6000年的悠久历史。以田野考古探寻上海历史踪迹,开端于1935年发现金山戚家墩遗址。自20世纪50年代开始,随着上海城市周边郊县划归上海市管辖后,当时在市文管会、上海博物馆研究部考古组工作的黄宣佩、孙维昌两人,随即开展  相似文献   
山东定陶王墓地(王陵)M2汉墓是我国目前发现的黄肠题凑墓葬中规模最大、结构独特、保存最完整的一座西汉墓葬,具有很高的考古学研究和展示价值,其外围土遗址遗存体量大,整体原址保护的挑战性很高。在维持H2汉墓外围遗存完整性与充分展示前提下,选择和筛选适宜的材料和技术,是该土遗址保护的重要技术选择。本工作选取M2汉墓黄肠题凑外围土遗址土体样本,利用X射线衍射、拉曼光谱、扫描电子显微与元素分析等,分析了土体的多种物理、化学和力学性能,为土体加固材料筛选和加固技术研发确定了基本技术路线。  相似文献   
斯坦因第四次来新之经过及所获古物考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本根据新疆维吾尔自治区档案馆所藏历史档案,对斯坦因第四次来新疆考古的时间、地点、路线及所获古物最终归属进行了考证,从而使这个世纪之谜得到释解。  相似文献   
孙启康 《江汉考古》2008,(1):121-125
本文通过对丹江口水库库区出土的《彊王之孙叔姜簋》、《子中濒儿盘》和《蔡侯剑》等春秋时期铜器铭文的释读与考证,认为"彊王"乃"羌戎之王";《■子中濒儿》应是"伊雒之戎"中的"戎"的首领,并曾是"钖穴"矿区的拥有者;《蔡侯干剑》上的蔡侯应是被楚文王俘虏并带回楚国囚禁达九年后,死于楚的蔡哀侯献舞。并根据出土文物和当地的采矿遗迹,结合文献考证,确定了古钖穴的具体地点;辨明了"钖穴"并非"锡穴";"彊王"和"■子"显然都与当时活动在这一带、并不时与楚国为敌的庸、麋、绞等"群蛮"有密切的关系。  相似文献   
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