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钱谦益指出记注制度缺失、实录流布民间以及官方对本朝重大事件记载失实是造成明代"三史"舛驳的原因。他批评师心自用的俗学,直陈史学界存在的三种谬误,倡导恢复尊经重道、严谨求实的治史传统。钱谦益既效仿郑晓和王世贞辩证明代史事的治学路向,又批评并纠正了两人不少谬误。  相似文献   
段栋峡  张笑扬 《攀登》2011,30(1):67-72
长期以来,学术界就"卡夫丁峡谷"问题展开了激烈争论,但是问题本身并没有因此而消解,中国特色社会主义以"当代形态社会主义"的现实性出场,在实践上实证了马克思的科学判断。本文重新解构"卡夫丁峡谷"问题,辩证地、历史地、多维度地厘清"卡夫丁峡谷问题"的自身价值,对于正确认知中国特色社会主义具有重大的现实和理论指导意义。  相似文献   
段传亮 《攀登》2011,30(3):26-30
新兴媒体的发展,在丰富信息传播渠道、拓宽传播广度和深度、提高领导效能的同时,也以其强大的功能深刻改变着舆论传播格局。社会舆论环境的更加复杂化,给党的思想文化宣传工作和党的执政活动带来了新的挑战和影响。认清当前执政的舆论环境、了解新兴媒体的强大功能、把握新兴媒体传播规律、掌握新兴媒体的操作技术,对于各级领导干部来说具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Chuaria is widespread in Late Precambrian deposits throughout the world. In China it has been found in the Jingeryu Formation of Jixian County, Tianjin, and in its equivalents in eastern China including the Nanfen Formation of Liaoning and Jilin Provinces, and the Liulaobei Formation of Anhui Province. In the latter, Chuaria is associated with the genus Tawuia which Hofmann (in Hofmann & Aitken, 1979) described as algae of undertermined affinity and which is based on material from Canada. The glauconitic sandstone directly resting upon Chuaria-bearing greyish-green shale of the Jingeryu Formation in Jixian County has a K-Ar age of 0.899 Ga. This paper describes C. circularis Walcott, T. dalensis Hofmann and T. sinensis n. sp., and discusses the morphology, biological and taxonomic affinities, and age and geographic distribution of Chuaria. Because of the association of Chuaria and Tawuia in the Mackenzie Mountains, Canada, and also in the area of Shouxian County, Anhui Province, China, it is considered that Chuaria and Tawuia probably have close affinities. According to their general morphology and occurrence, both may be marine planktonic multicellular algae.  相似文献   
等级-规模法则在考古区域分析研究中的相关问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
段天璟 《考古》2015,(4):108-120
随着区域性考古调查方法在田野考古实践中的应用,中国考古学界正逐步积累详尽而丰富的数据资料。在此基础上,中外学者引用考古区域分析的方法,在解释聚落形态和社会复杂化进程问题方面进行了有益的尝试。应用相同的方法分析中国考古遗存,不仅有利于世界考古学界进一步了解中国考古遗存所体现的既具有人类社会演进共性又  相似文献   
在新世纪、新阶段,统一战线作为党执政兴国的重要法宝,具有协调各层各界相互关系的独特功能。为此,各级党组织要从社会转型、体制转轨的实际出发,不断研究新情况、解决新问题,正确把握和处理影响统一战线的一些重大关系,为构建社会主义和谐社会做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   
段伟 《神州》2011,(3X):135-135
研究性学习在美术课程中理论上可以通过教师的“解惑授道”来引导学生习得相关知识,又在实践上通过学生亲自实验来验证问题的假设,最终达到自我价值的实现和自我个性塑造的和谐发展。在开展高中美术研究性学习中,课程的性质需要教师以引导者与协助者的身份介入到学生的课题研究中来,帮助学生共同完成具有创新意义的研究工作。  相似文献   
"巴蜀文化"作为一个科学命题,是在抗日战争期间正式提出来的。抗战全面爆发后,随着大批高等院校和科学研究机构的内迁,国内许多知名教授和专家学者进入四川,在极为艰难的条件下,坚持科研。其中一些大学者,鉴于四川上古史的复杂性,开始潜心研究有关史料和当时极为有限的考古资料,于是提出"巴蜀文化"的命题,引起国内学术界的热烈讨论和争辩,巴蜀文化研究竟一时蔚然成风,终至成为一个科学命题而为国内外学术界所承认。  相似文献   
位于云南大姚城西半公里之文笔峰上的“白塔”,形制十分独特,不获见于别的地区。综合考察,笔者以为其形制应是准拟无缝塔而来,当为无缝塔形。  相似文献   
This paper presents an empirical analysis of hierarchical tendencies and functional patterns in the development of Mainland China’s space-economy by operationalizing the concept of “megaregions.” Drawing on the burgeoning literature on megaregions, we first argue that under conditions of economic globalization the megaregion concept does indeed present an effective tool to study the spatial agglomeration of the key components of China’s economic development. Second, we analyze the development status and the key functional characteristics of 16 prospective Chinese megaregions by constructing an index system consisting of 5 functions and 36 indicators. Third, we calculate an entropy index to rank megaregions according to their overall development status and reveal functional differences by applying cluster analysis. We find that the Yangtze River Delta, Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei Metropolitan Area, and the Pearl River Delta stand out, identify different varieties of megaregions according to their dominant functional characteristics, and explore the main policy dimensions of the persistent west–east divides observed. The paper is concluded with a discussion of potential avenues for future research.  相似文献   
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