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The central government of the empire moved south from Kaifeng to Hangzhou after the collapse of the Northern Song Dynasty, resulting in some of the Daoist temples that were originally in Kaifeng to be re-established in Hangzhou. These reestablished temples were, for the most part, intimately related to the imperial politics. They were a manifestation of the continuation and legitimacy of the imperial regime and were a psychological confirmation of the safety of the regime and the imperial household. From this we can see, in the midst of religious cultural changes, how the basic cultural factors were interrelated with particular believers. Translated from Sichuan Daxue Xuebao 四川大学学报 (the Journal of Sichuan University), 2006, (3): 33–39  相似文献   
蒋介石与胡适的关系为学术界所乐道,甚至被赋予诸多象征意义.1949年国民党政权逃台后的蒋胡关系,既是大陆时代的延续,也有在台湾时空环境下新的特点.蒋介石在台湾时期日记的开放,为研究二人关系提供了全新的资料.蒋介石与胡适均记载了他们交往的经过与彼此观感,但相异甚大,往往是"一个事件,各自表述".蒋介石在日记中痛骂胡适与在公开场合下对胡的"礼遇"形成鲜明的对比,背后的玄机,令人深思.  相似文献   
长期以来学术界所指的战国秦昭王长城,其实是战国秦、统一秦和西汉前期等三个时代前后相继,经过沿用、修缮、新建等各种形式建造后所存留下的长城;文献中屡见的汉"故塞"长城是西汉在战国秦长城的基础上加以利用新建而成的;战国秦长城的结构和体系不是我们习见的明长城模式,呈现出早期长城体系不完备的共同特征。究明布纹筒瓦的渊源及在秦地的传播过程,是判断长城时代属性的主要依据。  相似文献   
从明清时期问世的五部《朝邑县志》可知,其女性人物传记的编纂在体例、手法、叙议结合的传述模式,及纂者编纂态度、动机等方面,都有明显的沿袭与变化。明代方志传女性所秉持的存故实、警顽懦及批判社会意图,到清代则演变为以宣扬女性守节、禁锢女性思想为主。这种变化,与入清以来官方意识形态的调整与变化,及朝廷和地方政府借史志编纂引导舆论、教化习俗以禁锢人性的策略有根本联系。  相似文献   
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