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2007年,包头博物馆承接了文物商店送来的一件破损的皮质唐卡修复业务.这是一件用鹿皮制作的唐卡,是文物商店从房屋拆迁队手里征集所得,唐卡因皱摺破损,不能展示,失去了观赏价值,于是便送交我馆进行修复.  相似文献   
本文运用黄土地层学、气候地层学、生物地层学的方法尝试建立中国北方旧石器时代中期文化发展序列,认为大荔遗址、丁村遗址、周口店15地点、许家窑遗址、陕西长武窑头沟、辽宁喀左鸽子洞的年代分别相当于深海氧同位素的阶段7-8、6-4、6、4、4、3。并认为中更新世哺乳动物群在北方的最终消失大约在阶段6,如以中更新世哺乳动物群的消失作为中晚更新世界限,则和黄土地层学的研究结果比较吻合。  相似文献   
新乡市博物馆所藏《孙壁造像碑》原以为是唐碑,但作者认为该碑阴下半部分为宋代重刻。碑文对唐代邮驿及宋代的户籍制度也有所反映。  相似文献   
<正>云龙湖是历史深处的一面明镜。镜面之上,是云龙山;倒映在镜子深处的,则是汉朝的月光。到徐州,必去云龙湖。观云龙湖,则必先登云龙山。登上云龙山,打开历史册页,你会看到云龙湖遮蔽的壮阔波澜。云龙山其实是后来的名字,本来名字叫石佛山。当我在一本史书上查证到这个信息,这个名字一下子就击中了我。山川河流,一旦嵌进"佛"字,这个山水就多了一层神性的天光。人与山水的距离,就拥有了生命之间的隐秘通道。当然,这个"佛"字也不是凭空来的,因为山上确实  相似文献   
During the 2012 London Olympics, a spontaneous movement to ‘ignite positive energy’ emerged in Chinese social media from the massive and fervent support for the Chinese grassroots torch bearers. This grassroots‐oriented movement has generated a ‘transcendental Chinese patriotism’, in which patriotism is intertwined with individualism, transnationalism, and universalism. The ideal and sentiment of this hybrid Chinese patriotism forms a stark contrast to the mainstream ‘Chinese nationalism’, which has been characterized by scholars as various forms of reactive collectivism derived from state authority, Confucian tradition, and the wounded memories of China's recent history. This online movement has also demonstrated an impressive efficacy in shaping the socio‐political landscape of China beyond transforming Chinese nationalism.  相似文献   
杜钢梅  顾文玲  吴宏彬 《神州》2011,(3X):19-20,22
李渔作为“文人系之建筑思想”的代表人物之一,其建筑装饰思想主要体现在崇尚自然,重视环境;尊重个性,重在创新;强调实用与空间相宜;尚平淡雅致,忌奢华等诸方面。李渔的建筑装饰思想,是中国古代文人的人意识和情趣在建筑装饰上的集中反映,是对中国古代建筑装饰思想的发扬和光大,它对现代建筑装饰设计和施工,具有十分重要和现实的指导意义。  相似文献   
Wang, Y., Wang, Y. & Du, W., February 2016. The long-ranging macroalga Grypania spiralis from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, Guizhou, South China. Alcheringa 40, xxx–xxx. ISSN 0311-5518

Grypania spiralis (Walcott) Walter et al., a macroalga previously reported in pre-Ediacaran successions, has been collected, together with abundant macrofossils (i.e., the Wenghui biota), from black shales of the upper Doushantuo Formation (ca 593 to 551 Ma) in northeastern Guizhou, South China. Morphologically, G. spiralis represents a carbonaceous ribbon with a continuum of forms from coiled to nearly straight. Its helicoid main body might have been suspended in the water column for photosynthesis with one end anchored or nestled into soft sediments. Grypania possessed morphological stability, and its habit endowed great competitiveness for sunlight. Remarkably, it did not change significantly in size or morphology over more than 1200 Myrs.

Ye Wang [], School of Earth Sciences and Resources, PR China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, PR China; Yue Wang [] (corresponding author), School of Resources and Environments, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550003, PR China; Wei Du [], Department of Earth Science and Astronomy, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 153-8902, Japan.  相似文献   

古钱币系列是中国历史经济现象的载体,亦是承载时代进程的脉络与脚印。其见证了不同时期因政权更替的兴盛与衰败。在华夏古代文学宝库里,有关货币的诗话占有独特的重要地位。  相似文献   
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