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试论曾国荃的方志观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾国荃担任光绪《湖南通志》的总纂和光绪《山西通志》的总裁,为晚清这两部佳志的问世及方志文化的发展作出了重要贡献,而他的方志观亦有许多值得称道的地方。曾国荃热心修志,积极筹建志局开展省通志的编纂工作,提出修志的目的是存文移俗,昭示后来。修志的基本条件是具备人才和资金,并把以信以诚,简赡精严作为修志的质量保证,在修志方面表现出很高的造诣。对曾国荃在方志文化上的成就,要作出客观公正的评价。  相似文献   
杜辉 《南方文物》2009,(3):89-102,88
华南是我国古代诸多土著民族的重要聚居之地,自传说时代的苗蛮集团,商周时期的“七闽”、“八蛮”.直至战国秦汉以来在文献中出现的“百越”族名。《汉书·地理志》中记载“自交趾至会稽。七八千里,百粤杂处。各有种姓”,主要分布于现苏南和浙江、上海、江西、福建、广东、台湾等省市以及安徽、湖南、湖北、广西的部分地区。  相似文献   
新中国成立初期,广大农村中文盲半文盲普遍存在的现实难以适应国家社会经济发展的要求,因此开展大规模的农村文化教育势在必行。在中央人民政府的领导下,山西省政府对农村扫盲工作高度重视,通过积极的宣传动员、有效的组织管理以及灵活多样的学习形式,提高了广大农民的文化素质和思想觉悟,形成了良好的社会风尚,为社会主义建设培养了优秀人才。由于农村扫盲受到时代与环境的限制,亦存在形式主义和官僚主义倾向、学习形式僵化等局限性。  相似文献   
龙泉司法档案的主要特点与史料价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜正贞  吴铮强 《民国档案》2011,(1):118-123,138
新发现的浙江省龙泉市档案馆藏民国地方法院档案,共17333卷,88万余页,时间自咸丰八年(1858)始,至1949年止,是目前所知民国时期保存最完整、数量最大的地方司法档案.龙泉司法档案的史料价值主要体现在司法史、社会史、法律社会史三个层面.它为研究中国司法从传统到近代的演变,包括制度、程序、法理、实践等各方面的过渡和...  相似文献   
In this article, an explicit integration scheme for dynamic finite element analysis is developed and the formulations for linear elastic solid and two-phase porous media are derived. The accuracy and stability characteristics analyses show this scheme is second-order accurate, which is the same as the Central Difference Method (CDM), and possesses a broader scope of stability within the range of normal damping ratios of media. Comparing with the CDM, this explicit scheme requires no matrix factorization even if a non diagonal damping matrix is included. Therefore, the dynamic finite element equations can be integrated economically provided that the mass matrix is diagonal. To demonstrate the validity of the present scheme, three examples are provided. First, taking a single-degree-of-freedom system as an example, the results obtained by the proposed scheme are compared with the exact solutions. Second, the dynamic responses of half-space saturated porous media, subjected to a concentrated load pulse at the surface, are analyzed. Both examples show that the results obtained by the proposed scheme agree well with the analytical solutions. Finally, the dynamic responses of a plane strain plate due to a load pulse are analyzed, respectively, by the proposed procedure and the commercial code ABAQUS (both implicit module and explicit module), and the CPU costs are compared.  相似文献   
Since the onset of post-industrialism, the research focus in the developed world has increasingly shifted to the role of the information and communication technology, knowledge workers and the creative sector in the global economy. It has led to what could be described as an iceberg approach to economic research. In this approach, the focus is primarily on what happens in the part of the global economic iceberg above the waterline—the “clean”, “fast-moving”, “technologically advanced” elements of the global economy. However another element of the global economy, the informal sector, is growing at an alarming rate in cities in both the developed and developing worlds. These activities are unobtrusively operating in a part of the iceberg below the waterline that receives relatively little attention from the research community. The purposes of this paper are to demonstrate how the information networks created in the iceberg above the waterline are being used by a growing section of the society in the developing world in order to reach first-world destinations. It shows how informality is changing the urban landscape in first-world cities where large concentrations of non-Western populations occur. The paper then shifts its attention to the overwhelmingly informally driven economies of African cities and outlines the inappropriateness of standard economic measures to accurately portray conditions there.  相似文献   
关于小河沿文化的内涵和命名问题,学术界虽讨论了多年,但至今仍存在较大争议。通过对燕山以北地区小河沿文化遗址材料和墓地材料的检讨,重新界定了小河沿文化的基本内涵和分布范围。经过进一步的比对分析,认为燕山以南的雪山一期遗存、中贾壁遗存、午方遗存(类型)总体特征与小河沿文化区别明显,不宜纳入小河沿文化范畴。燕山以南各类遗存中所见的少部分小河沿文化因素,实为相同时期诸考古学文化之间彼此交流或受到了相同文化影响的结果。  相似文献   
对小城镇发展与规划中几个基本问题的诠释   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
冯健  杜巍 《人文地理》2000,15(5):10-13
首先从3个方面讨论了如何理性地看待小城镇发展的问题:城镇人口规模的扩大不是乡村城市化水平度量的唯一标准;小城镇发展应由追求外延式规模扩张逐步走向内涵式发展;小城镇及其乡村腹地发展战略的制订和论证应在小城镇规划中予以突出。继而提出小城镇规划的首要着眼点应是营建宜人的居住环境;认为小城镇规划的核心问题是如何突出个性而非盲目追求共性,并从小城镇景观形象的规划与设计、主导产业选择与小城镇发展模式的确立、规划的创新等方面探讨了突出规划个性的实践操作。最后,强调小城镇规划的最高目标应定位在如何推进城乡一体化战略上。  相似文献   
西北干旱区旅游业持续发展研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
西北干旱区发展旅游业具有明显的资源优势,本文通过分析西北地区旅游业发展的背景、现状、资源条件和客源市场条件、限制性因素和存在问题,探讨了旅游业持续发展的动力机制,总结出西北干旱区旅游业发展模式并提出了相应的发展对策。  相似文献   
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