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本文作者结合历史文献和相关资料,对近几十年出土的青铜器铭文进行综合研究,论述了重要铭文的历史价值与意义.  相似文献   
<正>云龙湖是历史深处的一面明镜。镜面之上,是云龙山;倒映在镜子深处的,则是汉朝的月光。到徐州,必去云龙湖。观云龙湖,则必先登云龙山。登上云龙山,打开历史册页,你会看到云龙湖遮蔽的壮阔波澜。云龙山其实是后来的名字,本来名字叫石佛山。当我在一本史书上查证到这个信息,这个名字一下子就击中了我。山川河流,一旦嵌进"佛"字,这个山水就多了一层神性的天光。人与山水的距离,就拥有了生命之间的隐秘通道。当然,这个"佛"字也不是凭空来的,因为山上确实  相似文献   
During the 2012 London Olympics, a spontaneous movement to ‘ignite positive energy’ emerged in Chinese social media from the massive and fervent support for the Chinese grassroots torch bearers. This grassroots‐oriented movement has generated a ‘transcendental Chinese patriotism’, in which patriotism is intertwined with individualism, transnationalism, and universalism. The ideal and sentiment of this hybrid Chinese patriotism forms a stark contrast to the mainstream ‘Chinese nationalism’, which has been characterized by scholars as various forms of reactive collectivism derived from state authority, Confucian tradition, and the wounded memories of China's recent history. This online movement has also demonstrated an impressive efficacy in shaping the socio‐political landscape of China beyond transforming Chinese nationalism.  相似文献   
杜宪兵 《民俗研究》2009,(1):234-245
美国华人是海外中华民族的重要组成,也是中国传统民俗在海外的重要传承者。纽约唐人街因其典型特征成为美国华人社区的一个缩影,生活于此的不同代际的华人在“恋旧”还是“洋化”的问题上有着迥异的选择,他们从墨守成规到入乡随俗的文化适应过程是多种因素综合作用的结果。如今,美国华人正在由单一文化认同动态地向多元文化认同转变,这影响着唐人街的发展和中国传统文化的存续。  相似文献   
Wang, Y., Wang, Y. & Du, W., February 2016. The long-ranging macroalga Grypania spiralis from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, Guizhou, South China. Alcheringa 40, xxx–xxx. ISSN 0311-5518

Grypania spiralis (Walcott) Walter et al., a macroalga previously reported in pre-Ediacaran successions, has been collected, together with abundant macrofossils (i.e., the Wenghui biota), from black shales of the upper Doushantuo Formation (ca 593 to 551 Ma) in northeastern Guizhou, South China. Morphologically, G. spiralis represents a carbonaceous ribbon with a continuum of forms from coiled to nearly straight. Its helicoid main body might have been suspended in the water column for photosynthesis with one end anchored or nestled into soft sediments. Grypania possessed morphological stability, and its habit endowed great competitiveness for sunlight. Remarkably, it did not change significantly in size or morphology over more than 1200 Myrs.

Ye Wang [], School of Earth Sciences and Resources, PR China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, PR China; Yue Wang [] (corresponding author), School of Resources and Environments, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550003, PR China; Wei Du [], Department of Earth Science and Astronomy, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 153-8902, Japan.  相似文献   

杜伟生 《文献》1998,(3):126-131
本世纪初敦煌遗书的发现,引起各国考古界的注意.之后,大部分敦煌遗书流失到英、法、俄等国.其余部分在解送京师途中,又散失了一些.为搜集这些珍贵的唐代遗物,许多机构和个人想方设法、不惜重金购求.一些人在高额利润的诱惑下,制作赝本欺世谋利.有些机构收藏的敦煌遗书中,不同程度掺杂着一些赝本.  相似文献   
殷墟小屯宫殿宗庙区甲组夯土基址的处理与加固保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田野考古发掘的夯土建筑基址是文化遗产的重要组成部分,也是近年来文物保护领域的重点研究对象之一。殷墟宫殿区内发掘的夯土建筑,作为一种特殊历史文物,是见证人类社会发展的重要实物。保护和利用好现有的遗址,有着十分重要的历史意义和现实意义。根据保护土质文物的原则和要求,经过针对相关样品的分析测试,在取得一定经验的基础上,使用土质文物加固剂对建筑基址进行了全面的处理和保护。  相似文献   
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