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2003年12月18日至2004年元月8日,山东微山县微山岛乡发现古墓葬,县文化局、文物管理所和乡文化站组成发掘小组,发掘清理了12座汉代石椁画像墓、土坑墓,出土一批陶、釉陶、原始青瓷、银、铜、铁、玉、骨、石、水晶质文物及钱币。M18为石椁画像墓、墓室的草木灰中发现7枚半两钱,直径23mm。M20的墓室中有5枚五铢,M21的墓室中有9枚五铢,M22的墓室中有10枚五铢,M23的墓室中有1枚大泉五十和1枚货泉,M24的墓室中有2枚大泉五十。所出五铢均为西汉钱币,墓葬年代为王莽中期。M25为竖穴土坑墓,墓中骨架颌骨部有一枚剪轮五铢,为口含,骨架的腰部有40余…  相似文献   
郑东  石钦 《南方文物》2005,(3):90-94
一、厦门港的自然条件和发展历史 1.厦门港优越的自然、地理条件 厦门市是福建省第二大城市和福建最重要的海港,由厦门岛、鼓浪屿等岛屿和占总面积十分之九的大陆部分——九龙江出海口北岸的沿海陆地及厦门港东部的沿海陆地组成,陆地总面积1640平方公里。  相似文献   
中国历史上的“正统”观念有一个形成、发展的过程,它最早发轫于远古中原“诸夏”与四夷的“华夷之辨”,形成内华夏、外夷狄的民族正统理念,“攘夷”是其主要表现。“攘夷”必须“尊王”,王不尊则夷难攘,尊王则要强调天命。于是,以君权神授为基础的王权正统成为正统观的核心内涵,表达君权神授天命观的“历数”、“正朔”等政治概念及春秋战国时代的“尊王”旗号集中反映出这种正统意识。民族正统与政治正统理念必然反映到文化思想上来,也必然需要文化思想来支持和传承,维护民族正统与政治正统的儒家思想文化由此应运而生。中国历史上的正统观念包含民族正统、政治正统、文化正统三种内涵。  相似文献   
董馥荣 《文献》2007,(2):127-133
一、骆驼书屋的主人及其藏书概况 有关藏书家徐祖正的资料,仅<文献家通考>中有这样的叙述:"徐祖正,江苏昆山人,字号、生卒年及仕履未详.  相似文献   
董鹏  李凯  袁艳平  刘立军  马晓河 《攀登》2011,30(5):92-97
生态农村建设是当前建设社会主义新农村的重大举措。论文从农村的生态环境、基础条件和农民意识等方面,探讨了我国农村生态环境中存在的问题,指出了加快农村生态建设的重要性,提出了加强乡镇企业环境综合整治、完善体制机制建设、发展生态农业、开展生态文明教育等措施,并针对我国农村生态建设的现状和特点,探索一种适合我国农村实际情况的可持续发展模式,即以经济发展为基础,以科技应用为支点,以政府干预为手段,以制度创新为引导,以法制完善为保障,以意识提高为导向。  相似文献   
孔子的民族观对后世影响深远,对于中华民族乃至世界各民族的进一步发展有着重要的理论意义和现实意义,有不可忽视的启示作用.本文梳理了孔子民族观的内容,归纳了孔子民族观的特点,解析了孔子民族观与构建和谐民族关系的现实意义.  相似文献   
In order to evaluate the seismic risk of transportation networks, it is necessary to develop a methodology that integrates the probabilities of occurrence of seismic events in a region, the vulnerability of the civil infrastructure, and the consequences of the seismic hazard to the society, environment, and economy. In this article, a framework for the time-variant seismic sustainability and risk assessment of highway bridge networks is presented. The sustainability of the network is quantified in terms of its social, environmental, and economic metrics. These include the expected downtime, expected energy waste and carbon dioxide emissions, and the expected loss. The methodology considers the probability of occurrence of a set of seismic scenarios that reflect the seismic activity of the region. The performance of network links is quantified based on individual bridge performance evaluated through fragility analyses. The sustainability and risk depend on the damage states of both the links and the bridges within the network following an earthquake scenario. The time-variation of the sustainability metrics and risk due to structural deterioration is identified. The approach is illustrated on a transportation network located in Alameda County, California.  相似文献   
Intercontinental exchanges between communities living in different parts of Eurasia during the late prehistoric period have become increasingly popular as a topic of archaeological research. The Qijia culture, found in northwest China, is one of the key archaeological cultures that can shed light on trans‐Eurasian exchange because a variety of imports are found in this cultural context. These imports include new cereals and animals, which suggest that human diets may also have changed compared with previous periods. To understand human and animal diets of the Qijia culture, carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios from human and animal skeletal remains were analysed from the type site of the Qijia culture at Qijiaping. The results demonstrate that human diet at the site mainly consisted of millet and animals fed on millet. C3 cereals, such as wheat and barley, did not contribute significantly to human diet, and no isotopic differences were found between adult and subadult diets. Furthermore, three outlying human results raise the possibility of exogenous individuals, perhaps in relation to the parallel movement of animals, crops and goods. This study provides human and animal dietary information for evaluating the nature of exchange and diffusion in eastern Eurasia at this time. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
董瑜 《世界历史》2020,(2):61-79,I0004,I0005
美国建国初期,随着政治文化的变动与地方市场的发展,费城工匠的生活面临诸多困境。对此,他们借助“共和主义”的话语追求“公共利益、自由、平等与独立”,以表达抗议与不满。与此同时,工匠的共和话语蕴含着复杂多元的价值取向。这反映了美国早期资本主义发展进程中极其复杂的多重矛盾冲突。这些矛盾,不仅存在于工匠与倾向于“精英统治”的政治精英之间,也存在于工匠内部。当工匠将这些复杂的价值取向转化为行动后,对美国早期资本主义发展产生了意义深远的影响。一方面,工匠促进公共利益的诉求转化为反对精英拥有特权的行动,推进了美国早期自由资本主义发展;另一方面,在美国早期自由资本主义发展过程中,雇主与雇员之间的矛盾加剧,双方对于“平等”的不同诉求,使美国产生新的社会冲突,形成了新的社会阶级。  相似文献   
董少新 《中华文史论丛》2012,(3):125-141,397
鄔明著是徐光啓所組建之曆局中的骨幹成員,對修成《崇禎曆書》發揮了重要作用。領洗入教後,信仰虔誠,並將天主教傳入其家鄉武昌,促成湖廣開教。然因相關文獻甚少,致其事迹不顯。本文通過現存中文及葡萄牙文文獻,勾勒鄔明著修曆與奉教事迹,進而凸顯曆局成員所構成的天主教人脈網絡及其對天主教在華傳播的作用。  相似文献   
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