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丁见民 《世界历史》2006,18(6):64-73
20世纪30年代的印第安人新政为了维护印第安人的利益、文化和传统,力图实现美国印第安人政策从同化到土著民族自治的转变。然而令人奇怪的是,印第安人新政却遭到美国土著民族的诸多强烈反对。究其原因可以归结为印第安人新政存在三大矛盾(1)印第安人新政的思想基础与被同化印第安人理念之间的矛盾;(2)印第安人新政的政策载体与印第安人传统习俗之间的矛盾;(3)印第安人新政的政策效果与印第安人的期望之间的矛盾。  相似文献   
楚式"镇墓兽"是楚墓中特有的随葬器物,反映了楚人特殊的葬俗和文化心理。本文探讨了楚式"镇墓兽"因时代、地域和墓主人身份差异而存在的演变规律,并依据其器型特征进一步认为楚式"镇墓兽"的构型为多层意象的综合体,其功用之一为引魂升天。  相似文献   
丁山 《收藏家》2010,(4):81-84
推荐词:黄定中先生为著名的古典家具收藏家、鉴赏家。著有:《留余斋藏明清家具》。其所藏明清家具皆为保留"皮壳"的原状,虽不如整修打磨过的耀眼,却与国家文物保护的原则相契合,至为难得。黄定中先生,"弱冠之年便爱淘藏旧器","时逢1996年而立之岁,缘起搬迁新居,无意中购入广式硬木家具,使对明清木器挚爱成痴",至今仍孜孜以求地探寻个中的学问与乐趣。《易传·系辞》中有曰:"形而上者之为道,形而下者之为器",故国人传统中,于古旧家具一类只视之为日用器具,直至王世襄先生《明清家具珍赏》等巨著问世,人们才恍然以文物来  相似文献   
文章认为图们江地区的产业开发既是一个当地原有产业的成长过程,又是中俄朝三国经济发展和东北亚地区国际合作的过程。为此本文讨论了地区开发条件和潜力,进而提出了地区产业开发的原则、主导产业和产业的空间结构。  相似文献   
今人关于明代通政使司研究中引据的很多文献是在缺乏仔细考订的情况下而广泛引用的。《明史》、《明会典》等诸多重要的制度史文献中就包含涉及通政使司的错误,或由于编纂者书写不当造成,或由于史官对通政使司的行政流程、政治功能认识不足而导致。因此考订明代通政使司相关文献中的若干谬误,对深入研究该项制度十分必要。  相似文献   
丁菊茸 《丝绸之路》2009,(12):82-84
萧红在小说中始终如一地以女性视角与女性生命体验为切入点,从生与死的痛苦、心灵与肉体的折磨等多重层面展示了中国广大妇女的生存真相与悲剧命运,并且多方面深刻挖掘女性悲剧的根源。萧红小说的“女性关怀”命题,在20世纪中国女性文学史上有着独特的价值与意义。  相似文献   
无论是在部落社会还是古代文明帝国,外婚联姻都是增强集团社会地位的重要手段。本文以声名显赫的高佳氏为例,探讨了清代内务府世家之间的通婚联姻问题。作者把官方史书与私家族谱进行比勘考证,对高佳氏家族的有关史实作了梳理,并用人类学通行的手法绘制出该家族的世系图和联姻图,以直观地表述其间错综复杂的亲属关系。  相似文献   
写官场风气 ,是司马迁“通古今之变”的一个重要组成部分 ;写西汉官风 ,尤为司马迁关心当代社会的一个重要表现。他写了当代官场从谀、贪酷、醇谨、疑忌等四种风气 ,认为这些风气的源头是封建君主。他写了当时的顶风派 ,但觉得顶风艰难不易。  相似文献   
In ancient China, formal government institutions stretched to the county level. This system witnessed a radical transformation during the late Qing and the Warlord period, with various types of township/village administrations mushrooming in many places across the country to meet the requirements of institutional reform and the demands for modernization in local regions. These township/village administrations can be divided into two types: one is the newborn township/village administration in the late Qing dynasty, and the other is the township/village or quasi-administration that evolved from the old localized Xiangdi (local administrative system). Functionally, the former can be further divided into two kinds, the monofunctional township/village administration, which might include education, or police and security, and the multifunctional administration. The latter falls into three categories: some were new-model administrations directly translated from the old rural Xiangdi system; some were subdivisions of the neonatal administration composed of the old local Xiangdi system; and still, others basically reserved the intrinsic property and function of the old Xiangdi system. As political entities, township/village administrations of this era can be further differentiated into those bordering on “self-government” and those lingering under “the official system.” Township/village administration at this time mostly consisted of a standing body, with their personnel, who enjoyed the status of professional civil servants, set up by legal proceedings. Government outlay was sponsored by public finance or tax income, and it assumed all kinds of modern administrative functions, basically of a modern character. Meanwhile, of course, it retained much of its traditional flavor in actual operation. All in all, the birth of this form of township/village administration constituted an important dimension of the modernization of China’s local administration system. Translated from Beijing Normal University Journal (Social Sciences), Vol. 2, 2004, by Sun Yue  相似文献   
丁治民 《文献》2004,(1):68-74
<时要字样>为敦煌残卷,凡存三个写卷,即斯6208号、斯5731号和斯6117号.  相似文献   
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