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魏迎春 《敦煌学辑刊》2006,3(3):186-190
2006年7月2-3日,由兰州大学敦煌学研究所、陕西师范大学佛教研究所和敦煌研究院联合主办的“敦煌佛教与禅宗学术研讨会”在兰州大学敦煌学研究所召开。来自北京、上海、福建、河南、河北、四川、陕西、宁夏、青海、新疆、甘肃11个省市区的代表70余人应邀出席了会议。  相似文献   
Junxi Qian  Lei Wei 《对极》2020,52(1):246-269
This paper rethinks the relationships between capitalist development in indigenous places and the fabric of local differences and specificities. It first develops a critical appraisal of the celebration of ethnic identities, local agency and indigenous knowledge in existing literatures. It suggests that, based on such insights, we can further envision the possibility of questioning and problematising the ontology and concept of the capitalist economy. Above all, this paper is interested in non-capitalist factors percolating into capitalist economies and creating fissures in their logical and ontological coherence. It examines how capitalist economies depend on local specificities to achieve particular configurations. We elucidate this argument with a case study of indigenous development in Lugu Lake, Southwest China, which is inhabited by the ethnic Mosuo people. Through the dual lenses of land and labour, we pay special attention to the transition from grassroots development initiatives to heavy dependence on exogenous capital and entrepreneurs.  相似文献   
以北京、武汉、西安城镇居民为例,探究旅游目的地选择行为的收入群体差异。研究发现,不同收入群体的旅游目的地选择行为存在明显差异,具体表现在:①不同收入群体的景区到访率均随距离的增加呈e指数衰减,但衰减速率存在收入群体差异,收入越高的群体,到访率距离衰减速率相对越小。②中国城镇居民的国内旅游目的地选择行为具有“距离择近,景点择高,经济择富”的“三择”倾向,但不同收入群体的“三择”程度不同,收入越低的群体,“距离择近,经济择富”的倾向越明显。③不同收入群体到访率空间分异趋势一致,但高到访率空间大小不同,收入越高的群体,高到访率空间越大。④目的地亲景度存在收入群体差异,收入越高的群体,目的地亲景度越高。  相似文献   
This paper discusses studies of the development of river conservancy in modern China, and the role of engineers-in-chief in river improvement planning on rivers such as the Hai-ho (Haihe) and the Whangpoo (Huangpu). It discusses the introduction of foreign hydraulic dredging technology and management into two major Chinese ports. It then analyses the process by which two agencies of the Chinese government absorbed and adjusted this technology to suit local circumstances in the treaty ports of Tianjin and Shanghai beginning in the 1890s. Without prior experience in river conservancy, the conservancy boards adopted a range of foreign technologies. This allowed them to develop into major institutions that facilitated increasing trade flows between China and the rest of the world. Of particular significance in this process of technological change was the role of the expatriate engineers-in-chief who were employed as chief executive officers of both agencies. They were responsible for establishing the operations of the agencies, accommodating an increasing range of responsibilities such as financial and human resource management, and training Chinese engineers and managers for senior positions until they were ready to replace the expatriate engineers-in-chief after the 1930s.  相似文献   
三三制是中共提出的新民主模式,旨在扩大民主参与、促进社会团结,它是在陕甘宁边区基层民主实践的基础上形成的,吸纳更多的党外民主人士参政议政,扩大了抗日政权的代表性,而在其具体实践中,传统社会文化与现代民主制度,党领导下的"放手"与"包办",无时无刻不潜存着种种张力。回归三三制民主的历史实践,能更好地认识这一民主模式。  相似文献   
甘炜  陈娟 《神州》2014,(3):235-236
本文针对成都市的相关数据,建立评价指标体系,对成都市社区居家养老服务条件和质量问题进行了评价。分析表明,该市社区居家养老服务机构的政府资助力度在逐渐扩大,但经营成本、养老服务功能的健全程度、与老年人的精神文化生活的实际需求是否吻合等一些问题,依然是影响这类地区社区居家养老服务质量提高的重要因素。  相似文献   
“诺维科夫报告”与冷战初期的苏联外交政策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
何伟 《世界历史》2006,2(2):29-36
1946年苏联驻美大使诺维科夫撰写了一份题为《战后美国外交政策》的报告,这份报告在一定程度上反映了苏联政府对当时世界局势的判断,对冷战爆发前的苏联对外政策产生了某种影响作用。中外学术界对这份报告颇为关注,本文认为如果把诺维科夫报告视为苏联在战后初期外交政策的纲领性文件同凯南的“八千字长电报”相提并论是不确切的。  相似文献   
崔薇 《旅游》2006,(6):8-8
旅游杂志社主编、编辑: 你们好! 早就想给你们写封信,表达我对这本杂志的喜爱和一些感想,很早,我还在读初中的时候,就看过你们的杂志,并且留下了深刻印象。  相似文献   
Cindy  崔薇 《旅游》2006,(1):16-24
初冬的早晨,我习惯性地走在北京地铁熟悉的通道里。身边人擦肩接踵的是这 个时刻固有的熙来攘往的人群,匆忙的,目标明确却少有表情。 对面站台硕大明亮的灯箱广告时时被驶过的列车挡住又让开,那幅匈牙利布达 佩斯的广告已经挂出来很久了:链子桥、多瑙河以及两岸缓缓游动的车河,平 板而过于标致性,却每每都使我再度想起这个曾经匆匆走过的国家,《布达佩 斯之恋》中的那首《忧郁的星期天》,那些故事、场景和细节也会紧跟着回到 感觉里,影片中无论是开始时的清晨还是结束时的夜晚,那长镜头也是如此标 致性地透过链子桥慢慢地一路摇过宽阔的多瑙河,传递着这个国家忧郁而浪漫 的气质。  相似文献   
崔薇  吴若峰 《旅游》2006,(6):66-72
回到熟悉的城市和工作环境中已经一个多月了,时常还会想起大丰。不知道大丰的麇鹿和麇鹿人现在怎么样了?小解如期结婚了吗?小袁还照例每天早晨往头发上喷发胶吗?他们会像老主任们一样永远待在有麇鹿有风景有工作有家庭的保护区吗?  相似文献   
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