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Based on the 3-single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) model of twin-tower structures linked by the sky-bridge and passive control devices, the frequency functions and the vibration energy expressions of the structures are derived by using the stationary white noise as the seismic excitation. The analytical formulas for determining the connecting optimum parameters of viscoelastic damper (VED) represented by the Kelvin model and the viscous fluid damper (VFD) represented by Maxwell model are proposed using the principle of minimizing the average vibration energy of either the single tower or the twin tower. Three pairs of representative numerical examples of twin-tower-connected structures are used to verify the correctness of the theoretical approach. The optimum parametric analysis demonstrates that the control performance is not sensitive to damper damping ratio of VED and relaxation time of VFD. The effectiveness of the proposed control strategies based on the 3-SDOF models is also proved to be applicable to multi-degree-of-freedom systems. The theoretical analysis and numerical results indicate that the seismic response and vibration energy of the twin-tower-connected structures are mitigated greatly under the two types of dampers. The presented control strategies of VED and VFD can help engineers in application of coupled structures.  相似文献   
一引言陈昌远先生,河南大学教授,2017年12月11日因病不幸辞世。先生毕生从事历史地理学与先秦史研究,在历史地理学、先秦史等诸多领域里建树颇丰。在长达六十余年的学术生涯中,先生共发表论文100余篇,开拓了先秦历史地理与中原历史地理研究的诸多领域,为中国历史地理学,特别是中原历史地理研究的繁荣与发展做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   
The deaf community in the UK has undergone major changes in recent years, which has uprooted it from its traditional foundations, the deaf club and deaf residential school. This article examines the effect of the closure of the deaf club in Bristol, a city in the South West of England, which resulted in the loss of an important community place and spaces for deaf people in the city. We discuss, with a strong focus on methodology, a community event celebrating Bristol’s deaf heritage organised by the research team which utilised archive materials, including archived actuality footage. This article draws on interview data elicited from participants in that event to explore the meanings connected to space and place in both past and present by the deaf community in Bristol. Concepts of the rhizome and the smooth and striated spaces of Deleuze and Guattari were found to be useful models with which to engage with the contemporary struggles of the deaf community for community recognition and organisation. We also suggest an online mapping application which enables the practice of rhizomatic cartography could be a way forward in preserving the deaf heritage and history of the city.  相似文献   
In this paper, we present a zooarchaeological analysis of the Longshan period sites of Taosi and Zhoujiazhuang (ca. 2300–1900 cal. BC) in southern Shanxi Province, China. We compare the faunal record at both sites in terms of the proportions of wild and domestic taxa; the slaughter patterns for the main domesticates; the types of bones used to produce utilitarian and decorative bone artifacts; and the types of bones used for ritual oracle bone divination. Differences in the faunal records at Taosi and Zhoujiazhuang provide insights into the connections between specialization and early urbanism. Our research also provides clues about how sheep and cattle pastoralism was initially adopted in the Yellow River Valley during the late 3rd millennium BC. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
《盛京时报》是日本人在我国东北创办的第一份中文日报,是日本军国主义侵华的急先锋。七七事变后,该报与日本本土报纸口径一致,声称是中国方面挑起的事端,责任在中国而非日本。该报主编菊池贞二以“傲霜庵”笔名发表社论要求日本迅即出兵“膺惩”中国、扫平华北。在侵略中国的战争中,日本的新闻宣传家们与日本军国主义分子们自觉地站到了一起.不遗余力地为军国主义的侵略行径鼓噪、辩护。但由于失踪的日本士兵不久归队,日本发动战争的借口临时由士兵失踪改为不法射击,打乱了日本人既定的宣传布署,致使其在战争之初的新闻报道漏洞百出,反倒为我们今天研究七七事变的起因提供了强有力的佐证。  相似文献   
旅游企业国际化及其运作研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
戴斌 《旅游科学》2000,(3):18-21
随着WTO的到来和中国旅游市场的进一步对外开放.将会有更多的国际旅游企业集团通过合资、合作、直接投资等方式进入中国旅游市场,民族旅游企业将面临着更趋激烈的国内竞争及国际化的问题。随着中国公民出境旅游市场的渐成规模和民族旅游企业的强大,我国的旅游企业也将会走出国门,向国际化运作的方向发展。在这一背景下.对旅游企业国际化的背景、特征与运作方式的系统研究将有助于民族旅游企业在国际旅游市场上寻求竞争优势和发展模式。  相似文献   
乾隆帝在位期间。曾下令编纂并亲自审定出版了《西域同文志》和《西域图志》两部巨著。他还写了《西域地名考证叙概》和《阳关考》两文。乾隆帝还曾派官员新疆实地测量。编绘了《乾隆内府铜版地图》。成为当时我国最完整的疆域地图。也是世界上最完整的亚洲大地图。在乾隆帝重视新疆地名研究和编写全图地图的影响下。促成了西北舆地学的形成。  相似文献   
第二次中日战争期间,日本侵略军为了支付战争经费,支撑伪政权的财政而在中国沦陷区发行了大量的公债。这些公债有日元公债,是由日本政府当时在日本发行,而后又在中国的沦陷区内进行强制推销的;也有的是日本的一些机构或民间组织、企业在中国发行的日元公债;但更多的是日本指使伪政权发行的各种公债。所有这些公债大多是在抗日战争后期,即日本国内财政困难之时发行的,期限长,标榜利率高。这些公债发行后不久战争就结束了。随着时间的流逝,社会的变迁,日本在那个时代发行的公债仅以日元计值的竟然还有约26亿元残留在中国。  相似文献   
略论古代中国和越南之间的宗藩关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
越南是中国的南邻 ,在其可考的两千余年的信史中 ,千余年属中国郡县 ,96 8年建立自主封建国家后仍与中国历代王朝保持宗藩关系 ,直至 1885年沦为法国殖民地才宣告结束。中越宗藩关系的朝贡、册封和实施过程中的战争 ,为中国对周边国家和地区的关系提供了一个基本模式。对这个问题的研究不仅是中越关系史研究的重大课题 ,而且对中国与其他周边国家和地区关系史的研究也有一定参考价值。  相似文献   
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