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洞庭湖区湿地生态旅游资源开发模式研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
洞庭湖区湿地是我国最大的淡水湖泊湿地生态系统之一,湿地资源特别丰富,开展湿地生态旅游资源条件十分优越;本文根据洞庭湖区湿地呈同心环带状分布的特征,对洞庭湖区湿地资源进行了景观分类:即洞庭湖湖泊河汊区、洞庭湖湿地平原区、洞庭湖环湖低丘岗地区;分析了洞庭湖区湿地旅游资源的特征和开发利用现状,按照洞庭湖湿地各环带生态旅游资源的特点,提出了洞庭湖湿地生态旅游资源开发模式:即洞庭湖湖泊河汊区生态旅游资源开发模式,洞庭湖湿地平原区生态旅游资源开发模式,洞庭湖环湖低丘岗地区生态旅游资源开发模式;并就湿地生态旅游资源开发中应注意的问题作了说明,以期达到保护湿地生态环境,合理开发湿地生态旅游资源,实现洞庭湖区湿地旅游资源可持续发展的目的。  相似文献   
江西省县域经济差异特征及其成因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵玉芝  董平 《人文地理》2012,26(1):87-91
县域经济作为我国国民经济的基本单元,是构造地带经济、经济区、省区、城市等区域经济的基础。我国当前社会经济运行中的主要矛盾如城乡二元结构、区域差异扩大、"三农"问题都集中反映在县域尺度上。因此,对县域经济差异进行剖析,揭示差异形成的机理,对县域经济发展有重要意义。2000年以来,江西省县域绝对差异呈持续扩大趋势,相对差异呈相对稳定趋势,总体差异呈扩大趋势;县域经济在空间上表现为经济发达型、较发达型县市主要分布在中部地区、交通干线和长江沿线地区;欠发达型和不发达型县市呈不规则的环状分布于经济发达、较发达型县市的外围地区;从整体上来看,江西省各县市的发展水平呈现北高南低的分布格局;从县市数量上看,呈现出城市规模"金字塔"结构等特征。  相似文献   
This paper deals with a complex mode superposition method for the seismic responses of general multiple degrees of freedom (MDOF) discrete system with complex eigenvectors and eigenvalues. A delicate general solution, completely in real value form, for calculat-ing seismic time history response of the MDOF system which cannot be uncoupled by normal modes, is deduced based on the algorithms of the complex superposition method. This solution comprises of two parts which are in relation to the Duhamel integration to sine and cosine function respectively. The related term of the Duhamel integration to sine function is actually the displacement response of the oscillator with corresponding modal frequency and the damping ratio. The other can be transferred into a combina-tion of the displacement and velocity responses of the same oscillator. In order to meet the practical needs of seismic design based on code design spectra for various kinds of structures equipped by viscous dampers, the complex complete quadratic combination (CCQC) method is deduced following similar procedures such as the well-known CQC method, in which a new modal velocity correlation coefficient, together with a new modal displacement-velocity correlation coefficient are involved besides the modal displacement correlation coefficient in normal CQC formula. The new algorithm of CCQC is not only as concise as that of the normal CQC but also has explicit physical meaning. The results obtained from complex mode superposition approaches are discussed and verified in some examples through step by step integration computation under a prescribed earth-quake motion input. From these examplary analyses, it may be pointed that the CCQC algorithm normally yields conservative outcome and that the forced mode uncoupling approach has good approximation even the discussed examplary structures are strongly non-proportional.  相似文献   
文化遗产旅游是国外旅游研究的热点领域之一。为了掌握国外近十年的研究动态与趋势,本文通过检索2001-2010年期间国际公认的两大旅游研究权威期刊《Annals of Tourism Research》与《Tourism Management》上发表的文化遗产旅游的相关文献,分别从文化遗产旅游者研究、文化遗产旅游目的地研究、文化遗产旅游开发与管理研究、文化遗产旅游解说与原真性研究四方面进行了分类与述评,发现国外近十年来主要集中于原真性与旅游者研究,普遍采用案例研究与模型构建,注重定性研究与定量研究相结合,多学科渗透与融合趋势明显;认为未来的工作应在坚持文化遗产旅游可持续发展的同时融合绿色理念与低碳发展观,注重实践基础之上的理论创新,并加强对濒危文化遗产的研究。  相似文献   
萧梁钱范烧成温度的测试分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了测试出土萧梁钱范的烧成温度,并探讨钱范浇铸的成功与否和其烧成温度的关系,利用热膨胀分析法测试了系列萧梁钱范样品的烧成温度。对南京、镇江两地三处萧梁铸钱遗址出土钱范的测试结果表明,各遗址样品的烧成温度相差较大,在此基础上讨论了未浇铸钱范废弃的原因;对现代模拟制作的、浇铸情况已知的钱范样品的测试结果表明,对于相同原料的钱范,是否能浇铸成功,和它的烧成温度呈现出良好的对应关系。根据对系列样品烧成温度的实测数据,以及模拟浇铸实验中数次失败直到成功的教训和经验,推断出钱范的烧成温度是决定其浇铸成功与否的关键因素之一。  相似文献   
胡适与泰戈尔访华   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1924年,泰戈尔应邀访华,宣扬东方价值观,在思想界引起轩然大波.胡适一贯推崇西方文化,对泰戈尔的思想也没有真切的了解,但他作为一个自由主义知识分子,对泰戈尔的人格表示敬重,为泰戈尔在华期间遭受的不公正待遇进行辩护.两人由此结下深厚友谊,为中印文化交流作出了贡献.  相似文献   
S. LI  M. DONG  Z. LI  S. HUANG  H. QING  E. NICKEL 《Geofluids》2005,5(4):326-334
This paper reports a laboratory study of the gas breakthrough pressure for different gas/liquid systems in the Mississippian‐age Midale Evaporite. This low‐permeability rock formation is the seal rock for the Weyburn Field in southeastern Saskatchewan, Canada, where CO2 is being injected into an oil reservoir for enhanced recovery and CO2 storage. A technique for experimentally determining CO2 breakthrough pressure at reservoir conditions is presented. Breakthrough pressures for N2, CO2 and CH4 were measured with the selected seal‐rock samples. The maximum breakthrough pressure is over 30 MPa for N2 and approximately 21 MPa for CO2. The experimental results demonstrate that the Weyburn Midale Evaporite seal rock is of high sealing quality. Therefore, the Weyburn reservoir and Midale Beds can be used as a CO2 storage site after abandonment. The measured results also show that the breakthrough pressure of a seal rock for a gas is nearly proportional to the interfacial tension of the gas/brine system. The breakthrough pressure of a CO2/brine system is significantly reduced compared with that of a CH4/brine system because of the much lower interfacial tension of the former. This implies that a seal rock that seals the original gas in a gas reservoir or an oil reservoir with a gas cap may not be tight enough to seal the injected CO2 if the pressure during or after CO2 injection is the same or higher than the original reservoir pressure. Therefore, reevaluation of the breakthrough pressure of seal rocks for a given reservoir is necessary and of highest priority once it is chosen as a CO2 storage site.  相似文献   
国外交通地理学研究的知识图谱与进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
交通地理学作为人文地理学的重要分支,一直充满着活力与多样性,获得人文地理学者的广泛关注。本文基于CiteSpace可视化软件,采用Web of Science中收录1982-2014年的4840篇交通地理学论文作为原始数据,梳理了近30年的研究脉络,绘制了学科发展的知识图谱,系统地归纳了学科的研究热点与发展趋势,以期为中国交通地理学研究提供借鉴。研究发现:国外交通地理学研究方法和研究内容日趋多元化,研究视角趋向微观化,质性研究突显;初步形成城市规划学派、理论地理学派、时间地理学派等六大学术共同体;出现社会、行为、文化和流动的诸多转向,呈现出人本导向、信息导向和交叉化的发展趋势。  相似文献   
司马迁《报任少卿书》乃千古名篇,历代选、注者无数,但其中“刑馀之人,无所比数,非一世也,所从来远矣”一句中“比数”一词,却众说纷纭,看法各异。本文从“比”、“数”两字各自的本义入手,同时考察它们作为语素构成的双音词在中土文献及汉译佛典中的使用情况,提出“比数”为同义并列复词,乃“亲近”之义的新见。  相似文献   
本文对北京大学出版社1999年出版的《毛诗正义》标点本的若干标点问题提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   
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