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新疆塔里木盆地策勒县达玛沟下游古绿洲为一片典型的历史时期形成的沙漠化区域,总面积约660平方千米。古绿洲上散落着胡杨墩佛寺遗址、托普鲁克墩佛寺遗址、大墓地、胡杨墓地、喀拉沁古城、斯皮尔古城等众多古代遗迹。喀拉沁古城为唐代所设的坎城守捉(坎城镇、绀州),也即媲摩城(phema)。唐代喀拉沁古城商贸发达、人丁兴旺、佛教兴盛,公元790年以后荒弃。斯皮尔古城原为汉代西域渠勒国王城鞬都城,约魏晋后期荒弃。文中对于达玛沟下游古绿洲上的佛寺和城址的废弃,以及古绿洲沙漠化过程前后经历的两个阶段和沙漠化的原因,进行了剖析。  相似文献   
为寻找适宜砂岩石窟岩体裂隙灌浆的材料,进行了基于仰韶水泥的砂岩石窟岩体裂隙灌浆材料室内筛选。研究表明,以烧料礓石为胶凝材料,以偏高岭土、石英砂为填料的浆液可作为砂岩石窟裂隙灌浆的初选材料。进一步试验表明,当浆液材料添加总质量10%膨胀剂后,最优的配比为烧料礓石、偏高岭土、石英砂以质量比1∶0.6∶0.4,最佳水灰比为0.5~0.6。针对该配比的灌浆材料开展物理力学特性测试及耐候性试验,结果表明,该种配比的浆液结石体除具有孔隙率大、收缩小、强度好的特点外,还具有较好的抵御温湿度循环、冻融循环及盐碱侵蚀等的能力,是一种较为适宜的砂岩石窟裂隙灌浆材料。研究结果也可为类似石窟岩体裂隙灌浆材料的选择作参考。  相似文献   
This study explores the contradictions and challenges in the development of multiculturalism in cultural policy in Taiwan. The approach used involves an exposition and critique of the two dominant models of multiculturalism in Western theory – namely, liberal multiculturalism and postmodern multiculturalism. From the perspective of liberal multiculturalism, I argue that ignorance of multicultural citizenship limits the scope and impact of multicultural policy. I then go on to suggest that postmodern multiculturalism addresses problems related to the visibility of cultural differences and shifting identities. Through analysing the various contradictions and challenges inherent in these two approaches, this study hopes to identify appropriate forms of multiculturalism capable of taking into account both multicultural citizenship and the dynamics of cultural diversity.  相似文献   
The residual doses and sensitivity change for potassium-rich feldspar (K-feldspar) have been studied using the post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence (pIRIR) and multi-elevated-temperature post-IR IRSL (MET-pIRIR) protocols. Laboratory simulated poorly-bleached and well-bleached samples were those K-feldspar grains bleached using a solar simulator for 10 minutes and 8 hours, respectively. The residual doses rise with stimulation temperature and time. The poorly-bleached sample has larger residual doses than the well-bleached sample, especially at high stimulation temperatures. The high-temperature pIRIR signals contain a large amount of hard-to-bleach signals. A decrease of luminescence sensitivity was observed after conducting a high-temperature-treatment in the measurement cycles. The sensitivity decreases significantly between the first and the second cycle. The extent of decrease in sensitivity shows a clear temperature trend. The higher the stimulation temperature of pIRIR signals is, the larger the sensitivity decreases. This decrease is more severe for the poorly-bleached sample than for the well-bleached sample, and could possibly lead to problems in sensitivity correction.  相似文献   
本文通过对2000年以来长城保护方案及有关批复意见的系统梳理,重点从勘测、勘察、设计定位与保护原则、工程技术手段及设计文本与图纸等方面对目前勘察设计中存在的共性问题进行了系统分析;同时,根据不同结构类型的长城,还对现存主要病害和技术措施进行了抽样分析.在此基础上,本文从保护规划体系、立项审核、保护维修工作原则、勘察设计要求及项目实施与管理等方面提出了建议.  相似文献   
作为近年我国修复保护项目的重要工程之一,“大足石刻千手观音造像抢救性保护工程”髹漆贴金层修复是此次修复工程的重点和难点之一.考虑到千手观音的综合价值,以及作为宗教类文物的特殊性,贴金层该如何修复影响着整个保护工程的最终效果.2013年7月,修复工程组技术人员完成了针对髹漆贴金修复效果的本体试验,并得到了专家认可.本文主要介绍此次试验的前期准备和具体实验内容,讨论保护理论与修复操作的实践结合办法.  相似文献   
为研究黔西地区铜器时代金属制作技术及水平,本文采用金相显微镜和扫描电镜,对贵州银子坛墓地出土13件铜器和2件锡器进行了金相观察和化学成分分析,发现中水银子坛墓地出土的战国到西汉时代的铜器,有红铜、锡青铜和铜锡铅合金多种材质,而锡器有纯锡器以及锡铅合金,合金配比已具有一定的水平。制作技术有铸造和锻造工艺,并能应用冷热加工技艺。本文对研究古夜郎地区金属器的制作技术有一定的价值。  相似文献   
闫丽  唐晓天 《古籍整理研究学刊》2006,(4):94-96,F0003,28
《左传》中人物的称名十分复杂,反映了春秋时期的各种社会关系和文化现象。《左传》中女性人物的称名较男性简单,而且命名规律更为明显,体现了当时的血亲家族观念和婚姻文化。  相似文献   
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