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清中期以前,越南被视为藩属,清廷未曾与其划分明确界线。中法战争后清廷与法国签订《中法会订越南条约十款》,越南与清朝藩属关系断绝,划界之议遂启。光绪十一年,清廷派邓承修与法国官员进行划界事宜谈判,经过冗长的交涉辩论,最终双方签订界约、绘制界线舆图。台北“故宫博物院”藏邓承修与法国勘界官员所订条约、界图和相关档案,是还原这段桂越段边界交涉情形的重要资料。  相似文献   

Existing tourism scholarship on place meanings seems to retain an underlying assumption of a contradiction between tourist places and the mundane world. In contrast, this paper contends that the production of the meanings of tourist places is also closely related to everyday life. To make its case, it interrogates the creation of meanings of two scenic sites of Tianya Haijiao and Nanshan in Sanya, a famous coastal destination in southern China. Although both scenic sites have been recently developed, their significance stems from historical and cultural meanings in traditional Chinese culture, which are frequently communicated in people's daily conversations and practices. Besides, the meanings of the tourist sites are neither fixed by legitimate discourses nor dominated by tourism publicity; they are continuously shaped by wider socio-spatial events in mundane societies and re-interpreted through tourism mobilities in accordance with tourists’ everyday concerns. This paper echoes the ‘new mobilities turn’ in tourism studies and contributes to the discussions of the mundaneness of tourist places.  相似文献   
新世纪以来中国博物馆展览事业发展迅猛,与国外博物馆的交流活动频繁,展览策划及相关的策展人制度、理事会制度以及公众服务等均在借鉴国外经验的基础上不断完善。加拿大皇家安大略博物馆副馆长沈辰先生指出,皇家安大略博物馆等西方博物馆在curator的职责和作用,展览策划的理念和实践以及展览流程中的团队协作、对公众体验的重视、展览的筹款、董(理)事会的功能等方面的经验可以为中国博物馆的展览策划工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   
主张"佛教文艺化"的星云大师对诗、偈十分重视,撰写了不少文章谈诗论偈.星云大师所论及的诗作大多是禅诗和偈语,此外的其他诗作也多于佛教、佛法相关.星云大师对诗歌内容的解读十分重视,多延续前人的说法,阐发诗中蕴含的佛法真意.在对诗进行文本解读之外,星云大师或把诗放在诗禅交流的视域下辨别诗中所言佛法真伪;或通过论诗体现诗禅交流活动的意义,从而彰显佛法的感召力;或通过否定诗歌传达佛法的有效性,让人们对佛法有更深刻的认知.  相似文献   
论文以英国华裔青少年为例,通过问卷调查,了解中国电影在海外华侨华人中的接收情况,探讨了电影对中华文化在海外华侨华人中传播的作用和效果。论文认为中国电影是华侨华人接触和了解中华文化的重要途径,海外华人对中华文化有强烈的认知渴求,希望从中国电影中获取关于中国"言"、"象"、"意"的多层次、多元认知,他们对历史和当代中国的情况并重,对中国电影的解读体现出其文化间性。电影作为中华文化海外传播的重要窗口,应该增加其内容和形式的多样性,摆脱题材的单一性和对中国的刻板印象,用中国的话语讲好世界的故事,以摆脱文化弱势的处境,彰显中华文化的魅力,让中华文化更好地被华侨华人和世界所接受。  相似文献   
明清北京通州古城研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通州是明清时期运河北端漕运枢纽城市。随着漕运的发展,通州城池自明初以来也日益扩展和完善。本文利用文献档案、古地图、实地考察和访谈等多种研究方法研究了通州城垣、护城河以及城内街巷分布和功能区布局,并重点论述了通州城的主要职能。明清通州城的发展演变与漕运有着密切的关系,古城城垣扩展受到仓储职能的较大影响,城池巧妙地利用运河水系集城防与漕运于一体,城市职能随着漕运发展而日渐扩充和完善。明清通州古城集中反映了北京地区的运河文化,是重要的运河文化遗产地,应加以深入研究并实施保护。  相似文献   
Since the late 1980s, Taiwan has been engulfed in waves of both democratisation and integration with mainland China. These two waves have pulled identity reconstruction in Taiwan in two different directions. In the process of democratisation, a shift to a majoritarian system encouraged a Taiwanese renaissance on the political platform and consequently led to the deconstruction of Chinese identity. On the other hand, in the 1990s, with the high mobility of capital and people across the Taiwan Strait, close economic ties could have put the brakes on Taiwan independence movements. Hence, this paper uses random coefficient models to explore how the democratic transition and increasing cross‐strait relations brought about psychological and structural mechanisms that motivated people to opt for identity change in Taiwan. It also attempts to investigate how people dealt with the dissonance between rising Taiwanese nationalism and the economic interests that deterred a radical Taiwanese identity.  相似文献   
The development of tourism can have a considerable sociocultural impact on ethnic communities, but few studies have attempted to separate the unique impact of ethnic tourism from the overall impact of modernization and describe its mechanism clearly. This paper describes a quasi-natural experiment performed in three typical Dai villages in different stages of tourism development. A crosswise and longitudinal comparative study was performed on Dai village culture. The study indicates the following: (1) spiritual culture has been transmitted relatively unchanged across generations in three Dai villages, but material culture has undergone various degrees of change. (2) The changes in material culture and some parts of institutional culture have been caused primarily by the pressure of overall social modernization. (3) Currently, the overall thrust of modernization in mainstream Chinese society has driven some ethnic cultural practices out of use, while the endogenous driving force of tourism development in ethnic communities has pulled them back into use. (4) Under the influence of modernization, the issue of whether ethnic tourism communities can be developed in a sustainable way depends on both bottom-up and top-down factors: the leading role played by community elites internally, developing useful parts of ethnic culture and discarding useless parts during repeated games in the tourism field, and government policy and guidance facilitating planning.  相似文献   
陈清慧  董馥荣 《文献》2006,(4):159-168
《四库全书》是中国文化史上一项规模宏大的文化工程,该工程自乾隆三十七年(1772)高宗皇帝下旨徵书至四十六年(1781)第一部文渊阁《四库全书》缮写告竣,前后历时9年,至四库七部书全部缮写装潢庋藏完毕,则已到了嘉庆九年(1804),历时32年.  相似文献   
2003年7~8月,吉林大学边疆考古研究中心和内蒙古文物考古研究所联合对西梁遗址进行了抢救性发掘。在部分遗迹内出土了大量破碎的动物,骨骼遗存。本文仅对出土的动物骨骼遗存进行整理研究。探讨狩猎经济与畜养经济的比例关系以及与人类行为有关的一些信息。一、动物遗存的出土情况发现的动物骨骼均出土在不同的房子和灰坑内,详细的土出情况见表一。在11个遗迹的18个层位内,共发现动物骨骼866件。其中包括软体动物的壳体26件,鸟类骨骼30件,其余为哺乳类动物骨骼。出土的动物骨骼非常破碎,并有较多的碎骨被火烧过,还有加工骨质工具时遗留的骨…  相似文献   
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