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To assess tourist motivations at the battlefield site on Kinmen Island of Taiwan, an empirical investigation was conducted. From a convenience sample, we collected 437 effective responses of respondents including domestic and international tourists with different cultural background in Kinmen. The structure of motivation was first examined via factor analysis. Then ANOVA analysis was applied to address the influence from demographic aspects such as gender, age, and nationality. Our results show that personal, spiritual, experience, physical, and emotional perspectives are five major sources of motivations. More importantly, age and nationality are confirmed to be two major dimensions to segment tourists in the context of battlefield tourism. Tourists with older age have higher motivations toward the battlefield site in comparison with young tourists. In addition, tourists with different cultural background based on different nationalities are significantly motivated by various motivational factors. The example of Kinmen contributes theoretically to a better understanding of the motivational attributes in a battlefield site, and how they represent a basis for increasing tourist perceptions. The motivational mechanisms and factors explored in this case can be incorporated into marketing strategies. Additionally, our results also provide a viable basis for the tourism authorities concerned to reevaluate the essence of its tourism industry in the context of battlefield resources and attractions.  相似文献   
In crime analyses, maps showing the degree of risk help police departments to make decisions on operational matters, such as where to patrol or how to deploy police officers. This study statistically models spatial crime data for multiple crime types in order to produce joint crime risk maps. To effectively model and map the spatial crime data, we consider two important characteristics of crime occurrences: the spatial dependence between sites, and the dependence between multiple crime types. We reflect both characteristics in the model simultaneously using a generalized multivariate conditional autoregressive model. As a real‐data application, we examine the number of incidents of vehicle theft, larceny, and burglary in 83 census tracts of San Francisco in 2010. Then, we employ a Bayesian approach using a Markov chain Monte Carlo method to estimate the model parameters. Based on the results, we detect the crime hotspots, thus demonstrating the advantage of using a multivariate spatial analysis for crime data.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Rapid population growth and increasing water development costs have prompted many western governments to condition residential development approval on the adequacy of water supplies. We examine the effects of these regulations on housing supply in Colorado and New Mexico using fixed‐effects panel regressions. Our findings suggest that price‐based tools to ensure water availability may be a preferred regulatory alternative to quantity restrictions. Attempts to restrict groundwater basin access have not unambiguously corrected negative externalities related to growth. Meanwhile, Colorado cities' aggressive use of impact fees has facilitated water resource development, without limiting growth.  相似文献   
This study examines the interrelationship between external political support, internal organizational factors, and red tape, using a sample of information managers from state health and human service agencies. The study defines a red tape model and tests the model by structural equation modeling method. The study finds that political support has a direct effect on red tape. The higher the political support, the lower the level of red tape. The study also confirms an indirect effect of political support on red tape, mediated by developmental culture. Indirect effect through goal clarity has the correct sign but is not statistically significant. Practical recommendations are made for the political environment to provide the opportunity for managerial reforms that are often advocated.  相似文献   
联珠纹在中国虽有更早的源头,但它从6世纪中期才开始流行。那时中国的联珠纹虽以粟特地区为中介受到萨珊艺术的影响,但也融入了自身的文化理解和艺术形式,这令联珠纹在很大程度上丧失了原有的萨珊图案寓意、改变了西方原貌。邺城等黄河中下游的丝织重镇,应是联珠纹织物在内地的重要产地。  相似文献   
陈伟文 《文献》2007,(2):123-126
国家图书馆藏<药洲笔记>一卷(馆藏号7650),著录为佚名清抄本.全书共五十页,不标页码,内容有关金石者最多,其次为诗论.书未署作者,无序跋,除国图藏书章外也无其他印章.  相似文献   
陈红彦  林世田 《文献》2007,(3):129-142
吴士鉴(1868-1934),近代金石学家、藏书家.字絅斋,号公詧,别署式溪居士.浙江钱塘(今杭州)人.光绪十八年(1892)进士,官翰林院侍读、江西学政、资政院议员、清史馆纂修.  相似文献   
乡土志是乡土教科书之"名",乡土志的"实"是近代初等小学历史、地理、格致三科的乡土教学内容,它的"名"与"实"俱与地方志有本质的不同,不能与方志同归属.  相似文献   
江西省永新县的酱萝卜闻名遐迩,它是永新人民长期与自然斗争、谋求发展的智慧结晶。永新县处于罗霄山脉中段的大山深处,现隶属江西省吉安市管辖,其地理位置决定了它不便与外界联系,特别在交通不发达的年代,每逢严冬之时,大雪封山,老百姓生存所需的肉、鱼、水果和蔬菜等易腐食品的供应几乎断绝,生活的经验告诉老百姓:在入冬之前,维持生存的食品必须准备妥当,否则在漫长的冬天里是熬不过去的。  相似文献   
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