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沈乃文 《文献》2006,(3):23-40
一 苕溪渔隐,是南宋文人胡仔的别号.胡仔,字元任,籍贯是徽州绩溪,生于大观四年(1110),作过三几年下层官吏,行实平淡,记载很少,后代的说道也不多,惟有他编撰的北宋后期诗词评论总集--<苕溪渔隐丛话>(下简称"丛话"),一直流传到今天.  相似文献   
原存甘肃合水县太茂老村窟庙内的北魏时代的交脚菩萨像(砂岩,加彩,高96厘米,合水博物馆藏)笔者2000年与张宝玺先生一起曾考察过,印象颇深。菩萨头发为分绺式,上刻水波纹,冠饰已残,样式不明。宝缯如三角巾状飘垂于双耳侧。上身袒,胸部饱满,璎络交叉于腹前,身后的帔帛缠于臂部,下  相似文献   
During the transition towards a more market‐oriented economy and entrepreneurial governance, local authorities have attempted to create new cross‐jurisdiction regional entities to enhance their competitiveness through making city‐region plans or regional strategic plans in China. This article analyses the process of region building in China through a case study of Nanjing city‐region. We argue that region building is a state‐led regional project in China, not a spontaneous process. City‐region planning has played a legitimacy‐seeking role in the construction of new regions. Based on the discourse provided by the city‐region plan, associated city networks are being created as a mechanism for plan implementation and regional coordination. This signals that regional planning is entering the stage of regional institution building. By assessing the capacity of regional institutions, we argue that the newly‐emerged regional institutions or urban networks have facilitated regionalization in terms of the increasing involvement of non‐state actors, the formation of regional coherence and identity and the enhanced inter‐city co‐operation. However, it is still difficult to establish effective regional governance due to competing local governments, the arbitrary political leadership and the fragmented planning functions.  相似文献   
阙维民  沈昌洪 《文献》2002,(4):210-224
家书四 亲爱的家人们: 那天,拉滕伯里(Rattenbury)先生进来吃午饭时描述了当时的情况.他说:"天啊!这真是一团糟."确实如此,上周我们简直生活在恐怖之中,经历了这次事件,我觉得长大了许多.星期一(10月30日)和星期二(10月31日),事情看来有希望了.  相似文献   
The coloured stones used in buildings and monuments were an indicator of power and wealth during the ancient times. In this study, Tripolis city samples have been compared with Tripolis quarry samples in order to recognise the provenance of the banded travertine blocks in the ancient city. The banded travertine samples have similar mineral compositions and mainly consist of calcite with minor amounts of dolomite, aragonite, clay and iron oxide minerals. These results are also supported by CRS studies. Calcite is in the form of needle-shaped crystals ranging between 0.163–1.418?mm (in city) and 0.303–1.270?mm (in quarry). Tripolis banded travertine samples show the similar compositional spread in terms of major oxide, trace elements. δ13CV-PDB values of banded travertines range from 1.93 to 5.25‰ (in city) and 2.99 to 3.99‰ (in quarry), δ18OV-PDB values change between (?16.93)–(?10.08) ‰ and (?15.93)–(?13.01)‰, respectively. The U–Th radiometric ages are determined between ~267 and 9?ka in Tripolis city samples and ~350 and 2?ka in Tripolis quarry samples. The minero-petrographic, geochemical, C–O and U–Th isotope results fairly matched with each other. It seems highly probable that the banded travertines in Tripolis city were extracted from the Tripolis quarry, which is located at the northeast of the antique city with a distance of 3?km.  相似文献   
申茂盛 《文博》2010,(4):36-38
本文通过对二号俑坑建筑形制的分析,认为:二号俑坑的门道有11条,但作用各不相同,其中6、7号门道使用时间较短,这可能与俑坑内东西向的格局有关。开间分为放置有俑的廊道和不放置俑马,仅起通道作用,用完后用夯土填实二种。第4过洞的形制与其周围的过洞形制不同,其埋藏的内涵可能也不同。第9过洞与第10、第11过洞用纵木隔开,互不相通。把它们作为一个军事单元的推断仍需要推敲。二号俑坑的互不相通的格局与其焚毁情况较轻的状况也应该有很大的联系。  相似文献   
新中国成立之初,受近代中国屡遭列强欺凌影响,同时基于国家安全与统一的现实考量,党和政府把大力发展国防工业作为工业化建设的重要内容。围绕建立独立、完整国防工业体系的目标,确立立足国内开发和生产武器的产业政策,集中规划,统一管理;重视技术引进、吸收和自主创新;并确定重点领域,加速尖端武器的研制、生产。同时,以"两弹一星"精神为核心的军工文化提供了巨大的精神动力和激励作用,有助于国防科技自主创新能力的培育。新中国在短时间内建立起比较完备的国防工业体系,基本实现全部常规武器的进口替代,并在尖端武器领域实现重大突破。不论纵向比较还是横向比较,这一阶段新中国国防工业都呈现快速发展的态势。  相似文献   
王申 《安徽史学》2021,(1):128-134,142
已有研究常将多种南宋纸币视为性质接近的货币,但不同南宋纸币因财政运作的塑造却存在性质和功能上的差异.以两淮地区为例,淮南交子看似是当地的区域性纸币,却始终作为推行铁钱化政策、调节铁钱数量的财政工具,在盐榷、军俸等财政活动和民间交易中受限,不具有完整的货币流通职能.全国性纸币东南会子更深入地参与两淮货币流通,其重要性随着南宋后期财政、军事状况的变化而与日俱增.区域性纸币与全国性纸币的差异并非仅在于流通范围和数量等表象,更本质的区别由其在财政运作中的角色所决定.  相似文献   
在沦陷区发行公债,隐性劫掠中国资财,是日本侵华战争期间(1931-1945)实行对华经济战、以逞其"以战养战"战略企图的一个重要工具.日本在华公债政策随战局的变化而变化,大致经过了有限度发行--扩大发行--无限度滥发三个阶段.发行中,所有公债种类均有发行,表现出公债发行与伪币发行"有机"结合、发行的强制性和发行的欺诈性等特点.日本在华公债政策不仅给中国造成了难以估量的经济损失,而且给日后中国的经济发展埋下了严重隐患.  相似文献   
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