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In this paper I have two objectives. The first is to critically explore definitions of playing that have underpinned a great deal of research in children's geography. In so doing I want to highlight some of the assumptions that various authors within geography have made (often implicitly) about the ontological status of playing. This will in turn, lead me to work with, between and sometimes against three authors who have tried to theorize playing. In following this route, I hope to come to some tentative conclusions about the status of playing, which paradoxically will eschew any (strong) ontological commitment at all. This leads to my second objective, which is to explore four particular aspects of playing—embodiment, affect, objects and time-space—to examine how they are interleaved with spaces and spacing. In necessarily situating this work within my research at Hilltop Primary School1 1. This is a pseudonym, used as part of a confidentiality agreement signed with the school. View all notes in the summer of 2001, I hope to show that geographical studies can contribute to definitions of playing as much as playing can inflect certain notions of space.  相似文献   
This article considers the public health and social-reform agitations of Dr. William Pulteney Alison (1790-1858), professor of medicine at Edinburgh University and leader of the Scottish medical profession, in the context of Scottish moral philosophy. Throughout his career, Alison reflected on what has come to be recognized as a central problem of social medicine: where did its domain end? At what point did the medical mission of identifying and eliminating factors that harm health pass into a non-medical domain-the provinces of political economy, individual liberty, participatory politics, or acceptance of nature's dictates? On these issues Alison was an expansionist, relentlessly pushing back the borders of medicine. Drawing on Alison's writings on such disparate topics as the philosophy of mind, the epidemiology of infectious diseases, and modes of agrarian organization, the article argues that the trajectory of much of Alison's work was to discover the structural implications of a comprehensive biological reading of human capacity and behavior. It is therefore appropriate to see him as a promulgator of a "political medicine," which he presented as a critical alternative to the classical political economy of the Scottish Malthusians. The article concludes by suggesting that Alison's work (and influence) have been under-recognized and remain pertinent to modern social epidemiology, public health, and medicine more broadly.  相似文献   
六胡州古城址的发现及其环境意义   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文在追溯唐代六胡州的建置与“灵、夏之间”行政沿革的基础上,通过对内蒙古、宁夏、陕西三省区交界处,即毛乌素沙地西南缘的实地考察,并依据考古与文献资料,初步确定了今鄂托克前旗与盐池县境内的六个唐代古城址与六胡州的对应关系。从古城址的时空分布格局、选址条件、人类活动方式等出发,阐述了六胡州古城址的环境指示意义。唐初六胡州北部已经有比较严重的土地沙漠化问题,而六胡州一带建城时因受早期沙漠化过程的影响,在局部地形部位可能分布有地表积沙。  相似文献   
出土青铜器是否带有原生“粉状锈”的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
“粉状锈”是一种危害性极强的锈蚀产物,本工作从铜的氯化物的生成和土壤环境两个方面入手,对其生成机理进行研究。研究结果表明,“粉状锈”并不是铜器在埋藏环境中直接形成的,而是在土壤中形成“病灶”———氯铜矿、氯化亚铜或两者的混合物放置于大气环境中逐渐转化而成。  相似文献   
农历的八月秋高气爽,硕果累累,到处是丰收的景象。八月十五是中华民族的传统佳节——中秋节。三川莽图下排沟的纳顿节恰好在这一天。所以,下排沟的男女老少都穿着节日的盛装,怀着喜悦的心情去参加自己盛大的民族节日。马路上是络绎不绝的行人,会场上五颜六色的彩旗迎风飘扬,还有那隆隆的锣鼓声回荡在山谷,会手们有秩序、有节奏地跳着自己的纳顿舞。  相似文献   
你是山。 你有多种别号:乌图长山、钟岭梁、峨头山、华石山、青阳山、野牛山、日月山、恰合山、黄茂大板山、将军山……  相似文献   
我国政府角色归位应该从影响政府定位因素的诸多关系出发。从处理政府与社会关系来看,要落实好以人为本;从处理政府与市场关系来看,要谋划好市场规划;从处理好政府与社会关系来看,要培育好公民社会;从处理好政府与政党关系看,要调整好权力格局;从处理好政府与自然关系来看,要坚持科学发展观。  相似文献   
妈祖信仰,作为一种化形态是近几年才被提出来的,妈祖信仰,大致可追溯到宋朝时期。妈祖化所包含的内容十分丰富,涉及到政治、经济、化、风俗、信仰等等诸多方面。妈祖化传入汕尾以后即与汕尾的地方化相融合,形成了鲜明的地方特色。  相似文献   
陈志坚 《世界历史》2008,(4):94-105
盛行于英国近代早期的家产析分契约(strict settlement)是地产主因对普通法继承规则不满而自行设计的一种家产分配方案。通过对其背景和实践的综合考察可发现,与之前的家产分配方案一样,家产析分契约明显也具有矛盾的性质,它反映了地产主既想保全家产,又要为弱势家庭成员考虑的矛盾心态。然而,过渡时期的特殊社会背景又赋予了它新的特性,地产主在坚持原则的基础上,开始利用新兴资本主义的理念和经济手段努力调整其家产分配方式,有效地调和了长久以来存在的各种矛盾。  相似文献   
14C测年技术作为一种测年技术已广泛地应用在考古学、地质年代学、古气候学、古地理学等许多方面。为了解陕西志丹县马头山道教真身泥塑的年代,采用加速器质谱14C技术对道教真身泥塑的谷秸进行了测试,测试结果表明该真身泥塑制作年代在17世纪中叶至18世纪末的可能性较大。  相似文献   
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