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Using the concept of ‘constrained agency’ introduced by Neil Coe and David Jordhus‐Lier, this article attempts to evaluate the possibilities and constraints facing labour agency in the Pearl River Delta in China. By reviewing the social, economic and political background of the changing labour market and labour regulations in China, and through an intensive case study of a workers’ strike and its consequences, the author argues that Chinese migrant workers have begun to challenge the state's regulatory regime on labour, which is based on individual rights. However, the introduction of a regulatory framework based on collective rights is being impeded by the party‐state's manipulation of trade unions and the strong influence of global capital on local labour policy.  相似文献   
This paper presents an analysis of networks among small and medium-sized enterprises in the Irish biotech sector. The study applies social network analysis to determine the structure of networks of company directors and inventors in the biotech sector. In addition, on the basis of interviews, this article analyses the extent of actual knowledge flow through these industry networks. The paper makes both a theoretical and methodological contribution to innovation network research. In relation to theory, the findings of the social network analysis indicate that the extent and path of knowledge flow are influenced by both the type of knowledge in question and whether the network is of a formal or informal nature. Methodologically, the results of this paper raise questions about the application of social network analysis in innovation studies.  相似文献   
The extent to which North Atlantic Holocene climatic perturbations influenced past human societies is an area of considerable uncertainty and fierce debate. Ireland is ideally placed to help resolve this issue, being occupied for over 9000 yr and located on the eastern Atlantic seaboard, a region dominated by westerly airflow. Irish bog and lake tree populations provide unambiguous evidence of major shifts in surface moisture through the Holocene similar to cycles recorded in the marine realm of the North Atlantic, indicating significant changes in the latitude and intensity of zonal atmospheric circulation across the region. To test for human response to these cycles we summed the probabilities of 465 radiocarbon ages obtained from Irish archaeological contexts and observe enhanced archaeological visibility during periods of sustained wet conditions. These results suggest either increasing density of human populations in key, often defensive locations, and/or the development of subsistence strategies to overcome changing conditions, the latter recently proposed as a significant factor in avoiding societal collapse. Regardless, we demonstrate environmental change is a significantly more important factor in influencing human activity in the landscape than has hitherto been acknowledged.  相似文献   
柳向春 《文献》2006,(3):85-95
陈奂(1786-1863),字倬云,号硕甫,晚号南园老人,苏州长洲人.清代著名经学家,后人推重为清代<毛诗>学三大家之首.所著<诗毛氏传疏>之刊行,自该帙完成之时起,陈奂即多方求援,俾其早日付刊,而陈奂诸友人亦纷纷赞助,代陈奂设法筹措.<诗毛氏传疏>最终得以行世,不仅有陈奂自身之努力,亦颇可见陈奂与诸友朋交游之一斑.  相似文献   
经济行为与环境变化:清前期台湾野生鹿消失探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鹿曾经是台湾数量最庞大的野生动物群之一。明末以来,随着台湾贸易交流的活跃,鹿成为大宗出口商品,土著居民由原先捕鹿作为民生用品逐渐发展至为市场服务;清前期大陆移民入台的农业垦殖又破坏了鹿原有的生态环境。人类经济行为引发的环境变化,最终导致了野生鹿在台湾渐趋消失。  相似文献   
吐鲁番是一个多民族聚居、多种文化交汇的地区。本文根据《吐鲁番出土文书》和山田信夫刊布的回鹘文文书的记载,从容量单位的角度探讨汉文化对该地区少数民族经济生活的深远影响。  相似文献   
一、序说1993年7月,内蒙古文物考古研究所在阿鲁科尔沁旗的罕苏木苏木的朝克图山之阳发掘耶律羽之家族墓时,在耶律羽之家族墓之东2公里处发现了另一处辽代墓群,当即抽调人员前往清理其中的一座墓葬,编号为1号墓。经过清理,发现1号墓虽早期被盗,但仍出土汉字和契丹大字墓志铭和20多件宋代景德镇窑烧制的影青瓷盘和瓷碗。一些瓷盘底部“书写契丹大字墨书题款,共约百余字”①。由于该墓早期被盗,汉字墓志铭仅出土极少量的残片。残片处于墓志铭题目部分,对于辨明墓主人身份极有帮助。为了叙述方便,我们把这些残片编号。1号残片只有“勤力”两个…  相似文献   
在中国东北地区新石器时代考古学文化研究中,内蒙古东南部地区占有十分突出的地位。1930年我国著名学者梁思永先生曾到赤峰英金河畔和林西一带开展考古调查工作①,揭开了内蒙古东南部地区新石器时代考古的序幕。建国以后,中国社会科学院考古研究所在内蒙古地区的田野考古工作重心始终放在赤峰地区,正式提出了小河西文化、兴隆洼文化、赵宝沟文化、富河文化的命名,目前已初步建立了该地区新石器时代考古学年代框架和谱系关系。兴隆洼文化的发现和确认是该地区新石器时代考古研究中的重要收获之一,不仅为赵宝沟文化和红山文化找到了土著源头,…  相似文献   
刘宗洪 《攀登》2006,25(2):24-27
实现人的全面发展是马克思主义政党的终极理想。我们党进行革命和建设的目的,就是为了解放人和发展人。“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观,从本质上把人的全面发展作为党的执政活动的全部目的。党的执政能力建设的首要目标是建设一个“立党为公、执政为民”的执政党,它体现了马克思主义政党的理想追求和价值取向。  相似文献   
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