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本文将中国近代城市化的首发之地——上海作为研究对象,以开埠后租界城市空间扩展的微观过程为视角,系统探讨其河浜资源利用与相关环境变迁的内在机制与驱动力,并对深层的制度背景进行分析。本文的研究结论是:从城市建立的初期开始,租界工部局就仅出于实用目的对自然河浜的排水功能加以利用,以私人化的地产分布、地产开发需求以及马路的拓建规划为基本导向,对河浜进行无序填没和管道化改造,而忽略了方格状感潮河网的环境脆弱性以及河浜除排水以外的其他生态功能。这种受城市空间扩展自然驱动的河浜利用方式,导致了严重的河浜形态破碎与功能紊乱,成为近代以来上海地区黑臭河道不断产生的主要原因。其制度根源主要在于:租界直接承袭了19世纪英国城市环境改造理念,并受到自治市制度的局限。  相似文献   
试析当代中国社会人文精神的缺失与重建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴玉敏 《攀登》2007,26(5):89-92
当代中国社会人文精神的缺失,并不是改革开放和市场化的结果,而是由建国后几次大的政治运动中积淀下来的蔑视人的价值与尊严的力量所致。我们必须以当前中国特色社会主义事业的全面推进和社会主义核心价值体系的构建为立足点,全面总结并分析目前我国社会人文素养不高、人文精神缺失的历史与现实根源,正视人文教育及科学发展所面临的突出问题,从而在全社会营造良好的人文氛围,使人文精神的重建真正在全社乃至全民族达成共识。  相似文献   
清代是我国方志空前发展的时期,其间共撰成各类志书4300余部,并由章学诚等人创建了方志学。然而在清代前期,“桐城派”奠基人物方苞,在履任《大清一统志》总裁时,将治古文与治方志结合起来,提出“统一体例”、“由博返约”、“简明为要”等修志主张,对后期方志学的建立起到了奠基作用。  相似文献   
作为18世纪欧洲人中国知识重要来源的《中华帝国全志》一书,在介绍中国西南几个少数民族之际,事实上是将其所在地区定位为清朝的殖民地,并突出其与中央政府的紧张关系,强调汉人的轻蔑之心。耶稣会士的这种认识更通过地图的绘制而直接影响了18世纪一些欧洲制图家,甚至可能影响到当代西方学者对清朝国家性质的定位。本文分析了耶稣会士与中国人对西南地区政治属性认识差异产生的原因,认为西方学者的殖民地研究视角对于研究中国国家形成的历史有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   
This article is one of the first tourism studies to adopt the asset-based community development (ABCD) approach. It explores the potential of the ABCD approach to tourism development as a poverty alleviation strategy. The study was undertaken in Lhasa, Tibet. Photo-elicitation interviews, focus group interviews, and a questionnaire-based survey were used. It was found that the Tibetan young hosts had a good knowledge of local assets. They identified five categories of local assets as having the most potential to be developed as tourism attractions in the near future. The identified tourism assets were world heritage sites, religious sites, traditional Tibetan yards, daily life and customs, and Tibetan medicines – the last four assets were undeveloped ones. Clear perceptions on the value of the assets, as well as the difficulty and desirability of their development in the future were also mapped, using repeated measures one-way analysis of variance. Through the process of assessing the tourism assets, this study identified in a preliminary way that adopting the ABCD approach to poverty alleviation through tourism is feasible. By mapping other assets in the community (e.g. human, social, financial, and physical), a further and more complete test of the approach can be undertaken. Examining these assets may also reveal more ideas for the community's common future. Theoretically, this work adds to the conceptual approaches for community-based tourism development work. Methodologically, this study illustrates research techniques for obtaining emic voices in a marginal and politically charged environment. The extensive use of the participants’ images as a basis for discussion was of particular note. Practically, this research offers both general and detailed suggestions for the Lhasa Government and its community work, especially ways to approach and access community perspectives.  相似文献   
Seasonal δ13C and δ18O data are presented from 14 Unio sub-fossil shells unearthed at the archaeological site of Çatalhöyük in central Turkey, spanning the occupation period ca. 9150–8000 cal years BP. The shells likely lived in the small lakes/wetlands around the site before being gathered and taken to Çatalhöyük. Wet-dry seasonal cycles are clearly apparent in the δ18Oshell profiles with low winter values reflecting winter precipitation and high δ18O in the summer resulting from evaporation. The most striking trend in the δ18O data is the drop in maximum summer δ18O ca. 8300 years BP, which we infer as indicating lower summer evaporation and hence a reduction in seasonality. Previous palaeoclimate records from the area have suggested cooler and more arid conditions, with reduced precipitation, around this time. While the drop in summer δ18O values could be due to reduced summer temperatures reducing summer evaporation, but there was little change in winter δ18O, perhaps suggesting winter growth cessation or reduced influence of winter climate change on δ18O. This shift in seasonal climate could be linked to solar-forced climate change beginning ca. 8600 years BP, and enhanced by the regional expression of the 8·2k event. Changing water balance over the occupation period is likely an important contributory factor behind observed cultural changes at Çatalhöyük in the Late Neolithic/Early Chalcolithic period. Our results might be considered to support the fission-fusion farming hypothesis as we provide additional evidence for wet winter/early spring conditions during the Early Holocene which likely caused flooding of the Çar?amba Fan. The changing water balance after ca. 8300 years BP (i.e. reduced seasonality and potentially reduced local summer evaporation) is also coincidental with the proposed end of this farming system due to multi-decadal drought.  相似文献   
论文以调查问卷作为此次调研的主要手段,以两个既相互联系又有所区别的群体——华人留学生和当地华人居民为研究对象,探讨华人留学生的特点与需求以及华人居民与留学生的共同需求和不同认知。认为留学生不仅是当地华人社会的一个重要组成部分,也是推动华人社会结构调整、组织重构、社会融入等活动的新的动力源泉。留学生与当地社会包括华人社会间存在着交流互动的关系,而不同群体之间存在交往结构及其开放程度的差异,如非大陆留学生比大陆留学生更善于同当地华人居民及非华人团体交往。  相似文献   
金布是秦代县一机构。一些研究认为金布隶属于少内,但综合材料分析,金布不隶属于少内而是直接隶属于县廷。以往关于金布性质的讨论受到《金布律》较大影响,存有偏差。据新出里耶秦简所示,县金布应为列曹之一,主管统计库中的兵、车、工用、工用器和少内机构中的器物、金钱等财物,核准县属各机构的国有资财增减情况的考核记录——"课"。  相似文献   
对凌家滩及裕溪河上中游区域的系统调查中,在467平方千米范围内发现汉代及之前的遗址95处。参照周边区域考古学文化分期将调查遗物分为八期。初步研究发现,区域内各期遗址数量呈现波浪式起伏,崧泽文化和西周时期是该区域聚落发展的高峰期,在崧泽文化晚段出现了以凌家滩为核心的较为明显的聚落集中化现象。  相似文献   
吴荣曾 《中国钱币》2003,(3):24-26,43
行钱一辞见于《汉书·百官公卿表》,武帝元鼎三年,“郸侯周仲居为太常,坐不收赤仄钱收行钱论。” 周仲居获罪之由是因为“不收赤仄钱”、“收行钱”。行钱是什么?先看颜师古对这段话作出的解释:  相似文献   
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