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The cases of caozheng 漕政 (The government administration of the collection and transport of grain taxes by water in the former times) are present in all stages in the Qing Dynasty. The social interaction and interest dispute involve the commoners, officials, and gentries in the localities in all kinds of caozheng cases. Caozheng cases that are inspired by lofty motives and filed under the established procedure are often mingled with trumped-up charges that are pressed through illegitimate means. They are employed as conventional methods by both commoners and officials for their own interests. By virtue of an in-depth analysis of such representative cases as the lawsuit issued by Kuang Guangwen, it is plainly evident that caozheng cases happen on many occasions because the long-standing malpractices spread uncontrollably in the middle and late stages of the Qing. It is both the attitude taken by the local officials towards the management of caozheng and their rationale behind the exercise of power that always dictated how such incidents take place and come to an end and therein lies the crux of a persistent problem. The caozheng cases reflects the pervasive influence that the collection of grain taxes extends on the life of the gentries and commoners, and the far-reaching effect that the taxation exerts on the change of the social order in the localities. In essence the cases reveal, to a greater or lesser degree, the circumstances under which the national affairs of Qing are administered in society in the localities, and the tendencies that are displayed in the social order in the localities.  相似文献   
天趣·神构·国禁——徐霞客对于旅游资源的认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐霞客是明末伟大的地理学家。他考察旅游资源,提出天趣和神构之说。他欣尝国禁对于保护旅游资源的利用。这些对于我们今天开发和利用旅游资源、发展旅游事业具有重要的价值。  相似文献   
城市规划“误区”之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市规划质量直接影响着城市能否健康地发展。当今城市规划指导思想和实践活动中存在的某些“时弊”,已成为城市发展的障碍。本文针对城市性质上的“狂热”思潮:旅游城市热、交通枢纽热、商贸金融中心热、国际化城市热;城市用地规模上随意行为;水资源开发上盲目乐观情绪等现象进行了初步探讨,提出在城市规划中必须实行适应国情、市情的发展战略观点  相似文献   
用现场暴露试验和室内模拟试验检验酸沉降对文物材料的破坏程度。提出了两种试验方法、试验步骤、试验后材料腐蚀速率的计算,建立材料损伤函数的几个步骤。  相似文献   
青铜合金表面晶体棱角处优先生锈的量子力学证明   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在扫描电镜(SEM)观察青铜合金粉状锈生长过程的基础上,应用局部密度泛函(LDF)和电场梯度(EFG)方法,分别计算了σ-Cu-Sn和α-Cu一Sn合金晶体表面上原子的能级,并计算了各合金相的体相凝聚能;而后又分别计算了这四种相应情况的化学吸附活化能和化学反应活化能。由活化能的比较得出;晶体棱角上的Cu原子比平直表面上Cu原子的化学反应性能更活泼,因此生锈应首先发生在晶体棱角上;在同种位置上属于σ相的Cu原子又比α相中的Cu原子更活泼,因此在含有Cl-离子的酸性溶液中首先被锈蚀的是-σ相,而产生晶间腐蚀。上述计算与实验观察结果一致。  相似文献   
1938年5月,宇垣一咸担任第一次近卫內阁外务大臣,重新探求对华"谋和"之路.日本外务省东亚局长石射猪太郎的"石射文书",对宇垣谋划对华"和平外交"政策具有重要影响.本文主要运用日本原始档案资料,考证宇垣对华"和平外交"谋略实施和交涉过程,分析宇垣对华"和平外交"谋略实质.从而为我们进一步认识日本侵华历史提供又一佐证.  相似文献   
本文对河南渑池县笃忠仰韶晚期至龙山早期遗址出土的动物骨骼进行了分析.出土的可鉴定动物骨骼包括14种动物,其中猪的骨骼最多.猪和狗为家畜.除了饲养家畜,捕猎野生动物也是当时人们的肉食来源之一.出土物中还有大量骨制狩猎工具和生活用品.  相似文献   
吴海滨 《收藏家》2009,(9):69-71
三.古书画装潢与修复在国内外的失与得 有些重要的作品,特别是一些唐宋名迹,因为历时久远,已经过多次修复重装,原裱多已不存,绢质纸素酥脆脱落,更需谨慎从事。修复或重裱重要的历代书画文物,首要前提必须遵循修复和保护古书画应坚持的基本原则,其次需聘请数位国内外相关领域的专家,根据具体情况制定详细周密的修复方案,执行科学合理的操作步骤,才能做到万无一失,有效保护这些珍贵的物质文化遗产。  相似文献   
从满城汉墓出土文物谈灿烂的汉代文明   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西汉中山靖王刘胜及王后窦绾的墓中出土了上万件文物,这些文物是汉代历史文明的载体。本文撷取满城汉墓出土的数种文物标本,通过对它们所蕴含的历史、科学信息的分析介绍,以窥汉代灿烂文明之一斑。  相似文献   
Market‐oriented reforms in the health sector continue to dominate health policy agendas in many developing countries despite growing evidence of their negative impacts. This article critically examines eight key arguments that are used to justify market‐oriented reforms and that continue to hold widespread appeal among policy makers and analysts. The authors conclude that although the axiom that health care is atypical due to pervasive market failures is widely acknowledged by reformers, the scope and depth of the negative consequences of market competition and private sector involvement are systematically underestimated in policy design and implementation, while the regulatory capacity to overcome them is overestimated. Their analysis suggests that while there is considerable scope for market‐oriented reforms, the success of such reforms depends on a tight set of conditions that are often absent in the health care sector, especially but not exclusively in developing countries.  相似文献   
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