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志书是文艺创作取之不尽、用之不竭的素材来源,是创作的源泉。季炳成的长篇历史小说《普者黑传奇》、李耕溢的长篇小说《山国英雄儿女》获得了成功;邓林芬的八场花灯剧《她才十八岁》,李绍云的国画《正气歌》《魂断南疆》和《忠魂》更是不断开拓了读志用志的新领域。  相似文献   
朱君杙 《世界历史》2015,(2):109-119,161
基督教会提倡"婚姻不可分解"的理念,这种理念随着基督教会势力的壮大和宗教思想的深入人心,对中世纪西欧封建帝王的婚姻构成了一种道德约束作用。而罗马教延等现实政治生活中的各方势力也常常以此为由,向那些有违婚姻道德的世俗帝王问责发难。洛林吉亚王国的国王罗退尔二世的离婚案即是一起因此而发的政治风波。由于基督教婚姻理念的约束作用,加洛林帝国的分裂瓦解、同宗诸王的纷争内斗、教皇权威开始抬头等众多历史因素的叠加、交织,使得罗退尔二世不仅无法像他的先祖查理曼那样可以自由地离异,反而成了众矢之的,最后以"身死国灭"的历史悲剧黯然收场。  相似文献   
The increasing availability of telemetry data with high spatial and temporal resolution promises to greatly advance scientific understandings of the movement patterns of individual organisms across space and time. The amount of data provided by such methods, however, can be challenging to analyze and interpret. In this study, we present a new approach for analyzing animal movements that aggregates telemetry locations into spatial clusters and extracts the information from sequences formed by individuals passing through these spatial clusters. We applied this integrated approach of spatial aggregation and sequence analysis to quantify and compare trajectories of cattle (Bos taurus), mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), and elk (Cervus elaphus) tracked by automated telemetry at the Starkey Experimental Forest and Range in northeastern Oregon, USA. Our approach effectively differentiated movement patterns of the three species. It provides a useful mean of quantifying movement patterns of species in a landscape.  相似文献   
南诏大理国金属佛像制作工艺初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究南诏大理国金属佛像的制作工艺,对部分金属佛像进行了科学分析,表明制作各种铜佛像时,主要使用失蜡铸造工艺,已使用多种金属元素作为材质,阿嵯耶观音像和其他铜像是以含砷的铜合金为特征,金质佛像的材质主要用金银合金,铸造小铜佛像则采用复杂的合金成分配比。根据铭文和绘画资料分析,这些金属佛像主要是大理本地的工匠制作。  相似文献   
Professor Ho’s team has raised three questions about our paper entitled ‘On evolutionary economic geography: a literature review using bibliometric analysis’ published in European Panning Studies. The first one is about the number of articles in our search results. The second one is about the databases we have used in the Web of Science system. In the last comment, Professor Ho suggests a new searching strategy – ‘front page’ rule. We have responded to those three comments one by one in this rejoinder.  相似文献   
杨勃  王茂军  王成 《人文地理》2019,34(5):26-35
借助可视化软件,从梳理研究热点及识别研究主题两方面,厘清世界城市网络的研究脉络与核心,探索未来研究动向。研究发现:①世界城市网络研究国际合作广泛,研究热点响应迅速,经历“世界城市”与“世界体系”分化阶段,网络结构聚焦阶段,城市网络的空间、地位、经济等多元阶段变迁;②研究由城市网络链接结构、全球中心城市、城市网络节点地位及城市网络经济学四大主题构成;③以往研究缺乏对网络结构绩效的研究,对非世界城市的关注不够,城市地位与经济之间的关系仍处于描述阶段;④对世界城市网络结构的内涵、非世界城市研究、整体网络与个体网络关系、经济学方向进行展望,使世界城市网络的未来研究更加全面丰富。  相似文献   
Lichenometry is a method of dating that has been widely used in glaciated areas for determining the minimum age of exposure of a geomorphic landform during the late Holocene. This paper presents a regional calibration data set of lichen thallus sizes versus rock surface ages for the Huashan area, East China, based on measurements of yellow-green Rhizocarpon lichens on the known-age substrates at eight sites. An empirical relationship between thallus sizes and rock surface ages was established using both the traditional regression and the Bayesian approaches. Using the Bayesian calibration, the minimum age of the Huashan Grottoes was dated from 450 ± 60 to 330 ± 60 years ago, corresponding to the late Ming Dynasty (AD 1477–1632). These dates are generally consistent with those predicted from the regression-based linear growth curve. Our results suggest that applications of this technique can be safely extended to the non-glaciated areas.  相似文献   
本文通过对中国东北地区以及朝鲜半岛出土收集的东周至秦之际的中原式铜戈的整理分析,判断铜戈的使用机能及其变化,以此来对这些铜戈作型式分类,并根据共伴遗物、出土遗迹以及铭文等推测这些铜戈的年代,总结不同型式铜戈的特征,归纳铜戈分布的聚集分布区域,分析铜戈流入的背景,完成对中国东北地区和朝鲜半岛出土中原式铜戈的综合考察。  相似文献   
2007年年初的一天,我们在报国寺的钱币市场上发现了一枚“武平”类方足布,当时甚感惊异,因此种类方足布以往从未发现过,我们三人立即意识到这是一个新品种。经询问摊主后得知,此枚布币乃是去年六月在距报国寺市场不远处原义利食品厂施工工地出土的为数众多布币中的一枚,并且是刚从二、三十枚锈结在一起的一块布币疙瘩中新剥离出来的。  相似文献   
朱培坤 《民俗研究》2007,(3):117-124
岭南近现代建筑具有独特的民俗风情,自成一套完整的解释系统,甚至可以说,是较早把现代建筑思想与中国传统文化进行结合的标本。从开平雕楼到客家围龙屋,  相似文献   
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