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第一次世界大战爆发后,莫理循自始至终为中国参战不遗余力地奔走呐喊.莫氏通过为中国政府出谋划策、向西方列强传递有关中国参战的各种信息、游说日本政界高层人物等多种途径,对中国参战起到了重要的作用.历史证明参战对中国利大于弊,莫氏的这一行为应该得到肯定.  相似文献   
Around the globe, archaeological settlement pattern survey has brought a new spatial, diachronic, and theoretical vantage to the study of early civilizations. This paper provides a new perspective on the rise and reorganization of complex societies in northern China through the synthesis of 11 years of systematic regional survey in southeastern Shandong Province. Based on our surface findings, we suspect that the agricultural colonization of this coastal region occurred primarily during the later half of the Neolithic and was rapidly followed by the development of a four-tiered settlement hierarchy with two primary centers during the Early Longshan period. We also document the reorganization of this regional system during the Bronze Age, and the eventual political integration of this study area under polities centered to the west (and outside the region surveyed). We argue that southeastern Shandong was not merely a backwater or periphery throughout its history, particularly in regard to the Early–Middle Longshan periods when there were centers of great size. Through our long-term and broad-scale perspective, we provide new evidence of how complex societies arose and changed over millennia in northern China.  相似文献   
中国和日本近代考古学的产生期在许多地方有其相似之处,也有许多不同。探讨这些异同点是当代兴起的比较考古学重要研究内容之一。  相似文献   
近日,宝鸡市代家湾团结砖厂出土了一批东汉时期文物,较完好的有陶器36件,铜器4件。陶器中有陶仓5件,陶罐20件,陶豆3件,陶灶1件,方壶1件,圆壶4件。陶甗1件,陶簋1件。铜器中有铜灶(带釜甑)1套,铜鼎3件,现将出土的文物介绍如下。  相似文献   
Recent research has thrown considerable light on the history of the domestic sheep, but has not extended to ancient sheep specimens. In the present study, ancient DNA analysis was carried out on eight archaeological sheep remains recovered from Erlitou archaeological site in Henan Province (ca. 2100–1800 B.C.) to explore the genetic structure of ancient sheep and the phylogenetic relationship between ancient and modern sheep. We analyzed the control region sequences and coding regions of mitochondrial DNA from the remains by direct sequencing and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, respectively. Our results reveal that all ancient sheep belong to lineage A defined by modern sheep sequences. Phylogenetic analysis shows that neither argali (Ovis ammon) nor urial (Ovis vignei) mtDNA is closely related to Erlitou ancient sheep. In addition, our results suggest that ancient DNA analysis can serve as a powerful tool in tracing prehistoric population movement.  相似文献   
区域开发可持续发展的对策研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
蔡建霞 《人文地理》1996,11(2):56-59
持续发展是中国未来发展的现实选择。文章概述了持续发展的涵义实质及现实意义;阐明了持续发展的战略思想与战略目标;论述了实现持续发展的区域开发。认为持续发展是区域开发中各种因素的动态平衡与协调;区域开发建设要满足持续发展战略的要求;区域开发政策的制订也要把持续发展的思想贯穿其中。  相似文献   
关于网络时代旅游业发展的若干思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文着重研究网络技术对旅游业发展的深刻影响,深入思考旅游业如何适应网络技术条件下的宏观经济社会环境,通过自身的重新定位和经营管理方式的转变,实现快速持续增长。  相似文献   
河南省新密市发现龙山时代重要城址   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:10  
新密古城寨龙山时代城址是中原地区目前发现规模最大、墙体保存最好的龙山时代晚期城址。城中发现了大型宫殿基址和大型廊庑式建筑,在中原地区龙山时代城址中都十分罕见。该城的发现,为探索夏文化、研究我国文明起源与国家形成,以及研究我国城垣建筑的起源与发展增添了重要资料。  相似文献   
综合分析近数十年来发现的大量考古资料,广泛参证相关文献资料,似乎可以得出这样的认识,在原始社会末期,成都平原的土著先民已经创造出较为发达而具有文明因素的“宝墩村文化”,建立了以渔猎经济为主的父系氏族社会;夏、商至西周,从汉水上游迁徙而来的巴蜀人兴建了虽然仍以渔猎经济为主、但农业经济比重日益增大的古蜀王国,创造出由“三星堆文化”和“十二桥文化”所反映的文明相当发达的“早期蜀文化”;东周时,楚人鳖灵取代蜀王杜宇建立开明王朝,兴农开国而致使蜀国成为以农业经济为主、渔猎经济为辅的富裕国家,致使“晚期蜀文化”成为楚、蜀糅合、多元一体的混融型文化。历秦入汉,基本上华夏化并且体现出华夏文化发展趋向的蜀文化,也就很快消融在汉文化的统一体中了。  相似文献   
旅游开发对南昆山的经济影响研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
保继刚  蔡辉 《人文地理》1995,10(2):18-24
本文首先对国内外旅游开发的区域经济影响研究作了简单概述,然后采用问卷调查和访谈调查方法,选择南昆山作案例.研究旅游开发对山区经济的影响。研究表明,旅游业对南昆山的经济影响巨大,解决了南昆山镇12.46%的劳动力就业问题,达到600万元以上的产值,对产业结构调整,生态环境保护起到关键作用。  相似文献   
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