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This article investigates the ductility reduction factors for RC eccentric frame structures subjected to pulse-like ground motions. The structural models are with the strength eccentricities which are much disadvantageous than the stiffness eccentricities during the inelastic response range. A method to determine the ductility reduction factors of the strength eccentric structures is suggested by modifying those of reference symmetric structures through an eccentricity modification factor. The four factors of strength eccentricity ratio, ductility ratio, story number and velocity pulse of ground motions, are investigated to gain insight into this modification factor. It shows that the ductility reduction factors of the eccentric structures are clearly smaller than those of the symmetric structures. The eccentricity modification factor is mainly affected by the strength eccentricity and the ductility ratio, decreasing with the increment of the eccentricity or the decrement of the ductility ratio in a medium eccentricity range. The earthquake pulse-like effect and the eccentricity have coupling influence on the modification factor, while the effect of story number is not apparent. Based on the results of a comprehensive statistical study a simplified expression is suggested, which can estimate the eccentricity modification factors for both pulse-like and nonpulse-like ground motion cases.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: Excavation in advance of a new housing development on the site of the Barton Hill Pottery, Bristol, uncovered the full footprint of a late 19th-century pottery, a large quantity of redware wasters, and a dump of whiteware wasters from another nearby factory, which include examples of Royal Navy mess ware.  相似文献   
Cai, C. & Huang, D., September 2016. Omma daxishanense sp. nov., a fossil representative of an extant Australian endemic genus recorded from the Late Jurassic of China (Coleoptera: Ommatidae). Alcheringa 41, xxx–xxx. ISSN 0311-5518.

Omma Newman is an extant ommatid genus currently endemic to Australia. A new Omma species, O. daxishanense sp. nov. is described and illustrated based on a compression fossil from the Upper Jurassic Tiaojishan Formation at Daxishan, a fossil locality well known for yielding mammals, feathered dinosaurs and diverse pterosaurs. Omma daxishanense is very similar morphologically to the extant O. sagitta, but differs from the latter by its broader body and prominent temples. The new discovery documents the first valid Omma species from the Mesozoic of China and highlights the antiquity and palaeodiversity of the extant Australian endemic genus.

Chenyang Cai [], Key Laboratory of Economic Stratigraphy and Palaeogeography, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, PR China; Diying Huang [], State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, PR China.  相似文献   

地理哲学研究若干问题刍议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文论述地理哲学研究的重要性,介绍西方地理哲学的发展概况和研究动态,分析我国地理哲学研究落后的主要原因,对如何开展我国地理哲学研究提出一些建议。  相似文献   
论李维的历史方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李维的历史方法是罗马传统历史方法的继承与发展。首先,他采用了逐年纪事的年代记的叙述方式。其次,他继承了罗马史学在其肇始就具有的爱国主义偏见和为罗马辩护的特点,特别是在对史料的处理方面,他按照爱国主义和道德教导的写作目的对史料进行删选,甚至伪造。最后,李维把文学技巧应用到历史写作之中。  相似文献   
蔡东洲 《文献》2004,(4):244-260
1996年,五座安丙家族墓在四川省华蓥市发现,引起了中国考古界和宋史界的广泛关注.安丙家族是南宋巴蜀地区的名门望族之一,在安丙及其弟安涣、子安癸仲领导参与平定吴曦叛宋降金的"武兴之乱"后,安氏家族更是扬名天下.  相似文献   
地处乐都县下南山深处的中坝藏族乡有一位年轻的藏族女乡长桑吉卓玛。两年多来,这位曾在乐都下北山地区中岭乡任副乡长6年之久的藏家女儿,用她艰苦朴素的工作作风,务真求实的工作态度,团结向上的民族精神和开拓进取,知难而进的敬业精神,同乡党委、乡政府一班人带领全乡8000多口人,紧紧围绕经济建设这个中心,狠抓脱贫致富大业,使全乡呈现出经济发展,社会稳定,民族团结的可喜局面。全乡人均纯收入由2001年的1006元增加到2003年1320元,被全乡藏汉各族群众称之为“藏乡人的好女儿”。中坝藏族乡是一个山大沟深,交通不便,群众生产生活十分落后的…  相似文献   
It is often said that “Confucius composed the Chunqiu 春秋 (The Spring and Autumn Annals) to convey the way of the king.” Scholars have long noticed that before the founding of and during the Han Dynasty the phrase that served as the title of the allegedly Confucian work, “Chunqiu,” was also often used to designate history in general. In what intellectual and textual contexts did the term evolve from something general into a specific concept associated with Confucius? What works or ideas did pre-Han and Han scholars have in mind when discussing Confucius’s Chunqiu and the broader “Chunqiu” canon?1 Exploring these questions, the study that follows begins by systematically documenting the occurrences of this term in pre-Han and Han texts. It demonstrates that while Mencius was the first person to associate Confucius’s teachings with the Chunqiu, his statement was a solitary and surprising voice in the pre-Han era. Not until the Western Han Dynasty was Confucius widely heralded as the creator of the Chunqiu. But few scholars are aware that Western Han scholars never strictly distinguished the laconic Chunqiu from the detailed historical knowledge preserved in the Gongyang 公羊, Guliang 谷梁, and Zuo 左 commentaries. Furthermore, as the Chunqiu gained canonical status, the phrase still served as a generic term, referring to various historical narratives. Zhang Xuecheng 章学诚 is famous for claiming that “The Six Classics are all history,” and I shall show that in the minds of the people of the Han Dynasty, all historical works were classics.  相似文献   
王楠  陈才  刘继生 《人文地理》2008,23(3):54-58
随着《东北地区振兴规划》的实施,由内蒙古东部地区与东北三省构成的新东北经济区区际联系不断增多,双方对功能完善的综合运输系统需求日益增强。本文采用定性与定量相结合的研究方法,通过分析区际运输通道空间结构现状及客、货流未来发展特点,遵循交通运输与区域经济发展良性互动原则,提出建设6条运输通道与15个二级运输枢纽为骨架,3条运输干线为辅助的网格状区际综合运输通道空间结构,并指出在改善铁路、公路运输方式的同时,要积极开展油气及煤化工产品的管道运输,发挥多种运输方式综合优势,促进区域协调发展。  相似文献   
远古刻画符号与中国文字的起源   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国古代自裴李岗文化至汉魏时期器物上常见的单字、刻画符号和图形文字,分布广泛,一脉相承,大都独立刻铸在器物(或铭文)的特殊位置上,不与其他文字相连属.它们不但与八卦之象多用单字来表述的特征相符合,而且有的还与纪卦象类筮数易卦相并署.因此,它们可能大都是反映八卦之象的卦象文字.一般地讲,每件器物本身及其上面的单字、刻画符号或图形文字,大都应是同一易卦的卦象.它是中华先民"制器尚象"习俗的产物.  相似文献   
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