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扬州,这座国家级历史文化名城,在唐代曾盛极一时。宋洪迈《容斋随笔·扬州之盛》称:“唐世盐铁转运使在扬州,尽斡利权,判官多至数十人,商贾如织,故谚称‘扬一益二’,谓天下之盛,扬为一而蜀次之也”。明清时,扬州盐商麇集,富甲东南,文人雅士纷至沓来,冠盖如云,诗、书、画家皆趋之若鹜。除石涛外,“扬州八怪”——汪士慎、黄慎、金农、高翔、李鱓、郑燮、李方膺、罗聘皆流连于此,蜚声文苑,载誉艺林。民国时期,扬州书画人才辈出,而集创作与教学为一体者,当推江轸光。江轸光名噪维扬画坛之日,正是古城更上一层楼之时。从此,具有深厚中国书画传统和底蕴的扬州出现了第一代具有坚实西洋画基础学贯中西的国画家。  相似文献   
【一顶老帐篷】营地的那顶旧帐篷.支架已经歪斜,卡扣断失,四角漏风。褪了色的篷布,仿佛晒淡的画板.融入枯黄的草原。灰青搅和着浓厚的风尘,一晚落雪和风霜,让它老态龙钟。油烟熏染了四年,雪白的里子早已蜡黄,它默默地扮演厨房,任凭旁边的新帐篷傲娇。考察队知道,这顶老帐篷征战青藏高原.扛过見塘的风雨,熬过唐古拉山的艰苦,也转过八千里的冈底斯山,而今又在可可西里,与咆哮的西风斯杀。  相似文献   
X.-Q. Chen  L. Xie  F. Wang  Y. Wu  B. Zhang  L. Zhu 《Archaeometry》2020,62(5):1067-1077
The flexible sponge/epoxy composite can wrap underwater artefacts in any shape and forms a protective shell after curing, thus effectively wrapping and reinforcing the artefacts. However, the hydroscopicity of the sponge itself limits the underwater application of the sponge/epoxy composite. In this study, a novel polyurethane sponge was prepared by modified with super-hydrophobic multi-wall carbon nanotubes (SH-MWCNTs@PU sponge). Compared with the pristine PU sponge, the water-contact angle on the surface of SH-MWCNTs@PU sponges increased from 103.3 ± 1.82 to 152.6 ± 1.54o, and oily epoxy resin was able to cover the surface completely. The study shows that when SH-MWCNTs@PU sponges/epoxy resin composite material is used underwater, it prevents both water from entering the sponge and also the inside epoxy resin from overflowing into the water. Moreover, the composite materials have excellent toughness after reinforcement under water (flexural strength = 3.56 MPa) and the soft sponges can be moulded to wrap any type of underwater artefacts. In the laboratory, when taking a broken, three-dimensional blue-and-white porcelain pot as a research subject, the entire retrieval process—temporary stabilization, packaging, extraction and reinforcement material removal—was simulated to evaluate systematically all the technological aspects of safely excavating fragile underwater relics.  相似文献   
Geographically weighted quantile regression (GWQR) has been proposed as a spatial analytical technique to simultaneously explore two heterogeneities, one of spatial heterogeneity with respect to data relationships over space and one of response heterogeneity across different locations of the outcome distribution. However, one limitation of GWQR framework is that the existing inference procedures are established based on asymptotic approximation, which may suffer computation difficulties or yield incorrect estimates with finite samples. In this article, we suggest a bootstrap approach to address this limitation. Our bootstrap enhancement is first validated by a simulation experiment and then illustrated with an empirical U.S. mortality data. The results show that the bootstrap approach provides a practical alternative for inference in GWQR and enhances the utilization of GWQR.  相似文献   
Couchsurfing is a social-networking site for hospitality exchange. To promote the site, the organizer, Couchsurfing.org, creates the discourse of Couchsurfing cosmopolitanism to emphasize the value of sharing with strangers and tolerance of cultural difference in Couchsurfing practice. This study argues that the discourse production is under a patriarchal system, in which the experience about women’s fear of men’s harassment and according practice are concealed. By conceptualizing the sexed-and-gendered body in Couchsurfing, this study exposes the power, knowledge and social relation in the cross-cultural context of Couchsurfing, represented not only in women’s feeling, performance and interaction but also in their embodied cosmopolitanism. The comparison between with Western-European and East-Asian women’s experience is also included in the analysis. It highlights the effects of the gender role inscribed on women’s body which makes a difference in women’s cross-cultural interaction as well as their embodied cosmopolitanism.  相似文献   
Along with the promotion of Taiwan’s economic status in the mid-Qing Dynasty and the expansion of trade with the mainland, the merchants of Jinjiang County of Quanzhou Prefecture in the Qing Dynasty developed a business model focused on the growing cross-strait trade and coastal shipping in Southeast China. The success of these coastal traders in business was closely related to their full use of family and lineage. However, the links of family and lineage, at the same time, were problematical for these businessmen when exploiting economic opportunities. These complex family and lineage ties could either promote or obstruct the development of commercial capital depending on specific situations. Thus, the traditional argument that the family and lineage system hindered socio-economic development should be re-examined.  相似文献   
古陶瓷科学技术研究在科技考古中的三例应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用多元统计分析方法研究了从杭州古中河南段采集的月白釉瓷片,浙江临安天目山地区发现的黑釉瓷片和景德镇历代青花瓷片的胎、釉化学组成和青花色料的变化规律。从而讨论了杭州古中河南段采集的瓷片可能就是凤凰山下万松林附近的修内司官窑制品;指山临安天目山地区新发现的窑群和黑釉瓷才是名副其实的天目窑和天目瓷;发现了元代以及明初洪武和永乐朝青花瓷所用的料可能是来自西域的进口料,而宣德青花瓷所用的色料多数可能是国产的粘土矿。  相似文献   
本文介绍了明清时期的一些重要的私家藏书解题目录,指出私家解题目录对于研究中国学术史有重要意义。  相似文献   
江苏古典园林在中国园林发展史上占有杰出的地位,文章对其发展及特征作出科学的分期与归纳。  相似文献   
This article examines the institutional linkages between three women workers' co-operatives, the first women's credit co-operative in China, and the co-operative support organization, the International Committee for the Promotion of Chinese Industrial Co-operatives (ICCIC). The study shows that Chinese women in rural areas have increasingly adopted co-operatives as a form of organization in their efforts to address the problem of their lack of access to resources, including land, credit, jobs, training and information, and to participate in the mainstream economy as an organized force. This article demonstrates that stronger institutional linkages between local offices of the All-China Women's Federation and the ICCIC encourage the growth of women's co-operative activities. It raises two sets of policy issues that are central to the development of co-operatives and women's banking: the continued growth of these activities will depend upon the government adopting legislation to define the legal framework governing co-operative relations and management systems, and establishing gender-inclusive policies to increase credit to women's income-generating activities.  相似文献   
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