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Popular geopolitics of Chinese Nanjing massacre films: a feminist approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article attempts to deconstruct the masculinised contract among the war narrative, popular culture, and Chinese nationalism by exploring the roles of women in Nanjing Massacre films with war narratives and Chinese audiences' emotional ‘readings’ of these women. Based on the analysis of City of Life and Death (2009) and The Flowers of War (2011) and audiences' comments on these two films from Douban Movie, this article has mapped a popular geopolitics of these two films through a feminist approach. The main argument of this research points out that, through the production and consumption of these two films, the women of the Nanjing Massacre can be territorialised as Nanjing/China and used to represent China's attitudes towards both the historical and current Sino–Japanese relationship. In this way, the women of these films can be considered an articulation of popular culture and politics, and they are empowered to establish Chinese nationalism and construct anti-Japanese identities in Chinese society. To a wider extent, this article can be read as a contribution to the literature on gender, nationalism and popular geopolitics.  相似文献   
扬州,这座国家级历史文化名城,在唐代曾盛极一时。宋洪迈《容斋随笔·扬州之盛》称:“唐世盐铁转运使在扬州,尽斡利权,判官多至数十人,商贾如织,故谚称‘扬一益二’,谓天下之盛,扬为一而蜀次之也”。明清时,扬州盐商麇集,富甲东南,文人雅士纷至沓来,冠盖如云,诗、书、画家皆趋之若鹜。除石涛外,“扬州八怪”——汪士慎、黄慎、金农、高翔、李鱓、郑燮、李方膺、罗聘皆流连于此,蜚声文苑,载誉艺林。民国时期,扬州书画人才辈出,而集创作与教学为一体者,当推江轸光。江轸光名噪维扬画坛之日,正是古城更上一层楼之时。从此,具有深厚中国书画传统和底蕴的扬州出现了第一代具有坚实西洋画基础学贯中西的国画家。  相似文献   
陈艳 《南方文物》2020,(1):130-139
三峡工程前期的抢救性发掘发现了为数不多的大宁河流域盐业考古材料,这些盐业相关遗址主要集中分布于巫山县城附近及大宁河沿岸,且以汉代墓葬居多,印证了文献对于巫县盐业的相关记载,也证实了盐业在当地社会经济发展中的重要作用。同时,从麦沱汉墓出土材料的分析中,我们得以管窥汉代巫县女性在当地盐业生产中的参与程度及对财富的支配状况,发现女性很早便在家庭生活及社会生产中发挥着不容小觑的作用。  相似文献   
侯卫东  张玲 《江汉考古》2020,(1):65-68,64
辉县孟庄商城为10余万平方米的小型城邑,平面近长方形,其二里岗文化遗迹遗物丰富。本文根据《辉县孟庄》发掘报告,比较了遗址房基、水井、灰沟、灰坑、墓葬等五类遗迹在各时期的分布情况,认为孟庄商城在二里岗下层二期已经作为城邑被二里岗文化的精英使用,在二里岗上层一期、二期持续使用,殷墟时期则失去了城邑的功能和地位。  相似文献   
陈翔 《江汉考古》2020,(1):81-87
西司马墓地中部偏西的82座墓葬,从出土器物、葬制葬俗来看,年代应为西周早期,最早可到武王时期,最晚不出成王时期,墓主应是殷遗民。其中西向墓和南向墓应分属两族,二者在墓葬形态和财富上有着较为明显的差异。西司马殷遗民墓地很可能就是武王时期迁徙殷遗民政策的结果。  相似文献   
【一顶老帐篷】营地的那顶旧帐篷.支架已经歪斜,卡扣断失,四角漏风。褪了色的篷布,仿佛晒淡的画板.融入枯黄的草原。灰青搅和着浓厚的风尘,一晚落雪和风霜,让它老态龙钟。油烟熏染了四年,雪白的里子早已蜡黄,它默默地扮演厨房,任凭旁边的新帐篷傲娇。考察队知道,这顶老帐篷征战青藏高原.扛过見塘的风雨,熬过唐古拉山的艰苦,也转过八千里的冈底斯山,而今又在可可西里,与咆哮的西风斯杀。  相似文献   
X.-Q. Chen  L. Xie  F. Wang  Y. Wu  B. Zhang  L. Zhu 《Archaeometry》2020,62(5):1067-1077
The flexible sponge/epoxy composite can wrap underwater artefacts in any shape and forms a protective shell after curing, thus effectively wrapping and reinforcing the artefacts. However, the hydroscopicity of the sponge itself limits the underwater application of the sponge/epoxy composite. In this study, a novel polyurethane sponge was prepared by modified with super-hydrophobic multi-wall carbon nanotubes (SH-MWCNTs@PU sponge). Compared with the pristine PU sponge, the water-contact angle on the surface of SH-MWCNTs@PU sponges increased from 103.3 ± 1.82 to 152.6 ± 1.54o, and oily epoxy resin was able to cover the surface completely. The study shows that when SH-MWCNTs@PU sponges/epoxy resin composite material is used underwater, it prevents both water from entering the sponge and also the inside epoxy resin from overflowing into the water. Moreover, the composite materials have excellent toughness after reinforcement under water (flexural strength = 3.56 MPa) and the soft sponges can be moulded to wrap any type of underwater artefacts. In the laboratory, when taking a broken, three-dimensional blue-and-white porcelain pot as a research subject, the entire retrieval process—temporary stabilization, packaging, extraction and reinforcement material removal—was simulated to evaluate systematically all the technological aspects of safely excavating fragile underwater relics.  相似文献   
Geographically weighted quantile regression (GWQR) has been proposed as a spatial analytical technique to simultaneously explore two heterogeneities, one of spatial heterogeneity with respect to data relationships over space and one of response heterogeneity across different locations of the outcome distribution. However, one limitation of GWQR framework is that the existing inference procedures are established based on asymptotic approximation, which may suffer computation difficulties or yield incorrect estimates with finite samples. In this article, we suggest a bootstrap approach to address this limitation. Our bootstrap enhancement is first validated by a simulation experiment and then illustrated with an empirical U.S. mortality data. The results show that the bootstrap approach provides a practical alternative for inference in GWQR and enhances the utilization of GWQR.  相似文献   
《中国历代货币大系.先秦货币卷》收录平肩方足布一种(第1678号),将其币面文字释为留邑是正确的。留邑的地望在今河南偃师南缑氏乡陶家村的刘国故城遗址。  相似文献   
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