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This article concerns the cross-interaction problem among multi-foundations on a linearly viscoelastic medium at very small shear strains. In the analysis, the foundations are discretized into a number of sub square-elements. The dynamic response within each sub-element is described by the Green’s function, which is obtained by the Fourier-Bessel transform and the precise integration method. Incorporating the displacement boundary condition and the force equilibrium of the foundations, it obtains the dynamic impedance and compliance functions of the foundations. Extensive results for two rigid circular foundations placed at different separations are presented. Parametric studies are carried out on the dynamic interaction among adjacent foundations. Illustrative results for several closely spaced foundations are also illustrated.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that the standardized growth curve (SGC) method can be used to accurately determinate equivalent dose (De) and reduce measurement time. However, different opinions regarding the applicability of the SGC method exist. In this paper, we evaluated quartz OSL SGCs of marine and coastal sediments of different grain sizes and different cores in the south Bohai Sea in China, and tested their applicability to the determination of De values. Our results suggested as follows: (1) The SGC method is applicable to both multiple- and single-aliquot regenerative-dose (MAR and SAR) protocols of OSL dating and efficiently provides reliable estimates of De. (2) Finesand quartz of different palaeodoses showed highly similar dose-response curves and an SGC was developed, but old samples using the SGC method have large uncertainties. (3) For coarse-silt quartz, two different types of dose-response curves were recorded: low-dose (≤60Gy) and high-dose (≥100Gy). The growth curves of low-dose quartz were similar to each other, facilitating the use of SGC in De estimations, but errors tended to be larger than those obtained in the SAR method. For high-dose (100–300Gy) quartz, the SGC was also found to be reliable, but there was large uncertainty in De (>300Gy) estimation. We suggest that SGC could be employed for the dating of marine and coastal sediments dating using either MAR or SAR OSL protocol and either fine-silt, coarse-silt or fine-sand quartz.  相似文献   

The literature repeatedly stresses the role of knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) as a provider of knowledge and information to other businesses and organizations. KIBS simultaneously promotes, mediates and enables client innovation. This investigation mainly seeks to link KIBS to the analytical structure of concepts, including regional innovation systems, knowledge exchanges and innovation patterns. This investigation interprets the role of KIBS as that of a knowledge intermediary that mediates and transmits knowledge among actors. This study also clarifies the mechanism of knowledge exchanges in different geographic innovation systems. The analytical results obtained by this investigation are applied to analyse the intermediary functions of KIBS in various metropolitan areas in southern and northern Taiwan. This investigation demonstrates variations in how KIBS act as knowledge intermediaries, and that these variations depend mostly on industrial cluster patterns, the dominant innovation patterns at their locations and the birth of sustainable KIBS. KIBS in large/core metropolitan regions, thus, are initially based on science, technology and innovation industrial activities, and further closely resemble doing, using and interaction industrial activities. Consequently, more informal learning processes, such as local buzz and discussion/competition relations, tend to develop in such regions.  相似文献   
[I] want to single out one phenomenon that could be called the ‘politics of sources’. It points to the extent to which the histories that both scientists and historians can write are artifacts of the available sources. The Rockefeller Foundation not only opened its archives very early on for historical work but also invested a lot in making the archives readily available for historical exploration. During the 1980s, many young historians took advantage of this opportunity. Thus, in a relatively early phase of the professional historiography of molecular biology, one could have gained the impression that the development of the new biology as a whole was a bio-politically directed enterprise of the Rockefeller Foundation sustained by the vision that social processes could ultimately be controlled by biological processes.  相似文献   
本文对四川渠县城坝遗址出土的錞于、钲、钟一组青铜乐器做了相关分析,研究发现:这组乐器属铜锡铅三元合金,錞于、钟含有微量砷;均采用范铸法分批、分部件浇铸而成,各部位合金比例不尽相同,錞于的合金比例差别较大。通过微痕信息观察,器身上的部分巴蜀符号为刻划成型而非铸造;器物用途可能仅为陪葬品而非实用器。  相似文献   
民国北京政府时期,教育经费短缺成为各省教育事业发展面临的普遍问题。谋求教育经费独立之议在全国教育会议上屡经提出。在教育经费独立的声浪中,河南成为首个较成功地推行教育经费独立的省份。1922年河南省当局将全省买当契税划为教育专款,教育专款监理委员会随之设立,负责监管教育专款的收支及分配事宜。其后,针对运行中出现的问题,监理委员会不断修正、补充相应的规章制度。尤其是1928年监理委员会经扩充改组为教育款产管理处之后,逐渐形成了以款产管理处为核心的自上而下的系统化教育经费管理体制。1942年契税收归国有,款产管理处随之取消。河南教育界谋求教育经费独立的探索与实践,不仅为河南教育事业的存续、发展提供了有力的经费支持,且成为国民政府肯定教育经费独立既有实践并将教育经费独立提案上升为制度的助力者。  相似文献   
大都市区民宿和酒店业的空间竞争区位识别及其态势驱动力解析是实现都市旅游住宿业多业态共赢与全域可持续的重要现实条件。本文利用GIS空间分析技术和地理探测器,从微观尺度刻画上海市民宿和酒店业的空间竞争格局演化特征并探测其影响因素。研究发现:①上海市民宿业和酒店业集聚热点均趋向群集演化,民宿业历经“零星单点、单核、双核引领+郊区多组团”演化阶段且具有显著的景区指向性;酒店业历经“单核、单核强化、面状集聚+点状环绕”演化阶段且具有显著的城市商业中心指向性;②民宿业与酒店业的空间竞争程度加剧,竞争范围扩大,竞争形式由酒店业近乎垄断的空间剩余竞争发展为空间非剩余竞争和剩余竞争并存,最终形成空间竞争与错位共生并存状态。③文旅禀赋、商业设施和人口集聚是影响民宿和酒店业微观布局的主要因素,地价和交通条件的影响次之;经营理念、客群定位、经济实力以及空间载体差异是造成民宿和酒店业格局分异的隐性宏观动因。  相似文献   
“北五省”与“南五省”两词在清代史料中偶有记载,关注者寥寥,少有专门研究。“北五省”当源自“北皿”,“南五省”则来自“南皿”,北皿、南皿所辖省份分别于康熙年间、乾隆六年的最终定型,为“北五省”“南五省”两词在官修史料之出现提供制度依托。两词因科举而生,亦因之而废。随着晚清废科举,南北分闱不复存在,“北五省”与“南五省”亦逐渐成为历史名词。  相似文献   
陈胜前 《南方文物》2013,(2):94-100,112
问题通常是研究的中心,而考古学研究的问题来自哪里却长期困扰着中国考古学研究者以及即将进入研究领域的学生,因此有必要梳理考古学研究问题的形式、内容、来源与背景关联。文章侧重指出考古学研究的问题来自于考古学"透物见人"多层次推理的过程,我们需要从外在与内在的关联之中来审视考古学所研究的问题,唯有如此,考古学研究的问题才可能丰富精彩。。  相似文献   
陈明良 《收藏家》2013,(11):63-66
壁瓶,又称"轿瓶"、挂瓶,它是中国瓷器中一个很小的门类。古人饰壁,讲究雅趣,能登堂入室,堂而皇之悬置于壁,作为装饰得到认可,并不多,屈指数来,也仅书画、字对、挂屏、壁画等寥寥数种,壁瓶能身列其间,得其雅器。它往往成组、成对出现,术工艺精,相映成辉,或装饰着帝王寝居;或美化着大众卧室。这些泛着柔和光泽的漂亮壁饰,蕴含着中国瓷器的诱人基因,覆之于手,俊挺敦厚;系之于壁,古朴高雅。和文玩清供一样,系挂着中国古文化中的小资情怀,  相似文献   
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