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陈曼平 《中国地方志》2012,(1):39-43,4,5
第二轮方言志不但要从微观上记录本行政区域内语言现象,详细描写方言面貌、各种方言的分布分区、系属、相互关系、主要特征、典型个案,还要从宏观上反映方言发展演变的脉络与轮廓、主要趋势与演变规律,层出不穷的研究成果等。在篇目、内容、体裁运用上都要有所开拓创新,不但要突出地方特点、专业特点,还要突出时代特征。在篇目上,应增加方言演变与社会人文关系篇、推广普通话与地方普通话篇、方言研究篇。记述内容上要拓展新的学科视野,反映汉语方言的文化功能、社会功能等体现语言文化影响力特点和语言演变的时代特征。在体裁运用上有新突破,适当增加图的种类和数量,建立语音库。  相似文献   
近年来,方志文化研究论述焦点主要是从大文化视野看方志的文化属性,从软实力角度看方志的文化功能,从创新思路谈方志文化的开发利用。方志文化发展要以修志编鉴为主业,又好又快多出以志书年鉴为主打、多元化的方志文化产品;以改革创新为动力,全方位推进方志文化建设;以开放促发展,加强方志界的对外文化交流。  相似文献   
陈强 《中国地方志》2012,(4):11-13,3
地方志工作法制化是地方志事业可持续发展最重要的保障。地方志工作法制化主要体现为三方面:具有较完善的地方志法律与地方志工作法规、规章;地方志法律与地方志工作法规、规章切实得到执行;违反地方志法律与地方志工作法规、规章的行为被依法纠正与处罚。地方志工作法制化目前存在与需要解决的主要问题是:地方志法律与地方志工作法规、规章尚不健全;现有地方志工作法规、规章尚未得到很好执行。进一步推进地方志工作法制化,首先要完善地方志立法,积极推动《地方志法》的制定和地方志工作地方立法;同时要将地方志工作法制化纳入依法行政范畴。  相似文献   
陈守强 《中国地方志》2012,(8):23-26,3,4
改革开放是中华民族振兴的重大历史机遇,充分记述改革开放是第二轮志书的重大历史使命,全面记述改革开放是我们这代修志人员可遇不可求的一大幸事,采用集中与分散相结合方法系统记述改革开放是是对我们修志智慧的一大考验,理性审视第二轮《河南省志》,因自身局限性明显存在若干不足。  相似文献   
Western firms engaged in mass retailing and in product assembly make frequent changes to their global production networks (GPNs). Indeed, some GPNs show a tendency to hypermobility, which we define as a rapid switching of economic links among manufacturers, importers, and retailers. This theme is explored in the context of the Canadian bicycle industry where domestic production collapsed between 1980 and 2008, following a century of remarkable stability. After a period of flux when Taiwan was the key player, China has emerged as the dominant original equipment manufacturer (OEM) of bicycles sold in Canada, with big‐box stores accounting for the great majority of sales. We connect this increasing fluidity in supply arrangements and in the global organization of the industry with the governance of these GPNs. Several aspects of governance are considered, including the Sloanist practices of the largest Canadian retailers, and the activist role of the Chinese state in directing regional patterns of manufacturing in China.  相似文献   
Recent developments in the biopharmaceutical industry in Taiwan, South Korea and China bear witness to the transformation of these states in nurturing an innovation‐based industry. This article argues that the segmentation of the value chain of the biopharmaceutical industry has provided industrializing countries with a window of opportunity. These East Asian states have modified their former catching‐up approaches by establishing a more effective institutional platform that can attract knowledge‐creation players to the industry. Through case studies, the authors show that the Taiwan state's promotion of the biopharmaceutical industry has been based on an incremental approach; existing state policies have been modified to cope with the demands of the industry, which has resulted in the continuation of its SME‐based industrial structure. The methods of the Korean state have been more radical, in that the policies that previously favoured the chaebols have gradually been reoriented toward the promotion of smaller, science‐based firms that now co‐exist alongside the chaebols. Finally, the Chinese state and local governments have sought to promote this innovation‐based industry by building biotech parks. This approach has resulted in a boom in new science firms, which have become increasingly isolated from the flourishing domestic SOE‐led market.  相似文献   
粱辰 《神州》2012,(21):227-227
人物的塑造是电影导演创作的重中之重。电影是围绕塑造典型环境中的典型人物展开的,人物既是叙事的核心又是矛盾冲突的核心同时也是影片造型的基础。宁浩作为新生代的鬼才导演在以《疯狂的石头》等为代表的作品在塑造人物方面有其独特的艺术构思,多以小人物为主角展开故事叙述。本文着重解读宁浩电影中的人物塑造,理解宁浩喜剧电影大受推崇的原因,为更多的喜剧电影提供借鉴。  相似文献   
砖石建筑是指利用砖石材料以一定的结构形式砌筑的建筑物或构筑物,这是中国传统建筑营造的一大类型,在中国建筑史上具有悠久历史和重要地位。我国现存砖石建筑分布地域广、数量多,本文从保护角度出发,介绍了砖石建筑历史及类型,并结合具体案例,对砖石建筑的保护与修复过程中的病害类型、原因、治理方法等进行了概述。  相似文献   
本文对20世纪以来国内外学者对于中国辽代佛塔的研究状况进行回顾,以时间为主线,将辽代佛塔研究分为三个大的阶段,详细阐述了20世纪初日本学者、20世纪前期中国学者以及上世纪后期至今当代学者对辽代佛塔的研究成果,介绍了国内外学者从建筑历史、建筑结构、佛教内涵、艺术特色等角度对辽代佛塔的看法和观点,理清了辽代佛塔研究的脉落,并简要讨论以往主研究中存在的若干问题,有助于更好地了解和研究辽代佛塔。  相似文献   
无锡博物院新征集到一把青铜剑,据铭文系春秋晚期吴王僚剑,这也是目前仅见的一把吴王僚即位后自铭剑。此剑的器形到底是剑还是铍,铭文到底是铸铭还是刻铭?本文研究后认为该剑就型制而言,确系剑而非铍;剑上铭文当系原铸,而非当时或后添刻铭。  相似文献   
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