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楚淮古地三题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
(一)楚惠王四十四年所灭之杞在何地,学术界议论纷纷,陈伟先生提出在泗水下游一带,当今安徽泗县城关,最为可取,我们作了一些补充证明。(二)《左传》"离城"所指,旧有舒鸠城与钟离城二说,前说有论而后说无考。由吴楚战争因由、战术安排、群舒社会发展状况及钟离城处离山之旁知,离城即钟离城可以无疑。(三)《左传》"淮汭"所在,杜预以来颇多释者,或者不可取,或者太宽泛而无意义。《汉书.地理志》记载一条发源于大别山流入今淮河(当时名江,又或称为江淮)的支流亦曰"淮水",以后又有浍水、潓水、灌水等叫法,其流入淮河的入口处,《水经注》谓之"浍(淮)口",当今史河口,显然即"淮汭"之所在。  相似文献   
首轮《北京志·房地产志》的编修对续修志书的借鉴意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
首轮《北京志·市政卷·房地产志》(以下简称《房地产志》)编修于20世纪90年代,2000年出版。该志虽然是首轮志书,但由于成书时间相对较晚,处于首轮修志收尾、第二轮修志即将开始之际,因此吸收了志界关于第二轮修志的部分理论成果,既有继承,又有创新和发展,是一部有特色的省级专业志书。  相似文献   
社会部类的编修是新方志中的难点,主要表现在志书分类中"社会"这一概念如何界定、社会部类应收入哪些内容两个方面。新方志中社会部类概念模糊,归属混乱。社会部类不能套用以社会分工和科学分类的公式,而应收入的是一些具有相对独立性和完整性的社会事物。其收入的内容应具有排他性、公认性。应按照事以类聚和妥善处理全志整体性与分志相对独立性的关系的原则来确定社会部类的内容。  相似文献   
<正>Walking in Tibetan inhabited areas,you will often encounter a number of pilgrims prostrating themselves on the roads to holy places. When we see them on the ground-prostrating,touching their foreheads,clapping their hands-and hear the echoing sound produced by their wooden gloves...our hearts fill with emotion.Apart from Tibetans,there may not be any other group of people in the world who are so pious.The extreme religiosity of Tibetans is driven from the depth of their hearts to motivate them to take several months,even years,to prostrate themselves on long journeys in order to reach their much dreamed-of holy destinations.Observing their shining faces,we do not see their hardships or suffering or depression,but rather we see the brightness,strength,insight and wishes of their faith.Above all, there is strength,the power of faith!  相似文献   
章学诚的史学批评理论内容丰富,从经世致用的史学批评目的论,到注重史义,到区分文史关系,形成一个比较完整的史学批评体系。他还提出史学编纂的基本要义和原则,强调史学家修养和正确开展史学批评的方法,在300年前,能有这样的关于史学批评的完善意见,应该说是很不容易的,是中国史学批评史上的重要成就和高峰。回顾和反思这些理论,对于我们当下史学理论和史学批评的研究是有启示和借鉴意义的。  相似文献   
<正>EDITOR'S COMMENTARY This special column consists of devoted fans of Tibetan culture. They have spent their life,their energy and their finances to eagerly collect and preserve unique Tibetan traditional culture while virtually also enjoying the spiritual and material happiness which those treasures bring to them.From now on,this journal is going to invite Chen Dan to contribute her detailed and delicate stories about collectors of Tibetan artifacts one by one,  相似文献   
广东省首轮93部县区志的实例,对分析首轮修志中志书部类的形成、界定、划分、排列、比例等问题很有禆益。将部类作为分门别类记述地情的第一层次,是新方志在贯彻横排门类编纂原则实践中的趋向及客观存在。对于这一方志专有名词应予正名,建立方志篇目分类学是方志理论研究刻不容缓的课题。  相似文献   
清中叶岭南爱国史学家梁廷枏编撰的《广东海防汇览》是一部广东海防通史与专史。该书是一部具有个人著述性质的官修之书,它在资料收集上搜罗古今、综合公私,在学术视野上着眼广东而筹划全局。它既是一部经世致用的应时之作,也适应了清中叶我国边疆史地研究的学术新变。  相似文献   
50年代在河南信阳长台关发掘出土了一批战国时代的漆木器,经受了二千余年地下水和各种菌类的侵蚀,木胎极度腐朽,绝对含水率高达1562%,其强度根本支撑不住自身的重量,所以只能在水中保存。采用蔗糖溶液浸渗加固饱水漆木器的木胎,克服了其它方法不易渗透或对漆皮有重大损伤的缺陷。它对不同含水率、不同树种都能适用,而且还具有可逆性。该方法设备简单、工艺简便,极利于推广应用。  相似文献   
In this brief response to Sun et al.’s ( 2018 ) comments on our paper, we re‐emphasize that archaeological, chemical and isotopic evidence are all relevant to the discussion about the metal source of the Shang period with highly radiogenic lead isotope ratios. The southern African bronzes have much lower lead contents and quite different lead isotopic signatures than the Shang bronzes. More importantly, there was no metallurgy of any kind in southern Africa before c.200 ce , so southern Africa cannot possibly be the source of Shang bronze, which date to about 1500 to 1000 bce .  相似文献   
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