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1644年满族人关后,在统一中国南下作战的过程中.于各战略要地和重要城市派驻其精锐部队——八旗兵.从而形成了八旗驻防制度。处于江防要地的杭州,是清朝最先派驻八旗驻防的三个城市之一。本介绍了杭州满城在设立、营制、变迁、军事编制、行政管理及满汉交往等方面的一些情况。  相似文献   
陈翔华 《文献》1998,(3):132-154
中韩文化交往历史远久.据伏胜<尚书大传>、司马迁<史记>及班固<汉书>等记载,早在公元前十一世纪,周武王克商后封箕子于朝鲜,中华文化便传及韩国①.韩国古代典籍对此也屡有记述.如公元1428年,李朝文臣卞季良奉命撰<箕子庙碑>,引国王李世宗传旨称:吾东方文物礼乐,侔拟中国,迨今二千祀,惟箕子之教是赖(见<世宗实录>卷40).  相似文献   
陈旭 《西夏研究》2020,(1):52-58
俄藏黑水城西夏文法律文献《■》中文标题:深受唐宋时期综合性王朝法典编纂体例与中文标题:层面嬗变的客观影响,基于唐末五代以来王朝法典因编纂体例改变一般以"刑法统类"或"条法"中文标题:的历史趋势与史实,结合西夏文语义学,其汉文中文标题:应移译为《重详定天盛刑统》。作者认为《天盛改旧新定律令》制定与任得敬擅权毫无关系,并以此为切入点,讨论了《天盛改旧新定律令》的年代学问题,认为《天盛改旧新定律令》于天盛初年(1150)在西夏旧律基础上修纂成书,乾祐后期又经重修,应不早于1183年,今日所见《重详定天盛刑统》当属后者。学界中文标题:《颁律表》的俄藏Инв.No.2570号西夏文文献应中文标题:为《进重详定天盛刑统表》。  相似文献   
Palace lanterns were important and highly visible decorations in the imperial palace in Beijing, China, during the Qing dynasty (1636–1912). Most lanterns had colourful tassels made of fibres. The study performed a comprehensive investigation of the materials and dyes used for palace lantern tassels preserved in The Palace Museum, Beijing. Eight samples with different colours, including yellow, green and red, from five palace lanterns were analysed. By using ultra-performance liquid chromatography combined with time-of-flight mass spectrometry, the compositions of the dyes were identified quickly, and thus the dyes' origins were explored. A X-ray fluorescence spectrometer assisted in the detection of whether a mordant was used during the dyeing process. As a result, the tassels were all made of silk, discovered through the use of microscopic observation and micro-Fourier transform infrared spectrometry analysis. Different dyeing techniques were found in these tassels: yellow tassels were dyed by cork tree or turmeric by a direct dyeing method; greens were dyed by pagoda bud with an iron mordant, or by the combination of cork tree and indigo using multi-dyeing method; and red tassels were coloured with different acid red industrial dyes. These results provide valuable data for the conservation of ancient textile tassels and contribute to the investigation of other hanging tags.  相似文献   
历代史书与地方志都十分重视对风俗的记述,风俗是方志记述的重要内容,风俗篇撰写的成功与否,直接影响着志书的整体质量。但首轮新方志在记述风俗方面存在着一些不足:一是部分志书未设风俗篇;二是部分志书将一些社会不良现象及迷信作为风俗记入志书;三是将风俗篇的内容基本局限于生活习俗中的衣食住行、婚丧、节会与禁忌等内容,没有涉及社会习俗中精神风貌和思想意识方面的内容。因此,第二轮修志要做到:一是充分认识风俗篇在志书中的地位和作用,不能缺漏风俗部分的内容;二是专设传统风尚章节;三是专设新风尚章节;四是设置生产习俗和生活习俗的并列章节;五是纠正首轮记述中有关风俗的错误内容。  相似文献   
新世纪以来中国博物馆展览事业发展迅猛,与国外博物馆的交流活动频繁,展览策划及相关的策展人制度、理事会制度以及公众服务等均在借鉴国外经验的基础上不断完善。加拿大皇家安大略博物馆副馆长沈辰先生指出,皇家安大略博物馆等西方博物馆在curator的职责和作用,展览策划的理念和实践以及展览流程中的团队协作、对公众体验的重视、展览的筹款、董(理)事会的功能等方面的经验可以为中国博物馆的展览策划工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   
论文以英国华裔青少年为例,通过问卷调查,了解中国电影在海外华侨华人中的接收情况,探讨了电影对中华文化在海外华侨华人中传播的作用和效果。论文认为中国电影是华侨华人接触和了解中华文化的重要途径,海外华人对中华文化有强烈的认知渴求,希望从中国电影中获取关于中国"言"、"象"、"意"的多层次、多元认知,他们对历史和当代中国的情况并重,对中国电影的解读体现出其文化间性。电影作为中华文化海外传播的重要窗口,应该增加其内容和形式的多样性,摆脱题材的单一性和对中国的刻板印象,用中国的话语讲好世界的故事,以摆脱文化弱势的处境,彰显中华文化的魅力,让中华文化更好地被华侨华人和世界所接受。  相似文献   
It has been suggested that the standardized growth curve (SGC) method can be used to accurately determinate equivalent dose (De) and reduce measurement time. However, different opinions regarding the applicability of the SGC method exist. In this paper, we evaluated quartz OSL SGCs of marine and coastal sediments of different grain sizes and different cores in the south Bohai Sea in China, and tested their applicability to the determination of De values. Our results suggested as follows: (1) The SGC method is applicable to both multiple- and single-aliquot regenerative-dose (MAR and SAR) protocols of OSL dating and efficiently provides reliable estimates of De. (2) Finesand quartz of different palaeodoses showed highly similar dose-response curves and an SGC was developed, but old samples using the SGC method have large uncertainties. (3) For coarse-silt quartz, two different types of dose-response curves were recorded: low-dose (≤60Gy) and high-dose (≥100Gy). The growth curves of low-dose quartz were similar to each other, facilitating the use of SGC in De estimations, but errors tended to be larger than those obtained in the SAR method. For high-dose (100–300Gy) quartz, the SGC was also found to be reliable, but there was large uncertainty in De (>300Gy) estimation. We suggest that SGC could be employed for the dating of marine and coastal sediments dating using either MAR or SAR OSL protocol and either fine-silt, coarse-silt or fine-sand quartz.  相似文献   
嵇文甫先生是关注、研究王船山史论的老一辈学者之一。他一方面从历史哲学的高度看待其历史思想,将之概括为古今因革论、朝代兴亡论和华夷文野论;同时,对其史论中的史学方法论也予以总结。从方法上看,他注重由哲学而史学的分析,尝试在中国思想史和西方思想视野下对船山史论作比较考察。这两个方面,对于船山史论的进一步研究,多有启示和借鉴的意义。  相似文献   
陈曼平 《中国地方志》2012,(1):39-43,4,5
第二轮方言志不但要从微观上记录本行政区域内语言现象,详细描写方言面貌、各种方言的分布分区、系属、相互关系、主要特征、典型个案,还要从宏观上反映方言发展演变的脉络与轮廓、主要趋势与演变规律,层出不穷的研究成果等。在篇目、内容、体裁运用上都要有所开拓创新,不但要突出地方特点、专业特点,还要突出时代特征。在篇目上,应增加方言演变与社会人文关系篇、推广普通话与地方普通话篇、方言研究篇。记述内容上要拓展新的学科视野,反映汉语方言的文化功能、社会功能等体现语言文化影响力特点和语言演变的时代特征。在体裁运用上有新突破,适当增加图的种类和数量,建立语音库。  相似文献   
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