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<正>As deputy president,he has been working in the clinical department for 12 years.His daily clinical consultations average up to 50 patients.In one year,he attends over ten thousand patients. He is Dr.Jampa Gelek,a famous senior Tibetan doctor working as deputy president in the Tibetan Hospital of Chamdo Prefecture.For many years,his outstanding medical knowledge, skills and high medical ethics are well known in the east of Tibet.  相似文献   
本通过对淅川下王冈遗址龙山至二里头时期陶器群的类型学分析,对于该遗址在龙山至二里头时期考古学化面貌、来源、构成因素与功能结构作出分析,并对当地族群的形成与整合进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   
Bavaria has achieved a dynamic change in its economic structure since the end of World War II, having evolved in the last four decades from an agricultural to a well-performing modern and service state. A wide variety of R&D-, SME- and infrastructure-oriented industrial policy measures have significantly contributed to the establishment of new small firms and job creation, the modernization of industrial structure as well as the economic and technology development in this German state. Bavarian industrial policy also stresses the subsidiarity principle and the working-together-through-dialogue principle of various groups including government, firms, trade unions, interest groups, etc. This type of loosely defined industrial policy has functioned remarkably well in the Bavarian-specific framework, in which a few large leading firms of international renown, in combination with the strong SME-basis, have played a key role for the rapid development. This study examines some major characteristics of regional industrial policy measures in Germany, taking Bavaria as a successful case.  相似文献   
常建华 《民俗研究》2000,(4):178-181
北京大学出版社"青年学者文库"出版了《将军门神起源研究--论误解与成型》(1998年11月)一书.据书中介绍可知,作者朱青生于1982-1985年在中央美院美术史系读研究生,师从邵大箴进行旧石器时代艺术的研究,期间随年画、门神研究专家薄松年听有关民间艺术的课,并参加中央美院有关民俗和民间宗教的沙龙.其发表的《欧亚石器时代的美术》(1987)、《旧石器时代模仿造型产生的契机》(1989)反映了作者研究石器时代艺术史的成果.后留学德国海德堡大学美术史研究所,研习哲学和现代艺术,而本书则是他1995年完成的博士论文略加修订的中文本.开篇就介绍作者,是为了了解其学术背景,进而把握该书的学术特色和作者的学术追求.  相似文献   
上海市空间扩展与环境演化的若干问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
首先分析了上海城市地域结构变化的特点,指出其动因是产业结构的变化;然后结合21世纪上海国际性和现代化的发展方向探讨了上海区域环境的现状问题,究其原因是老市区工业、人口的过度集中和基础设施、绿化不足,并有针对性地提出了若干措施。  相似文献   
新中国成立后 ,常书鸿先生随中国文化代表团前往印度、缅甸访问 ,尔后考察了麦积山、炳灵寺和新疆石窟。在社会主义新政策指引和中央的关怀重视下 ,敦煌莫高窟得到了全面维修加固 ,研究所的人力、物力、财力也得到了加强。常书鸿先生满怀对敦煌艺术的热爱 ,带领全所人员展开了大规模的临摹和研究工作 ,取得了一系列成就 ,为敦煌艺术的保护和弘扬做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   
Quantitative comparisons of space‐time activity‐travel patterns have been made at length in regional science. Traditionally, Euclidean Hamming distances have been widely used to measure the similarity between activity‐travel patterns that involve several attribute dimensions such as activity type, location, travel mode, accompanying person, etc. Other techniques, such as pattern recognition in signal processing theory, have also been introduced for this purpose. All these measures, however, lack the ability to capture the sequential information embedded in activity‐travel patterns. Recently, the sequence alignment methods (SAMs), developed in molecular biology that are concerned with the distances between DNA strings, have been introduced in time use research. These SAMs do capture the similarity of activity‐travel patterns, including sequential information, but based on a single attribute only. Unfortunately, the extension of the unidimensional SAMs to a multidimensional method induces the problem of combinatorial explosion. To solve this problem, this paper introduces effective heuristic methods for the comparison of multidimensional activity‐travel patterns. First, following a brief review of existing measures of activity‐travel pattern comparison, the problem of multidimensional sequential information comparison and the combinatorial nature of the method are discussed. The paper then develops alternative multidimensional SAMs employing heuristics based on dynamic programming and genetic algorithms, respectively. These heuristic SAMs are compared using empirical activity‐travel pattern data. The paper ends by discussing avenues of future research.  相似文献   
In this paper we summarize an integrated, operational model of losses due to earthquake impacts on transportation and industrial capacity, and how these losses affect the metropolitan economy. The procedure advances the information provided by transportation and activity system analysis techniques in ways that help capture the most important ecomonic implications of earthquakes. Network costs and origin-destination requirements are modeled endogenously and consistently. Indirect and induced losses associated with direct impacts on transportation and industrial capacity are distributed across zones and ecomonic sectors. Preliminary results are summarized for a magnitude 7.1 earthquake on the Elysian Park blind thrust fault in Los Angeles.  相似文献   
康熙三十四年建太和殿大木结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在王璞子、傅熹年先生的基础上,通过深入研究《太和殿纪事》所记载的大木尺寸,详细测量、分析太和殿木结构的现状尺寸,得出以下结论1、康熙三十四年所建太和殿平面丈尺是用清尺在明代遗留建筑基址上量度确定的,明清大木侧脚设计有所差异;2、太和殿通檐柱高(柱脚至挑檐枋上皮)等于明间开间;3、金柱高(至上层檐)为通檐柱高的1.5倍;4、上下层斗拱在此基础上深化设计、权衡尺寸,总出挑凑足整尺寸,并通盘考虑以适合檐步举架尺寸;5、按照前后挑檐檩间距的1/3确定屋架正心桁之间的总举架高度。  相似文献   
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