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A historical and multi-cultural district called ?stiklal challenges the Turkish claim as a secular, culturally Muslim, and ethnically Turkish nation. This region is at the heart of the republic: it is in the capital city of Turkey, Ankara, and within a region called Ulus, i.e. ‘the Nation.’ This district is threatened by a continuous process of demolition that has been taking place around this region since the 1940s, in fact, in the last thirty years, a politics of decay has complemented actual acts of demolition. The female residents of the region counteract this politics by narrating the daily problems that the residents of ?stiklal encounter as a result of this politics. Their strategies of narration constitute a resistance against exclusion. By historicizing the experiences that the district has endured, they fight the temporalization of this space, and manage to transgress its isolation.  相似文献   
This article argues that the Armenian women living in Istanbul are confined to domestic and communal spaces, and that the roles of symbolizing collective territory and identity, and of cultural reproduction of the community, are mostly associated with women. The data and observations we explore here are based on a field survey of Turkey's Armenian community that was conducted in Istanbul between November 2004 and May 2005. Evaluation of this survey based on both quantitative and qualitative methods allows us to draw some conclusions about the roles of Armenian women in the reproduction of Armenian culture. Women's roles indirectly influence Armenian identity, creating the conditions for its survival.  相似文献   
宋代四川专行铁钱的考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋代的货币铸造权统归中央所有,严禁民间私铸。宋代货币的材质规定为铜、铁两种,也有少量的白银使用。各地根据当地的实际情况,由政府规定使用什么货币。有宋一代,全国各地使用铁钱的地方很多,如河东、陕西、两淮等地,但都使用的时间不长或铜、铁钱并用,只有四川为铁钱专用区。北宋初年,即禁止铜钱进两川,后虽废此禁令,但短时又恢复。在经济发展处于全国最高水平的四川地区,使用铁钱这种低值货币,货币能保持正常流通,并促进经济的高速发展。而在专行铁钱的基础上,又催生了现代纸币的雏形———交子,这在中国货币史上是一个非常独特的现象,值…  相似文献   
日本劫购徐则恂东海楼藏书始末考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甲午战争后,日本对华侵略野心不断膨胀,对中国文献觊觎也日甚.继陆心源"丽宋楼"被日本静嘉堂整批收购后,杭州徐则恂东海楼藏书又惨遭日本劫购,舶载而东.有关徐则恂及其东海藏书楼,近年出版的有关藏书史、图书馆史与中日交流史的著作,如严绍瀑<汉籍在日本的流布研究>[1]、<浙江省图书馆志>[2]、彭斐章<中外图书交流史>[3]、李雪梅<中国近代藏书文化>[3]等,多有提及,但由于国内留存下来的史料实在太稀少,各书的论述多仅数十字,语焉不详,且迄今未见有专论.在此,笔者主要利用在日访学期间收集到的日本外交档案资料,对日本秘密劫购东海楼藏书的过程进行考述,并就其中的地方志被劫情况作一访查,以明历史事实之真相.  相似文献   
明清时期地方志东传日本的历史过程   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中日书籍交流史是近年学术界讨论的热点问题之一,但对其中的地方志这种历史地理文献尚缺乏系统的探讨。本文以方志东传日本最为频繁的明末至清咸丰年间为研究范围,从文献传播学的角度,归纳并分析了这期间中国向日本输出地方志的三个阶段及其特点,探索了渡日方志的流向。  相似文献   
The arts scene in Turkey has been witnessing many discussions with the revealing of the governmental reform agenda on the state support model for the arts that includes establishment of an arts council type institution, the closure of the State Theatres and, the State Opera and Ballet. Nevertheless, despite strong public criticism on this reform agenda, there has never been any comprehensive research to reflect the public opinion. Therefore, this study aims to contribute to recent discussions by providing data on public opinion regarding such a fundamental change, with a particular focus on theatre. Towards this end, a survey was conducted in Istanbul. The findings demonstrate that the majority, including both users and non-users of theatre, value the State Theatres and are in favour of sustaining it. There is also a common belief that in case of the State Theatres’ closure, the private theatres cannot undertake its public mission.  相似文献   
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