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曹新 《攀登》2005,24(2):39-44
民营经济是一种以民为本的民本经济;生产劳动是满足人民群众日苴增长的物质和化需要的直接的经济活劝;保护私有财产权是大国兴起之路;构建和谐社会必须正确看待当前收分配差距;必须给民营经济发展创造良好的社会环境,所有这些都是中国民营经济发展中的重要理论和政策问题。为此,我们很有必要从理论上加深对民营经济的认识,在实践中进一步促进民营经济的发展.  相似文献   
本文在现有研究的基础上,通过对地层、出土陶器及其纹饰等的比较分析,得出了一些新的认识.大司空村类型可以分出早晚两个阶段,它的源头应该在冀中地区钓鱼台类型中寻找,后岗类型与大司空村类型是仰韶文化紧密联系而又共同发展的两个地方类型.  相似文献   
冥水不是汉代籍端水,冥泽也不是位于冥安县西北籍端水注入之湖泽。冥水是指疏勒河昌马至布隆吉河段,因河水渗漏成为潜流而得名;冥泽位于瓜州东部,因冥水入注而得名,即唐代大泽。这个地区也是十六国和归义军农业开发的重点。  相似文献   
近代日本人旅居中国者甚众,死者一般依约葬于各地。甲午战争、日俄战争特别是1931年以后,日军在中国战死数十万,为收容遗骨,合祭其圣战英灵,日军在占领区广建忠灵塔、英魂碑以及神社等设施。战后,日本发起释放战犯运动,赴海外搜集战死者遗骨,并将14名A级战犯供奉于靖国神社。此种肯定及美化侵略战争的行径,遭到中国政府及人民的强烈反对。  相似文献   
上海青龙镇相传始建于公元746年,是上海地区最早的对外贸易重镇。2012年青龙镇的考古发掘中发现了 4座熔炉以及熔炉周围堆积的大量陶范、炉渣等,是上海地区首次发现的冶铸作坊遗址,遗址使用的主要年代是唐代晚期。为了解青龙镇唐代铸造作坊遗址出土陶范的制作技术,对遗址出土的陶范进行分析研究,以期揭示唐代青龙镇铸造作坊的制范技术。对陶范型腔面上残留的附着物分析主要元素是铁,表明陶范用于铸造铁器。经分析遗址中出土的陶范由三层组成:面层、背层和稻壳泥层。面层厚约1~2 mm,采用细颗粒泥料制作,致密,在铸造铁器时能确保陶范承受高温液态金属的充型压力,并得到表面光洁的铸件。背层厚约4~7 mm,该层羼入了粗颗粒物,这些羼和料可以减少陶范在干燥收缩和焙烧过程中的收缩变形。稻壳泥层厚约11~16 mm,该层羼入了一定量粗颗粒物,并羼入了大量的稻谷壳,陶范焙烧时谷壳烧失,在陶范上留下了大量的孔隙,便于铸造时型腔中气体的排出。三种不同的材质起到不同的作用,以保证成功铸造出铁器。在冶铸作坊废弃后在其上建造的一口水井内发现的铁釜、铁提梁鼎的形状与遗址中出土陶范所铸器物的形状吻合,应为该遗址所铸造器物。  相似文献   
The Dongsheng uranium deposit, the largest in situ leach uranium mine in the Ordos Basin, geometrically forms a roll‐front type deposit that is hosted in the Middle Jurassic Zhiluo Formation. The genesis of the mineralization, however, has long been a topic of great debate. Regional faults, epigenetic alterations in surface outcrops, natural oil seeps, and experimental findings support a reducing microenvironment during ore genesis. The bulk of the mineralization is coffinite. Based on thin‐section petrography, some of the coffinite is intimately intergrown with authigenic pyrite (ore‐stage pyrite) and is commonly juxtaposed with some late diagenetic sparry calcite (ore‐stage calcite) in primary pores, suggesting simultaneous precipitation. Measured homogenization temperatures of greater than 100°C from fluid inclusions indicate circulation of low‐temperature hydrothermal fluids in the ore zone. The carbon isotopic compositions of late calcite cement (δ13CVPDB = ?31.0 to ?1.4‰) suggest that they were partly derived from sedimentary organic carbon, possibly from deep‐seated petroleum fluids emanating from nearby faults. Hydrogen and oxygen isotope data from kaolinite cement (δD = ?133 to ?116‰ and δ18OSMOW = 12.6–13.8‰) indicate that the mineralizing fluids differed from magmatic and metamorphic fluids and were more depleted in D (2H) than modern regional meteoric waters. Such a strongly negative hydrogen isotopic signature suggests that there has been selective modification of δD by CH4±H2S±H2 fluids. Ore‐stage pyrite lies within a very wide range of δ34S (?39.2 to 26.9‰), suggesting that the pyrite has a complex origin and that bacterially mediated sulfate reduction cannot be precluded. Hydrocarbon migration and its role in uranium reduction and precipitation have here been unequivocally defined. Thus, a unifying model for uranium mineralization can be established: Early coupled bacterial uranium mineralization and hydrocarbon oxidation were followed by later recrystallization of ore phases in association with low‐temperature hydrothermal solutions under hydrocarbon‐induced reducing conditions.  相似文献   
曹昭 《江汉考古》2016,(4):90-94
本文根据新出土的五代杨吴国超惠大师塔铭,同时结合传世文献,梳理了超惠大师的生平事迹。揭示了超惠大师求学、创办黄龙院、被鄂州秦裴迎奉至州治江夏"匡徒"的过程,并对黄龙院的地理位置进行了考证,认为黄龙院在今天江西省修水县境内的黄龙山中。  相似文献   
Cao, Y., Shih, C., Bashkuev, A. & Ren, D., September 2015. Revision and two new species of Itaphlebia (Nannochoristidae: Mecoptera) from the Middle Jurassic of Inner Mongolia, China. Alcheringa 40, XX–XX. ISSN 0311-5518.

Two new species of Itaphlebia Sukatsheva, 1985, Itaphlebia longiovata and I. amoena (Nannochoristidae Tillyard, 1917), are described and illustrated from the Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of Daohugou, Inner Mongolia, China. Previously described Middle Jurassic nannochoristid genera, Chrysopanorpa Ren in Ren et al., 1995 and Protochoristella Sun, Ren & Shih, 2007b, together with Stylopanorpodes and Netropanorpodes Sun, Ren & Shih, 2007a (originally assigned to Mesopanorpodidae) are revised and considered to be synonyms of Itaphlebia. The following tentative species synonymies are proposed: Protochoristella formosa and Stylopanorpodes eurypterus = Itaphlebia ruderalis (Ren in Ren et al., 1995), comb. nov.; Netropanorpodes sentosus = I. jeniseica Novokshonov, 1997a, syn. nov.; and Protochoristella polyneura = I. multa Novokshonov, 1997a, syn. nov. Netropanorpodes decorosus is transferred to Itaphlebia. These new species, new material and the new combinations broaden the diversity of the Itaphlebia in mid-Mesozoic ecosystems and provide new characters enabling amendment of the generic diagnosis.

YiZi Cao [], ChungKun Shih [] and Dong Ren [], College of Life Sciences, Capital Normal University, Xisanhuanbeilu 105, Haidian District, Beijing, PR China 100048; Alexei Bashkuev [], Borissiak Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Profsoyuznaya st. 123, Moscow 117997, Russia.  相似文献   

上海假日旅游市场分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
上海具有发展国内旅游、假日旅游得天独厚的优势,要进一步促进上海国内旅游,假日旅游的发展,关键在于培育一个有序竞争的国内旅游市场、假日旅游市场。旅游企业要积极开拓市场,向科学管理要效益,以求共同发展。  相似文献   
在1945年8月缔结《中苏友好同盟条约》和1946年7月成立新疆联合政府之后,苏联一度减少了对中国新疆的干涉,但并没有放弃使新疆成为自己势力范围的企图。1947年6月,哈萨克斯坦共产党(布)中央向联共(布)中央提交了一份报告,计划在新疆成立联共(布)的分支机构"新疆人民党",并对该党的工作做了原则性规定,表明了苏联打算再次介入新疆事务的意图。本文对解密的这份报告做了介绍和分析。  相似文献   
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