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This study is focused on the constant ductility energy factors for bilinear system under the near-fault pulse-like ground motions. The variation of energy factors is studied in consideration of the earthquake magnitude, rupture distance, damping ratios, and post-yield stiffness ratios. The results indicate that the near-fault pulse-like ground motions would increase the energy dissipation of structures. The energy factors are significantly influenced by the earthquake magnitude. The damping ratios have more obvious influences on the energy factors than the post-yield stiffness ratios. A predictive model is proposed for the application of constant ductility energy factors for near-fault pulse-like ground motions.  相似文献   
中国自然、文化资源丰富,是拥有世界遗产类别最齐全的国家之一。中国是遗产大国,但不是遗产强国。中国政府非常重视世界遗产的申报,取得了一定的成绩,但是就实际情况来看,这还不够。通过分析我国的申报世界遗产现状,以预备清单为依据分析申报潜力,进而分析我国世界遗产申报的利益相关者、申报中的亮点与不足,并结合国外申报工作的先进经验,深入探讨我国申报世界遗产新思路  相似文献   
The main purpose of this article is to examine the ways in which popular music in Guangzhou is implicated in the performance of places and identities, and how it is located in Guangzhou. Drawing on the qualitative methods of participant observation and interviews, this research analyses the popular music and musical performances in Guangzhou through three spatial dimensions: the place of Guangzhou, the performance venues and the human bodies. The findings of this research suggest that popular music in Guangzhou sets up the emotional communications and engenders different spaces for the participants to negotiate their embodied identities; popular music and musical performances make the connections between three spatial scales—the place of Guangzhou, the performance venues, and the human body—through its capacity of social mediation and the musical performances articulate the power relations between local residents, the local and national authorities, and the global. This research can be read as a contribution towards the wider literatures on musical performance and the exploration of doing/making place and place-based identity through popular music.  相似文献   
彩绘陶器以其绚丽多彩的彩色装饰为主要特征,对它们的相关研究将不断丰富古代制陶工艺及颜料加工技术的认识。为此,本研究利用EDXRF、XRD、SEM、热膨胀分析等技术手段对山东青州香山汉墓和沂源战国墓葬出土彩绘陶器的组成结构及烧制温度进行了深入分析,首次发现了先以滑石粉打底其上再绘朱砂的彩绘陶品种。沂源战国墓葬中出土了表面用锡层作装饰的陶器,这是在我国北方地区的墓葬中首次发现这种"锡涂陶"。青州香山汉墓出土的陶俑和器物的胎料组成相近,而烧成温度存在明显差异,陶俑的烧成温度要高于器物。这些结果可为研究彩绘陶器的工艺发展提供新资料。  相似文献   
<正>Metog is located in the southeast corner of Tibet.It covers an area of 34,000 square kilometers.In ancient times it was known as"Padmagang",which meant"flowe...  相似文献   
对曾侯乙墓出土的126件古玉器,运用宝石学和岩石学知识,以肉眼观察鉴定为主,辅以部分样品的宝石学参数测试和物理谱学测试,鉴定出曾侯乙墓出土古玉器的玉质成分有玉质和石质两大类,玉质主要是透闪石质软玉和阳起石质软玉,石质主要是粉砂岩质。不同玉质的肉眼鉴别标志有所区别。  相似文献   
<正>EDITOR’S NOTES: Mr.Cheng Weidong is a senior journalist on a national pictorial magazine.He enjoys a Special Government Allowance from the State Council.He w...  相似文献   
本文对四川渠县城坝遗址出土的錞于、钲、钟一组青铜乐器做了相关分析,研究发现:这组乐器属铜锡铅三元合金,錞于、钟含有微量砷;均采用范铸法分批、分部件浇铸而成,各部位合金比例不尽相同,錞于的合金比例差别较大。通过微痕信息观察,器身上的部分巴蜀符号为刻划成型而非铸造;器物用途可能仅为陪葬品而非实用器。  相似文献   
白瓷的出现打破了青瓷一统天下的局面,并为后世颜色釉瓷的烧制奠定了基础,被誉为中国古陶瓷工艺发展过程中的“第四里程碑”,但是长期以来白瓷的起源问题悬而未决。早期白瓷是处于白瓷创烧时期的过渡品种,釉色介于青和白之间呈不均匀分布,因此如何科学界定“早期白瓷”直接关系到白瓷起源问题的研究。为此,本研究在梳理早期白瓷相关研究的基础上,结合考古发现与科学研究现状,重点分析了目前关于古代陶瓷釉面白度科技研究中存在的问题,提出应统一采用轻工行业标准中日用陶瓷白度的测定方法来计算古代陶瓷的白度,使得今后不同研究者之间公布的白度数据可以互相比较;并提出利用白度、化学组成、烧制工艺等参数作为区分早期白瓷与青瓷的重要指标,这为研究白瓷起源提供了新的方法和思路。  相似文献   
The article examines a number of pieces of early French and Dutch writing about the South China coast. The first is the journal of a Swiss mercenary named Ripon, who was employed by the Dutch East India Company and ventured in the East from 1617 to 1627; the second is a group of journals by Isaac Titsingh, Andreas Everard van Braam and Chrétien-Louis-Joseph de Guignes, describing their embassy to Emperor Qianlong in 1794–95; and finally there are a series reports by Dutch Protestant and French Catholic missionaries from the mid-nineteenth century onwards. Such Western sources can be an important supplement to the often scant Chinese sources for certain periods. Sources recording the same event but written by different authors and in different languages can provide an informative range of perspectives and serve to complement each other. And a range of different sources in different languages may combine to produce a fairly full historical picture of a given topic.  相似文献   
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