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关于网络时代旅游业发展的若干思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文着重研究网络技术对旅游业发展的深刻影响,深入思考旅游业如何适应网络技术条件下的宏观经济社会环境,通过自身的重新定位和经营管理方式的转变,实现快速持续增长。  相似文献   
As part of a multidisciplinary programme of research on Islamic glazed pottery, the development of polychrome decoration during the 12th century AD has been investigated by examining polished sections through glazed pottery in an analytical scanning electron microscope. The two main decorative techniques used were underglaze and overglaze painting. The results suggest that true underglaze decoration, involving the application of pigment without any associated slip, was first developed in Syria, from where it spread to Iran, on to China and ultimately across wide areas of the world. In contrast, the overglaze technique used on mina'i ware was both very short‐lived and confined to Iran. The analytical results suggest that the probable explanation for this was the technical problems associated with maturing the overglaze paint and the consequent risk of unsatisfactory products.  相似文献   
河南省新密市发现龙山时代重要城址   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:10  
新密古城寨龙山时代城址是中原地区目前发现规模最大、墙体保存最好的龙山时代晚期城址。城中发现了大型宫殿基址和大型廊庑式建筑,在中原地区龙山时代城址中都十分罕见。该城的发现,为探索夏文化、研究我国文明起源与国家形成,以及研究我国城垣建筑的起源与发展增添了重要资料。  相似文献   
综合分析近数十年来发现的大量考古资料,广泛参证相关文献资料,似乎可以得出这样的认识,在原始社会末期,成都平原的土著先民已经创造出较为发达而具有文明因素的“宝墩村文化”,建立了以渔猎经济为主的父系氏族社会;夏、商至西周,从汉水上游迁徙而来的巴蜀人兴建了虽然仍以渔猎经济为主、但农业经济比重日益增大的古蜀王国,创造出由“三星堆文化”和“十二桥文化”所反映的文明相当发达的“早期蜀文化”;东周时,楚人鳖灵取代蜀王杜宇建立开明王朝,兴农开国而致使蜀国成为以农业经济为主、渔猎经济为辅的富裕国家,致使“晚期蜀文化”成为楚、蜀糅合、多元一体的混融型文化。历秦入汉,基本上华夏化并且体现出华夏文化发展趋向的蜀文化,也就很快消融在汉文化的统一体中了。  相似文献   
The first comprehensive map of any ocean basin—covering the North Atlantic region—was created in the US in the 1950s. Compiled by Bruce C. Heezen and Marie Tharp, researchers at Columbia University's Lamont Geological Observatory, the Heezen–Tharp physiographic map of 1957 was significant in several respects. It defined the large-scale physiological provinces of the seafloor, and highlighted its major physical features (including the Rift Valley of mid-oceanic ridge, which Tharp discovered). Military funding for oceanographic research in the early Cold War made possible extensive sea voyages that provided these Columbia researchers sea-floor depth profiles and other critical information; military secrecy persuaded Heezen and Tharp to adopt the physiographic approach when national security restrictions made new bathymetric maps ‘born classified’. But overlooked until now is that the Heezen–Tharp map also deeply depended on extensive support from Bell Labs, then laboring to install the first transatlantic telephone lines. Heezen's hope that the map would support the theory of the expanding earth over the resurrected theory of continental drift did not succeed. But the 1957 North Atlantic Physiographic Chart did reaffirm that representations of the seafloor, mediated by new technologies, fundamentally reflected changing motivations for studying the oceans.  相似文献   
客馆为传统中国外交上的重要机构,由地主国设立,以接待归附者、使节、人质、入朝藩王、沙门与留学生等各种不同身分的外国人,试图落实招抚荒远、万国宾服的理想。南北朝时,客馆在数量与规制上有明显的发展,它除了解决外国人的食宿需求,也是重要的外交折冲场所。南北朝的客馆乃是拥有许多馆舍,颇具规模的馆区。客馆的方位受到城市格局变化的影响,南北朝以后,多位于城南。其地理位置也从城郭外向宫城靠近,且通常位于南北中轴线的通衢上。  相似文献   
清朝人口迁移规模巨大有两个独特的原因:一为清朝人口的快速增长;二为清朝赋税制度的改革,实行摊丁入亩,使人民获得自由.人口迁移的方向也不同于前朝,总趋势是从中原、江南等人口稠密区向人口稀少的边疆、山区、海岛迁移.清朝的人口迁移缓解了人口相对过剩的压力,使先进的生产技术和生产方法得当传播,有利于经济发展.从而对当时的社会产生了广泛的影响.  相似文献   
秦汉考古学是中国考古学的重要组成部分,自近代西方考古学传入中国以来,秦汉考古就一直备受学界关注和重视,先后编撰出版了一系列秦汉考古教材,但由于理论构建与体系建设的滞后,阻碍了秦汉考古学的学科发展,重新构建秦汉考古学体系已刻不容缓。全球史从一种编纂世界历史的方法演变成为研究历史的一种新的视角,为从动态角度研究文化和历史变迁提供了新方法。在秦汉考古学体系的重构与建设中,我们在坚持唯物史观为指导的同时,应有选择地吸收借鉴全球史的理论方法。  相似文献   
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