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邵雍 《史学集刊》2012,(5):43-52
进入21世纪以来,中国近代秘密社会史的研究无论在广度还是深度上,较之以往都有了较大进步,出现了许多优秀的学术成果,分别就某一特定问题展开研究。如近代湖南秘密社会、清代秘密社会的文化、晚清哥老会、清代民间宗教、近代广东会党、抗战时期山东秘密社会、山东民间秘密教门、清末民初秘密社会的蜕变、清代秘密结社、近代会党史、近代秘密宗教史、秘密社会与中国革命的关系等。中国近代秘密社会史的研究还存在着一些有待改进的地方,如应该避免全盘肯定或全盘否定的思维模式,具体问题具体分析,研究内容还应进一步全面化和细化。  相似文献   
目的 构建以重组乳酸乳球菌为基础的黏膜输送载体.方法 以高致病性禽流感病毒H5N1的HA1基因作为研究对象,利用nisin诱导表达控制系统,构建分泌型与非分泌型重组乳酸乳球菌表达载体,经口服灌胃途径免疫BALB/c小鼠,通过ELISA检测小鼠血清IgG和粪便IgA,最后,对免疫后的小鼠进行H5N1病毒攻击实验,进而比较分泌型与非分泌型重组乳酸乳球菌表达载体的免疫效率.结果 分泌型重组乳酸乳球菌免疫小鼠后产生的抗体水平(IgG和IgA)高于非分泌型重组乳酸乳球菌,经过同型H5N1病毒攻击后,分泌型重组乳酸乳球菌免疫的小鼠的存活率为80%,而非分泌型重组乳酸乳球菌免疫的小鼠的存活率为60%.结论 本研究为防治高致病性禽流感病毒提供可行的思路与方法.  相似文献   
本文以潮汕侨批业为个案研究,利用跨国主义理论,探讨了侨批网络的内部整合与制度化问题。认为侨批网络的制度化表现首先是侨批公会的建立,继而是侨批公会网络的形成,侨批公会网络再通过其制度化机制进入以中华总商会为中心的更高层次的华人社团网络。侨批网络的扩大加强了其对外的集体交涉能力,从而维护了侨批网络的正常运转。在此运作模式中,新加坡中华总商会起着领导核心的作用。侨批网络的运作模式对研究跨国华人商业网络有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   
本文在继承已有研究成果基础上,力图拓展完善旅游业回扣/佣金潜规则的研究思路和方法,即以新制度经济学为切入点,结合历史发展过程的纵向分析和动态平衡的横向分析,对旅游业这一潜规则进行深入的阐述与探讨。本文采用产权理论、交易费用理论和路径依赖理论对回扣/佣金潜规则现象进行了阐释,认为产权与交易费用的界定是这一规则产生与发展的核心动力,而制度均衡、囚徒困境及正式制度的监管失效是这一潜规则得以维持现状的三大原因。在此分析基础上,从新制度经济学的视角提出相应的引导之道,包括产权的安排分配、引入正向的信念体系及内外部监管变量的介入三大制度创新安排。  相似文献   
Fifty‐eight porcelain samples in Guan ware style from the collections of the Palace Museum in Beijing were analysed using non‐destructive ED‐XRF. These included 40 vessels that were traditionally ascribed as Guan wares of the Song Dynasty, and 18 vessels traditionally ascribed as imitation Guan wares, made during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The purposes of this study were: (1) to cross‐check the traditional identification of these wares with the new classification based on their chemical compositions; and (2) to carry out a provenance study of the authentic Song Guan wares—that is, to compare the chemical compositions of the authentic Song Guan wares with those of the shards unearthed from the known Guan ware kilns of the Song Dynasty. This study shows that: (1) the chemical compositions of the glaze are significantly different between the Song Guan wares and the imitation wares—among the 58 wares tested, seven are likely to have been misidentified by the traditional method; and (2) the glaze compositions of the authentic Song Guan wares themselves are not homogeneous, and they can be divided into three groups. The provenance of these groups was briefly investigated.  相似文献   
本文的“小美国人”是指中国新移民在美国生育的、具有美国国籍并于出生后不久就被送回亭江寄养的婴幼儿。本研究以位于闽江口的福州市著名侨乡亭江镇为调查点,追溯小美国人在当地跨国寄养这一现象的产生,考察小美国人在当地的寄养现状,分析小美国人的跨国寄养对当地社会经济和文化教育等方面的影响。文章认为,这些跨国寄养的小美国人兼具了作为传统意义的亭江人和作为法律意义的外国人的双重身份,是一个特殊的群体。他们在侨乡的跨国寄养,是国际移民网络的组成和延伸。作者建议当地政府和相关部门重视这一群体的特殊性,制定相关政策,帮助这批特殊的小美国人在当地健康成长。从长远看,这将有利于这些小美国人回归美国长大成人后,成为促进中美友谊的民间桥梁。  相似文献   
The composition of ceramics does not just reflect the component of some specific, unprocessed, geological, raw material source, but also certain forms of human behaviour involved in its manufacture. The purpose of this research project is to apply the acid‐extraction chemical method, complemented by a thin‐section petrographic study, to the compositional analyses of certain local ceramic collections (mainly from several sites in the southern Taiwan area). The results present the raw materials that the ceramic manufacturers of the two cultural traditions (O‐laun‐pi Phase II and Phase III–IV), which overlapped temporally, used. These materials came from the same sources, but the ceramics were manufactured in different ways. Particularly, the people of O‐laun‐pi Phase III–IV also procured certain materials from either local sources or from somewhere in eastern Taiwan to make their pots. The results also indicate that there might have been a variation in terms of their manufacture among sites of the same cultural tradition.  相似文献   
White pottery is among the most significant finds from China's earliest state, Erlitou (c. 1900–1500 bc ). Samples were primarily discovered in small numbers from elite tombs of a few sites, leading to the hypothesis that they were made at only a few locations and then circulated regionally as prestige items. To facilitate determining provenances, we compare the ICP–MS trace elements and TIMS Sr isotopes of whiteware with two soil samples from Nanwa, a possible manufacturing site, and with shards found at three other sites: Erlitou, Huizui and Nanzhai. The Nanwa shards demonstrate special elemental and Sr isotopic features. Considering the chemical observation and archaeological background together, we propose that Nanwa was a centre for whiteware production, although the two soil samples we collected there were probably not the exact materials used. Some whiteware pieces from Erlitou, Huizui and Nanzhai fall in the chemical field defined by Nanwa samples, indicating that they were possibly made at Nanwa. Many other samples from these three sites plot outside the Nanwa field, implying they were probably not Nanwa products. This study demonstrates that while chemical sourcing is very useful, firm archaeological context must remain the cornerstone of such research.  相似文献   
东晋初期,皇权与士族之间以及士族内部存在着权力分配的微妙平衡。王敦第一次举兵是反对元帝打破此平衡之举,第二次举兵却是自己主动打破此平衡,因此众多士族对此的反应前后大不相同。最终,这场各方力量参与的博弈维持了东晋初期权力平衡的局面。在这场权力角逐中,名望所带来的社会资本扮演了关键的角色。通过对王导、元帝、王敦、周■、温峤等人社会资本与政治权力的分析,可以揭示出文化场域中名望与政治场域权力间的互动和转化。  相似文献   
上海拆城案是在清末自治运动兴起、城市商业发展、与租界竞争以及城墙自身功能消退的背景下进行的。该议案从提出到最终执行,几乎经历了整个清末民初自治的全过程,其间经历了前期激烈的争议和后期犀利的施行阶段,形成了"拆城以利通商"和"保城以卫家园"对立的两派。拆城派大多属于商人领袖,具有新学背景,而保城派则主要是拥有传统功名的地方士绅。在两派激烈的争论过程中,随着时局的演进,保城派逐渐由强势转为弱势;反之,拆城派由弱转强,从而完成了上海地方精英内部的新旧群体权势的转移。  相似文献   
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