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论文运用田野调查的方法,选择南非的中国新移民作为研究对象,介绍了20世纪90年代以来南非中国新移民群体的概况,阐释了中国新移民在南非遭遇的文化冲突以及他们的适应策略。研究发现,中国新移民在基本价值、家庭观念、消费观念等方面与南非人有明显的冲突,新移民群体对"南非文化"持一种"保持距离"的态度。具体体现在居住区域、社会交往和通婚等方面。同时,同质性强的中国新移民身处介于同质与异质之间的社会空间,对南非文化仍有明显的隔阂。  相似文献   
A variety of data indicate that the Carbonate aquifer in southern Manitoba is a heterogeneous and anisotropic aquifer wherein groundwater flow follows preferred flow path networks. Specific capacity tests show that aquifer transmissivity can vary by up to four orders of magnitude within 1 km. Geostatistical analysis reveals a strong anisotropy in the transmissivity field, with better spatial continuity in NE–SW and NW–SE directions, coincident with the dominant orientations of fractures observed in bedrock exposures. However, discrepancies between the orientation of highest fracture density and best transmissivity continuity suggest that either additional geological factors control the preferred flow network or there is a biased representation of the fracture pattern because all direct fracture observations came from the northern part of the study area. In an effort to investigate whether the geographically biased fracture data set represents the fracture pattern for the whole region, Landsat images and digital elevation maps were processed to extract linear features that may indicate subsurface fracture zones in areas where bedrock is covered by glacial sediments. The results suggest a consistent fracture pattern throughout the study area, indicating that the two observed fracture groups might have gone through different processes in terms of permeability development. Alteration by mineral cementation and dissolution along fracture surfaces may have preferentially improved the fracture permeability in one orientation, while reducing it in the other. The in situ stress field is also believed to play a major role in the preferred regional flow network. This paper discusses the evidence for the preferred flow path network and possible geological factors controlling aquifer anisotropy in this region.  相似文献   
中国特有的地理位置和自然环境决定了水利是中华民族生存、发展的必然选择。可以说,水利与中华文明同时起源,并贯穿于其整个经济社会发展进程中。在漫长的历史时期,历代各朝都将兴水利、除水害作为头等国事,兴建了各类水利工程,留下了大量具有重要科学价值的水利文化遗产。这些遗产中不仅有水利工程设施这样的物质文化遗产,还有治水理念、水管理文化、农村防洪抗旱灌溉互助合作制度等非物质文化遗产,  相似文献   
早在女真族初步形成之时,居住于朝鲜半岛北部的西女真和东女真就将家园视为中国之内的封境。高丽北进,女真则失去了大片土地。辽朝末年,为保卫家园,女真人在曷懒甸(今咸兴平原)大败高丽军。在朝鲜王朝占领半岛东北部以后,女真首领王可仁、佟景再三提醒明成祖,朝鲜所占之地乃是女真人的旧土,但由于彼时明朝君臣对该地历史的不确知,十处女真居地被送与朝鲜。  相似文献   
宁夏固原一座汉代墓葬中出土了一件青铜鎏金摇钱树,枝叶上有朱雀等祥兽与人物雕塑,表现了四灵、乐舞杂技与西玉母神话等图像内容,对研究汉代摇钱树的内涵与分布影响有一定意义。  相似文献   
我国事业单位作为负担一定社会职能的公益性部门,长期以来仍然沿用传统的机关人事管理模式,在理念上远未实现从传统人事管理向现代人力资源管理的蜕变。随着知识经济与人本管理时代的到来,人力资源无疑会成为事业单位的核心资源,建立以人力资源为根本导向的人员管理机制是事业单位的一种发展趋势。德鲁克的用正确的态度对待人、用合理的原则选人、用科学的方法管理人、用灵活的机制激励人等人力资源管理思想,为我国事业单位进行有效的人力资源管理提供了启示和借鉴。  相似文献   
采用便携式拉曼光谱仪对广西合浦出土的新莽(8—23年)和东汉(25—220年)晚期的宝石珠饰进行了原位无损分析,新发现了一批在外观上极易被误认为各色水晶的绿柱石族矿物(如海蓝宝石和透绿柱石)制作而成的浅蓝色和无色透明珠饰。利用手持式显微镜对绿柱石宝石珠饰的穿孔形状、孔径大小及其内部微痕特征进行了观察分析,参考南亚和东南亚同时期石质珠饰的钻孔工艺及钻具研究成果,认为这批绿柱石珠饰采用了钻石钻头双面对钻钻孔工艺。结合南亚地区宝石资源、出土绿柱石宝石珠饰及其钻孔工艺和加工作坊等情况,认为这批绿柱石宝石珠饰是由南亚经海上丝绸之路输入的舶来品。研究结果为探讨汉代中国南方与南亚和东南亚的经济和文化交流提供了有益信息,有助于提高对古代海上丝绸之路这一贸易网络在传播珍贵物品的认识。  相似文献   
在清代的佛山镇,义仓几乎承担了所有的地方善举,成为地域社会的"善举联合体"。佛山义仓的运作机制,不是对宗族公产房支轮值原则的简单移植,而是将"九社""八图""二十七铺"的里社组织融入到义仓的管理中,且在义仓管理中,力求革除豪族对义仓公产的强占,从而使义仓成为佛山地方善举的母体。在社会联结的意义上,围绕北帝信仰的祖庙,在空间和象征上成为佛山镇公共管理的黏合剂。  相似文献   
Nihewan and Zhoukoudian are important areas where early humans and cultures originated and reproduced in northern China and even East Asia. Geologically, both site groups belong to the Haihe River valley; chronologically, the Nihewan sites date to ca. 1.7 million years ago, and the Zhoukoudian sites date to ca. 0.5 million years ago; and culturally, both are dominated by the small-flake-tool culture. Thus, it is speculated that the early culture in the Zhoukoudian sites came from the migrants from the Nihewan Basin who facilitated cultural diffusion in the area; in turn, it also affected the culture in the Nihewan area during the subsequent development. This paper proposes the development path of the Paleolithic culture in northern China, that is, early humans in this region roughly experienced three stages of subsistence from lake-dependent to cave-dependent and then to river-dependent.  相似文献   
The English glass industry adopted coal as a fuel at the beginning of the seventeenth century, the consequent reduction in costs enabling sales and production to increase. From a minor forest industry, glass manufacture became an important part of the coalfield economy, with innovative furnace structures forming striking features in the eighteenth-century urban landscape. Recent archaeological investigation has shown that glass-works have left significant survivals on subsequently redeveloped sites, in the form of underground flues and furnace bases, and residues from processes.  相似文献   
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