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This article argues that wives occupied a more central place than mothers in the early nineteenth-century American temperance movement, and that temperance literature portrayed them in two ways. First, temperance writers depicted the drunkard's wife as a pitiable example of the dire effects of male drinking on women and families. Second, they cast wives as potent moral influences on their husbands, capable of preventing the sober from faltering and reclaiming the drunkard. These portrayals coexisted with overtly misogynist views of women within the temperance movement that accused women of making men drunkards through perverted influence and blamed drunkard's wives for their own predicament. The temperance movement's depiction of wives' gender both reflected and contributed to the large ambivalence toward women in American society.  相似文献   
Kein touristisches Segment ist derzeit durch eine so massive Angebotsexpansion gekennzeichnet wie der Gesundheitstourismus. Allein in Deutschland versuchen sich heute mehr als 350 Heilbäder und Kurorte auf dem Markt der heiß umworbenen Selbstzahler zu positionieren. Aber auch außerhalb der Kurorte entwickelt sich das kur- und gesundheitstouristische Angebot dynamisch. Der nachfrageseitige Markt für gesundheitstouristische Dienstleistungen ist vielversprechend und hat eine weltweite Mobilisierung um den gesundheitsbewußten Touristen in Gang gesetzt. Um in diesem stark wachsenden Markt überhaupt wahrgenommen zu werden, müssen Anbieter mit einem klaren Profil erscheinen, vor allem Heilbäder und Kurorte, die ein eher traditionelles Image aufweisen. Zudem verlangen Investitionsvorhaben oder Wirtschaftsförderungen klare Entscheidungsgrundlagen der langfristigen Positionierung und Spezialisierung. Nicht zuletzt stellt sich die Frage, wie Heilbäder und Kurorte auf Destinations- bzw. Landesebene am Markt präsentiert werden müssen, um sich von anderen Bäderdestinationen zu unterscheiden. Für diese komplexe Aufgabenstellung hat das Europäische Tourismus Institut (ETI) ein abgestimmtes Erhebungs-, Bewertungs- und Analyseinstrument entwickelt, das konsequente Produkt- und Positionierungsentscheidungen für den einzelnen Kurort wie auch das Landes- oder Regionalmarketing ermöglicht. Die Vergleichende Kurortanalyse (VKA) berücksichtigt dabei sowohl die Bedürfnisse des Marktes als auch die spezifische Angebotsausstattung bzw. -attraktivität in den Orten.  相似文献   
This article develops and calibrates a spatial interaction model (SIM) incorporating additional temporal characteristics of consumer demand for the U.K. grocery market. SIMs have been routinely used by the retail sector for location modeling and revenue prediction and have a good record of success, especially in the supermarket/hypermarket sector. However, greater planning controls and a more competitive trading environment in recent years has forced retailers to look to new markets. This has meant a greater focus on the convenience market which creates new challenges for retail location models. In this article, we present a custom built SIM for the grocery market in West Yorkshire incorporating trading and consumer data provided by a major U.K. retailer. We show that this model works well for supermarkets and hypermarkets but poorly for convenience stores. We then build a series of new demand layers taking into account the spatial distributions of demand at the time of day that consumers are likely to use grocery stores. These new demand layers include workplace populations, university student populations and secondary school children. When these demand layers are added to the models, we see a very promising increase in the accuracy of the revenue forecasts.  相似文献   
On September 29, 2003, Hurricane Juan profoundly altered Halifax's Point Pleasant Park, resulting in feelings of solastalgia (the distress caused by perceived negative changes to a beloved place) as park users mourned the loss of a place that held great significance for the city. Starting in 2008, over 100,000 trees have been planted in order to restore the original Acadian mixed forest to this landscape. Drawing on scholarly literature focused on place attachment and disaster recovery, this paper utilizes interviews (n = 11) and online surveys (n = 79) to determine whether long‐term park users have re‐established positive place attachments in conjunction with the park's restoration. Our results indicate that participants have largely overcome their solastalgic outlook and restored meaningful place attachments to the park. Unexpectedly, our results also suggest that long‐term participants have current place attachments that appear stronger than the place attachments expressed by participating short‐term users, who never experienced the traumatic impact of Hurricane Juan on Point Pleasant Park.  相似文献   
In his latest contribution to the application of Darwinian evolutionary thinking to the social sciences, W. G. Runciman conceives of human behavior as resulting from three levels of selection—biological, cultural, and social. These give rise, respectively, to evoked, acquired, and imposed patterns of behavior. The biological level is hardly controversial, but to draw a distinction between separate cultural and social selective processes is more problematic. Runciman takes memes to be the variants competitively selected at the cultural level and the practices constituting rule‐governed roles to be the variants competitively selected at the social level—thus preserving separate spheres of research for anthropology and sociology. It is not clear, however, what drives cultural and social evolution. Nor are the three levels theoretically well integrated. The book's strength lies in the numerous examples provided of how the application of selectionist theory illuminates and enriches sociological and historical explanations and contributes to the construction of historical narrative.  相似文献   
Wheat has been one of the most important crop in Eurasia since the Neolithic period. Understanding the spread of wheat cultivation is crucial to understanding the spread of agriculture as a whole and the interactions between prehistoric populations across the Eurasian continent. However, the routes by which wheat cultivation spread eastwards have been poorly understood to date, due to the scarcity of plant remains recovered from archaeological sites. Desiccated wheat grains excavated from the Xiaohe cemetery in Xinjiang, and dated to the early Bronze Age, show excellent DNA preservation. Here we present an ancient DNA (aDNA) analysis of wheat (Triticum sp.) grains excavated from Xiaohe and provide the first definitive evidence for bread wheat in China during the Bronze Age. The nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS1 and ITS2) and the intergenic spacer region (IGS) were amplified. The IGS region within the D genome of wheat has a 71 bp insertion that is absent from corresponding regions in the A and B genomes. The results showed that the Xiaohe wheat showed most sequence similarity to hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum), including the characteristic insertion into the D genome. The presence of bread wheat at the Xiaohe cemetery is discussed in relation to it having spread into Xinjiang by the Bronze Age, providing new insight into the origins of bread wheat in East Asia.  相似文献   
Laboring in low-paid jobs with poor conditions, migrant women are some of the most vulnerable workers in the US labor market. These women often carry a disproportionate burden at home, expected to care for children and elderly relatives and maintain a stable and loving family. Given the weight of work and family obligations, migrant women workers often turn to community-based organizations for assistance with securing work, negotiating an abusive workplace situation, and making ends meet on low wages. Increasingly, organizations are recognizing the social reproduction concerns of migrant women. In crafting responses to this reality, much work is undertaken by staff members, clients, and volunteers that is hidden from the organizations' funders, from the clients' employers, and from official statistics. The objective of this article is to reveal how and why nonprofit organizations can act as a space for the hidden labor of social reproduction, as well as for economic development experiments that account for the needs of social reproduction. Hidden labor is conceptualized as filling gaps in the social safety net created by a neoliberalizing society. In addition, it is the argument of this article that social reproduction is being reframed as a collective endeavor within organizations, where the ethic of care is potentially transforming an insidious political-economic context into a source of strength and resiliency for migrant women. Based on semi-structured interviews and participant observation in an organization in Chicago, this article provides a review of hidden labor within the space of nonprofit organizations.  相似文献   
The degradation of tetraethylene glycol (TEG) was studied at 70 °C under dry air and nitrogen. Degradation products were detected using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC–MS). They were mono-, di- and tri-ethylene glycol, mono- and di-formates of mono-, di-, tri- and tetra-ethylene glycol and formic acid. The rate of TEG degradation was significantly decreased by approximately 10 mmol/l KI, FeCl3, Cu(CH3COO)2, MnO2 and CuSO4, small amounts of fresh oak wood sawdust and gypsum-containing scrapings from the wood surface of the Vasa ship in Stockholm. Thus certain salts and natural components of archaeological wood are able to inhibit oxidative degradation of TEG. NaFe3(SO4)2(OH)6 (Natrojarosite), FeS2 (pyrite), FeSO4, Fe2(SO4)3, NiCl2, NiSO4, Fe, Cu, Fe2O3, CuO, NaHSO4 and natrojarosite-containing scrapings from the Vasa had no major effect on the rate of oxidation.  相似文献   
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