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穆永强 《丝绸之路》2009,(24):34-35
全球化及其所引发的社会转型使得西部少数民族生产、生活方式发生巨变,民族文化认同出现危机。西部非物质文化遗产保护立法,将有助于从制度上保证少数民族的文化特性及其可持续发展,增进西部少数民族的文化认同,维系文化多样性及中华民族多元一体格局。  相似文献   
在唐朝前期,黄河中下游的富庶农耕区和陇右东部可以养育马匹的半农半牧区,犹如国家强盛的左右臂膀。及至"安史之乱"后,吐蕃攻占陇右,唐之右臂断绝;河北与江淮间藩镇割据抗命,唐之左膀近乎瘫痪,帝国雄强气象,无由再振。从军事地理角度观察,陇右失陷对唐后期京畿安全的直接影响是关中暴露,京城危迫;党项部落东徙,扰攘关中十余年。间接影响是陇右的监牧丧失导致"马政"剧衰,若干羁縻府州及其部落兵损失,致使唐朝骑兵软弱,军力下降,综合国力严重削弱。而唐朝保卫京畿,缓解危机的重大措施,就是将关内道的军防重心从北面转到西面,即建立起京西、京北八镇军防新体系,阻遏戎寇,历经80余年顽强抗御,终使关中免沦左衽。  相似文献   
We present a reconstruction of the three‐dimensional (3D) geometry and gold grade distribution of shear zone‐hosted, Au‐mineralized, quartz–tourmaline veins of the Sigma deposit (Abitibi belt). Host shears and veins form a network of anastomosing, steeply dipping structures associated with smaller subhorizontal extensional veins. Our reconstruction has been carried out using the exceptionally large geological database of the mine. From this database, we extracted the geometric position, thickness and gold grades of geometrically best‐defined steep veins contained in a representative subvolume of the deposit. These data allowed the 3D representation of 53 veins, which have been constructed by fitting surfaces through the geometrical data and by contouring thickness and gold grade. The geometry of the network is mainly characterized by: (i) a few large segmented veins, with sinuous and helicoidal shape, and typical vertical dimension of >100 m; (ii) a large number of smaller vertical veins, some of which splay off the steep veins with high dip angles; (iii) subhorizontal extension veins (joints) located at, or close to, the tips of steep veins. The absolute thickness of the vertically short veins is the same as that of the large veins, suggesting that they formed simultaneously, but only a few of them interconnect to form vertically continuous bodies. Patchy, vertically elongated zones of high dilation are present in the large veins, and are poorly correlated with Au‐rich zones. They presumably represent former high‐permeability zones of the network. The highest gold grades occur at the interconnections between the large veins and small splays or subhorizontal joints. This indicates the important role of vein interconnection for fluid flow and gold precipitation within the network. Combining the calculation of the volume of the network with the estimation of tourmaline abundance in the veins, we calculate that 2.1 × 106 m3 of tourmaline and 3.2 × 106 m3 of quartz precipitated during Au deposition.  相似文献   
Majolica pottery was the most characteristic tableware produced in Europe during the Medieval and Renaissance periods. Because of the prestige and importance attributed to this ware, Spanish majolica was imported in vast quantities into the Americas during the Spanish Colonial period. A study of Spanish majolica was conducted on a set of 186 samples from the 10 primary majolica production centres on the Iberian Peninsula and 22 sherds from two early colonial archaeological sites on the Canary Islands. The samples were analysed by neutron activation analysis (NAA), and the resulting data were interpreted using an array of multivariate statistical approaches. Our results show a clear discrimination between different production centres, allowing a reliable provenance attribution of the sherds from the Canary Islands.  相似文献   
The article is a report on field activities of 2014 at a renowned location of Kaup forest near Wiskiauten/Viskiautai, nowadays Kaliningrad oblast of Russia, and a sentimental journey through the research history in a region at the crossroads of ancient communication webs, and more recently – of diverse political agendas. Field activities focused on the so‐called Barrow 1, the only known mound at Kaup dated to the Neolithic, otherwise dotted with burials of the Viking Age. It was an attempt to reconstruct barrow architecture, which has resulted in a deconstruction of previous views based on rather scarce excavation reports of the 19th – early 20th century. The Neolithic barrow of Kaup remains a unique testimony of the social complexity and spatial awareness of the early 3rd millennium BC when Europe was under the spell of the Corded Ware and other related cultural phenomena.  相似文献   
2008年新年的前夕,我办完事从外面回来,正好碰上康启昌大姐来到我的住宅楼下给我送来还没有整理完的书稿。我接过那厚厚的稿子,没说上几句话,她着急办事,便匆匆地走了。我看着她远去的身影,从她的身影我想到散文作家鲁野先生,他与康启昌都是凤城人。风城,又是我在80年代曾经工作过的地方。  相似文献   
2000年统计,青海省有土族199470人,占全省总人口5181560人的3.85%。 从青海人口地理的角度看,西宁市有土族51588人,占全市总人口1979200人的2.16%;海东地区有土族120435人,占全地区总人口1520074人的7.92%;海北州有土族8155人,占全州总人  相似文献   
对匈奴收继婚制度的再探讨--匈奴婚姻制度研究之一   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
匈奴的婚姻制度较为复杂,收继婚是其最具特色的婚姻制度之一。史籍中匈奴的收继婚只笼统概述为“父死,妻其后母;兄弟死,尽取其妻妻之”,实际上,它有着相当严格的法则和收继顺序。同时,匈奴的收继婚不仅是一种婚姻制度,而且还是匈奴身份继承制度的重要组成部分和一种赡养制度。  相似文献   
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