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There is a rich, but unacknowledged, heritage of rural subalterns, crofters, in Scandinavia. A Swedish-Norwegian interdisciplinary research-network investigated the most prominent category – the remains of crofts. Due to industrialisation, urbanisation and the modern welfare state, the institution of crofting was abolished, and many crofters left for opportunities elsewhere. The welfare state transformed a landscape of living and working people into a one filled with relicts mostly from the nineteenth century. Although numerous and important to local citizens, these sites fall outside the authorised heritage discourse (AHD) in terms of both research and heritage management. This paper takes an environmental justice perspective to challenge the AHD. Three themes are in focus: (1) bringing out the history of a subaltern and marginalised group of people; (2) promoting crofts as heritage of importance to local citizens and demanding complex management due to the various historical narratives and risks; (3) considering the crofting landscapes in relation to the (economisation) framing of heritage in development processes, especially in relation to fair development in present rural communities.  相似文献   
Through extensive interviews with Hui, Han, Dongxiang, and Tibetan migrants and participant observation in northwest China between 2013 and 2015, we examine how the negotiation of ethnic identity influences acculturation strategies in three cultural contexts by scrutinizing the three operational aspects of ethnic identity: perceptions, affections, and behaviors. We argue that the ethnic identity is negotiated at both the group and individual levels as a relation of dialectical unification in regard to fixity and fluidity. At the group level, ethnic identity is relatively fixed and rigid and is perceived by most of the group members as the social norms which normalize ethnic behavior collectively. At the individual level, on the other hand, ethnic identity can be highly flowing and contested from one individual to another. Han identity is generally self-perceived as unmarked, porous, situated, and sometimes even vacuous. Han migrants’ acculturation is more dependent on the cultural context of the host society. Hui and Dongxiang migrants show a strong attachment and affective bonds to their ethnic identity, which is largely based on religious identity. Although Tibetan migrants perceive a complex, place-based identity related to their religion, the grassland, their traditional ways of living, and their language, a Tibetan identity seems to be difficult to fulfill given their economic vulnerability and the contradictions between retaining traditions and being Sinicized in the city.  相似文献   
What is disclosed in the questioning of the human being in post‐humanism? Addressing this question in congruence with Heidegger's questioning of being in Being and Time, we end up with two discoveries: first, that the characteristic of Dasein, as the being of the questioning, already carries the same implications as the post‐human figure, and second, that questioning in this sense is indicative of the effort of realizing anew scientific space for conceptualizing the human being as non‐substantialist. Conceived of in this way, however, post‐humanism is a result of a very human effort indeed.  相似文献   
张勃 《民俗研究》2010,(4):77-92
《帝京景物略》是一个北京人和两个旅居北京多年的他乡人在北京著作的有关北京的一本书,作者在卷二"春场"部分按照时序专门对当时的节日文化和节日生活进行了系统书写,另在一些景观描写中也记述了于兹发生的岁时节日活动。这些记述以较强的可信性、时空结合性、可读性使《帝京景物略》中的岁时民俗记述成为一种优秀的传统民俗志。当前,如何书写怎样的民俗志成为当代职业民俗学者普遍关心的话题,有必要适当加强一下对传统民俗志的研究,从而将传统民俗志对当代民俗志书写的可能贡献落到实处。  相似文献   
基于VRIO框架的饭店资源三维度评价模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
饭店是由各种资源构成的企业组织,饭店资源是与饭店竞争力密切相关的要素。论文在对饭店资源的内涵和结构进行分析的基础上,利用VRIO框架的4个基本问题,构建了饭店资源三维度评价模型。根据该模型,论文对饭店资源的价值性、稀有性和可模仿性分别提出了评价方法,并确定了饭店资源优化的条件。  相似文献   
文物表面的文字是了解历史的关键信息,对文物表面文字信息的探索成为文物保护的重要环节。结合流形学习与光谱解混,提出一种新的文物表面字迹增强方法。首先,利用基于流形学习的等距映射方法对预处理后的高光谱图像进行非线性降维,得到信息量最大的灰度图像;其次,分析文字与背景的光谱特征,通过多层非负矩阵分解方法得到字迹丰度图;然后,将二者进行加权平均得到字迹增强图像,再与合成真彩色影像进行HSV融合,得到字迹融合影像;最后,为更好地辨认文字,在字迹增强图像上裁剪文字并做形态学变换,得到字迹提取图。以云冈石窟第38窟的一景褪色文字高光谱图像为例进行了验证,结果表明,该方法能够有效地增强出文物表面的褪色文字,且较其他增强方法效果更好。  相似文献   
随着信息科学的快速发展,虚拟仿真技术在田野考古以及文化遗产保护工作中已得到广泛的应用并展现出巨大的价值。基于虚拟仿真技术开发的数字化实验,也成为理论与实践之外,高校人才培养的一种创新性教学方式。此前以考古发掘为内容的虚拟仿真工作中往往只能提供某一特定状态下的静态展示,无法全面反映古遗址整体的堆积情况,而据此开发的考古发掘实验中也难以实现对发掘工作过程的模拟。究其原因,三维模型是虚拟仿真工作的核心基础,而传统建模方法一般只能得到模拟建模对象外表面特征的"面模型",却缺失内部数据,因此难以实现对古遗址等内部结构复杂对象的模拟,也难以实现高水平的仿真互动以模拟考古发掘工作过程。体素模型,也称三维栅格模型,是通过三维空间中一系列连续排列的基元矩阵实现对立体对象的表达。这些基元被称为体素,如同海量的像素有序排列可以构成精细的二维图像,当海量的体素如积木般被拼搭起来则可以最大限度还原立体对象的整体特征。近年来,体素模型已开始应用于考古发掘虚拟仿真实验的开发。相关工作充分展示出体素模型技术在考古发掘实验领域的技术优势:首先,体素模型可以实现对空间实体由表及里的整体模拟,所以在表达如古遗址等非均质对象复杂的内部结构关系时,在仿真度方面具有显著优势。其次,通过对体素单元的编辑,可以实现模型分解、重塑等面模型无法支持的互动操作,从而满足模型根据用户的随机操作实时呈现非预设的高自由度变化的效果。应用体素模型技术,以真实田野考古发掘工作数据为基础,郑州大学历史学院开发的"田野考古发掘虚拟仿真实验"通过精细的遗址模型设计与操作设计,实现了对地层堆积情况较为复杂的古代遗址的高准确度模拟以及对于考古发掘工作过程与技术要点的高仿真度模拟。该实验已经应用于考古文博等专业的人才培养,作为传统实验教学模式的补充,可以有效提升教学质量。而该实验通过网络平台向全社会开放,也可成为公众考古宣传的新途径。  相似文献   
This article considered glazed tiles excavated from the Ming Imperial Palace site in Nanjing as the research object. Glazed tiles were selected and analyzed via vacuum porosimeter, thermal dilation (TD), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) to determine their physical property, firing temperature, phase composition, and chemical composition, respectively. Results show that the firing temperature of body belongs to the temperature range (of 950–1,100°C), whereas the water absorption and apparent porosity are large. The phase composition of glazed tile bodies is the same (predominantly quartz and mullite). However, some samples contain trace amounts of rutile, hematite, sodalite, and orthoclase. The firing temperature combined with the phase composition indicates that the raw material and firing process of glazed tile body samples have similarities, which embody of the strict and unified management system of the official kiln. The raw materials of glazed tile body in the Ming Imperial Palace site may come from Dangtu glazed kiln, whereas the rest of the samples remains to be explored. This study provides a scientific basis for understanding the evolution of glazed tile-making technology in ancient China, and is important for the protection and repair of glazed buildings in the Ming Dynasty.  相似文献   
采用有毒化学药品防治动物标本害虫是博物馆使用的传统消杀方法。然而,考虑到化学药品对公众健康的潜在危害,迫切需要寻找更为安全的防治方法。采用安全无毒的-20℃低温冷冻法对标本害虫白腹皮蠹进行消杀实验,结果显示防治效果显著,寄生于动物标本皮毛的白腹皮蠹成虫在6小时内全部死亡。同时,研究结果还显示降温速度和标本制作材料的隔热特性是影响防治效果的重要因素。随着低温平衡时间的延长,害虫对低温冷冻的适应能力将逐渐增强,最终导致害虫消杀时间显著延长。此研究工作为博物馆采用安全无毒的低温冷冻法防治标本害虫提供了参考数据。  相似文献   
新冠疫情留下了深刻的集体记忆.抗击疫情的事件、人物、器具、场所、文献等,形成了特定的灾难记忆与文化空间,值得保存、纪念、展示和反思.灾难记忆可通过空间形式来存储和再现,并对记忆进行提炼和延伸,形成特定的灾难型纪念空间,诸如用博物馆再现抗疫篇章、用文化空间再造抗疫地标、用文化符号致敬抗疫英雄、用名录表达对逝者的敬重等.建...  相似文献   
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