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Archaeologists use a method of evaluating the characteristics of flakes, called scoring, to distinguish geofacts (pseudo-artefacts or eoliths) from artefacts. Lower total scores are considered indicative of a natural source of the finds, while higher ones support the opposite. However, this method has some limitations. The most important are the small quantity of assemblages subject to such an analysis and the unclear boundary drawn by a ranking within a point-based score evaluation between collections with finds of cultural and anthropic origin. Here, we present a method that minimizes these limitations. It consists of a statistical approach using scoring percentages, a new method of visualizing them and the application of clustering. This way, we obtained clear differences between pseudo-artefacts and artefacts by considering flakes from six flint assemblages from Central Europe as well as an experimental assemblage.  相似文献   
采用有毒化学药品防治动物标本害虫是博物馆使用的传统消杀方法。然而,考虑到化学药品对公众健康的潜在危害,迫切需要寻找更为安全的防治方法。采用安全无毒的-20℃低温冷冻法对标本害虫白腹皮蠹进行消杀实验,结果显示防治效果显著,寄生于动物标本皮毛的白腹皮蠹成虫在6小时内全部死亡。同时,研究结果还显示降温速度和标本制作材料的隔热特性是影响防治效果的重要因素。随着低温平衡时间的延长,害虫对低温冷冻的适应能力将逐渐增强,最终导致害虫消杀时间显著延长。此研究工作为博物馆采用安全无毒的低温冷冻法防治标本害虫提供了参考数据。  相似文献   
新冠疫情留下了深刻的集体记忆.抗击疫情的事件、人物、器具、场所、文献等,形成了特定的灾难记忆与文化空间,值得保存、纪念、展示和反思.灾难记忆可通过空间形式来存储和再现,并对记忆进行提炼和延伸,形成特定的灾难型纪念空间,诸如用博物馆再现抗疫篇章、用文化空间再造抗疫地标、用文化符号致敬抗疫英雄、用名录表达对逝者的敬重等.建...  相似文献   
杨官寨遗址位于高陵县姬家乡杨官寨村四组,地处泾河下游北岸的一级阶地上,南距泾河约1公里,海拔498.5米,面积约为80万平方米,为关中地区新石器时代中晚期所罕见中心聚落遗址。2004年以来陕西省考古研究院对该遗  相似文献   
以《古史辨》的编著为机缘,吕思勉与顾颉刚、童书业等人建立了长期的学术交往关系。吕思勉尽管参加了《古史辨》的编著工作,但在审查古书、考辨古史的观念和方法上,却有自己的一套独到的见解,透过这些见解,可以看到他与顾颉刚等人古史理论的异同。  相似文献   
第二轮志书编修中需要探索与研究的5个共性问题是:1·改革与开放是两个问题,应分开记述;2·要准确、客观地记述负面信息;3·要根据当今社会的客观实际来处理越境而书;4·要遵循以人为本的原则,加大以事系人的力度;5·要确保大事记的时限范围与志书上、下限相吻合,并以纪事本末的记述形式来设立大事纪略。  相似文献   
The article has a double focus: explaining the so-far obscure origins of children’s fashion in the later eighteenth century and putting its emergence in the context of the ‘grand narrative’ concerning the ‘discovery of childhood’ during this pivotal period. Contrary to Rousseau’s famous dismissal of the hussar suit, the role of ‘fancy dress’ inspiration in the development of children’s fashions for the first time purposefully meant to distinguish the (male) child from the grown-ups and, concurrent with the Enlightenment’s ideas on childhood, emerges as central rather than marginal. The repertory of styles adopted for boys’ wear is shown to have been inspired by various ethnic and historical dress traditions rooted in the fascination with masquerade characteristic of the Rococo culture but harnessed to express the emerging new attitudes. Among them, special attention is given to inspirations by Polish national dress.

Second, the article takes on the argument presented by Daniel Thomas Cook in his inspiring article in Textile History, 42, no. 1 (2011). Having acknowledged the foundational role of fashion history in the emergence of childhood studies, Cook regards its present status as peripheral. He dismisses the underlying premise of its principal ‘grand narrative’ as based on a fruitless distinction between utility (and functionality) and fashion rather than the invention or discovery of the ‘child’ and ‘childhood’. While partially accepting Cook’s criticism, the article argues that the ‘grand narrative’, thus modified and expanded, retains its usefulness. In the nineteenth century, the ‘fancy dress’ and ‘playfulness’ theme continued, reflected in the most popular children’s styles (sailor suit, Little Lord Fauntleroy suit) and a range of others, temporarily or locally prominent, and intertwining with multifarious cultural, artistic, social and commercial developments.  相似文献   
秦博 《史学月刊》2020,(4):45-58
明代的勋卫与散骑舍人是宫廷侍卫中的特殊成员。明初,勋卫、散骑舍人均从勋贵、都督、指挥等中高级将领的子弟中选任,并铨注于锦衣卫衙门,职在带刀随从帝王朝会。明中期之后,散骑舍人渐不授,而勋卫演变为勋爵应袭子孙例授之职,与勋爵承袭制度密切相关。至嘉靖、隆庆之际,朝廷尝试扩展部分勋卫的职权,但总体成效不显。勋卫、散骑舍人制度是明代多种国家制度的结合点,体现了明代军政体制中的贵族特征。  相似文献   
论文聚焦于晚清南洋各埠中华商会的创办及其在保障当地华人华商权益、增进海内外同胞沟通与交流等方面所发挥的作用,从章程文书和案例两个视角剖析南洋中华商会的角色定位。20世纪初,清政府倡导创办商会,南洋各埠华商积极响应。由于清政府在海外的护侨保侨作用有限,南洋中华商会在近代海外华人社会中扮演着多重角色。它不仅是商业联合组织,更是维护海外华侨权益、增进海内外同胞交流的重要支柱。早期中华商会的一系列努力奠定了其在海外华侨社会中的影响与地位,并延续至今。  相似文献   
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